
Convert Xml to Table SQL Server

I wonder how can i read a xml data and transform it to a table in TSQL? For example: <row> <IdInvernadero>8</IdInvernadero> <IdProducto>3</IdProducto> <IdCaracteristica1>8</IdCaracteristica1> <IdCaracteristica2>8</IdCaracteristica2> <Cantidad>25</Cantidad> <Folio>4568457</Folio> </row> <row> <IdInvernadero>3...

sql resultset records numbering ?

I want to number the rows in my result set. I want some way I can have a result set of 3 records use some SQL keyword to generate a column that would read 1,2,3 for watch of the records... I know I can make a temp table with an auto increment column but i wanted to know if there was a way I can get this back from a SQL query? SELECT r...

Replacing PK's in Existing SQL DB Tables

Right now I have a DB where the PK's are int IDENTITY. I recently, in the last year, was tasked with adding these to a Replication Topology. This has worked out quite well with the exception of the IDENTITY fields. I want to explore my options for changing or replacing them with a uniqeidentifier(GUID). Is it feasible to insert a NEW ...

Sql criteria filter as comma del string

I have a stored proc defines as follows. PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetSales](@dateFilter nvarchar(50)) AS BEGIN SELECT sum(Amount) FROM Sales WHERE SalesDate in (' + @dateFilter + ') group by SalesDate END to select data from this table Id SalesDate Amount 1 Apr-2010 40.25 2 May-2010 12.10 3 Jun-2...

Transfer Role Securable permissions across databases

Would like to know is there a way to script to transfer securables accorss database. ...

SQL Server Database Mirroring without witness

I have setup Database mirroring for SQL Server 2005 for my database on two different SQL Server machines. There is no witness server used here. I also see the status "Principal/Synchronized" and "Mirror,Synchronized/Restoring" respectively on Primary and Mirror servers for my database. Now I wanted to test whether the failover to mirror...

Regex for a serial number in T-SQL

I'm a novice at regexs and am currently trying to come up with a simple regex that searches for a serial number in the following format: 0217103200XX, where "XX" can each be a numeric digit. I'm using SQL Server Management Studio to pass the regex as a parameter in a stored procedure. I'm not sure if the syntax is any different from ot...

Searching in SQL Management Studio 2005

Is there a way to search for text within stored procedures? For example I want to find out if a particular table is being referenced by any stored procedure. ...

SQL Server: Computed Expression error

Here's a table with a computed column in SQL Server 2005: CREATE TABLE footable AS [identifier] nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, [result] AS CASE WHEN [identifier] like '%\[%]' escape '\' THEN LEFT( [identifier], CHARINDEX('[',[identifier]) - 1 ) END Here's what I'm expecting: identifier result ======================...

Select non duplicate values from rows that are less than a specified number of minutes apart

I have a huge table with the following format: DATETIME NUMBER -------------------------------------- 2009-03-31 16:05:52.000 2453651622 2009-03-31 16:16:12.000 30206080 2009-03-31 16:16:16.000 16890039 2009-03-31 16:16:28.000 2452039696 2009-03-31 16:16:33.000 140851934 2009-03-31 16:16:51.000 245312...

Skip rows in query based on data

I have data as follow DECLARE @tmp TABLE(cid int, colspan int, rowspan int, corder int) INSERT INTO @tmp SELECT 1,2,null,1 UNION SELECT 2,null,null,2 UNION SELECT 3,null,null,3 UNION SELECT 4,3,null,4 UNION SELECT 5,null,null,5 UNION SELECT 6,null,null,6 UNION SELECT 7,null,null,7 I want to query to return cid colspan rowspan cor...

Sql Server2005 query problem

i have a table which contains the following fields Supervisorid Empid This is just like a referral program. A guy can refer 3 guys under him i.e, 3 is referring three guys namely 4 5 8 similarly 4 is referring 9 10 and 11 likewise 8 is referring 12, 13 it goes like this.. I want a query to get the total no of down line members under...

Sql Server2005 problem

EXACT duplicate of Sql Server2005 query problem i have a table which contains the following fields •Supervisorid •Empid This is just like a referral program. A guy can refer 3 guys under him i.e, 3 is referring three guys namely 4 5 8 similarly 4 is referring 9 10 and 11 likewise 8 is referring 12, 13 it goes like this.. I want a ...

error while locating .sdf file on ASP.NET server

Hi friends , I have done a web project ( using C# + SQL CE + ASP.NET )where it does few manupulation with .sdf file and results are displaye via ASP.net page . While i started working I hardcoded the path of the connection string and worked in my system . Now I want this database to be residing inside my server page. How do i get t...

SQL Server: BCP vs SQLCMD - what is more efficient?

I'm writing a program in c# to export SQL Server data from one database and importing it in another. Since these two servers are not connected I need to choose a method such as bcp. What are the differences between these two? Is one more efficient than the other? And in what scenarios? What are the known limitations/compatibility issu...

Query Runs fast, but runs slow in Stored proc

I am doing some tests using the SQL 2005 profiler. I have a stored procedure which simply runs one SQL query. When I run the stored procedure, it takes a long time and performs 800,000 disk reads. When I run the same query separate to the stored procedure, it does 14,000 disk reads. I found that if I run the same query with OPTION(re...

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted

i have a table which contains the following fields Supervisorid Empid This is just like a referral program. A guy can refer 3 guys under him i.e, 3 is referring three guys namely 4 5 8 similarly 4 is referring 9 10 and 11 likewise 8 is referring 12, 13 it goes like this.. I want a query to get all EmpId under a guy say 3 Below is ...

Group by problem

I need to group by ,even if is there a difference in values for a column by converting to a text value and needs that text value to be included in select list How is this possibe? SELECT col1,col2 FROM ( SELECT col1,col2 FROM table1 UNION ALL SELECT col1,col2 FROM table2 UNION ALL SE...

Foreign key relationship with composite primary keys in SQL Server 2005

I have two tables Table1(FileID,BundledFileID,Domain) and Table2(FileID,FileType,FileName). In Table2 FileID and FileType are the composite primary key. I want to create a foreign key relationship from Table1.FileID to Table2. Is it possible to do this? Then how plz help. I am using SQL Server 2005 ...

How to login to SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio?

Hello I've just installed SQL Server 2005 Express and I'm trying to login to Management Studio but I don't know what the "Server Name" is to be able to login. I've tried: localhost\SQLEXPRESS\SQLEXPRESS SQLEXPRESS <computer name>\SQLEXPRESS <username>\SQLEXPRESS The authentication mode is Windows Authentication. The error...