
Date Conversion with SQL Server/Reporting Services

I have 2 fields in the database month (numeric) and year (numeric) and I want to combine them in a report that combines those 2 fields and format them with MMM-YYYY. e.g 7-2008 becomes Jul-2008. How do I do that? ...

SQL Server Management Studio 2005 "Remember Password" doesn't work

Folks, I connect to a large number of SQL Server 2005 databases through SQL Server Management Studio 2005. I frequently check off "Remember password", yet the next time I try to connect it doesn't actually remember it. Have you had this experience? Any workarounds? ...

SQL sub-query problem with grouping, average

In MS Transact SQL, let's say I have a table (Orders) like this: Order Date Order Total Customer # 09/30/2008 8.00 1 09/15/2008 6.00 1 09/01/2008 9.50 1 09/01/2008 1.45 2 09/16/2008 4.50 2 09/17/2008 8.75 3 09/18/2008 ...

How can I copy data records between two instances of an SQLServer database

I need to copy some records from our SQLServer 2005 test server to our live server. It's a flat lookup table, so no foreign keys or other referential integrity to worry about. I could key-in the records again on the live server, but this is tiresome. I could export the test server records and table data in its entirety into an SQL scr...

Automatic Chart Pagination with Report Parameters

Based on several report parameters in SQL Server 2005 reporting services, I would like to automatically generate one or several chart(s) for each row in the return result and paginate or space them out. How do I go about that? ...

Extending chart functionality in SSRS

The default chart object in the SQL Server (2005) Business Intelligence Development Studio doesn't seem to some have formatting options like : specifying the text direction of labels in the x and y axis adding a trendline to a bar chart arbitrarily resizing items in a chart - for example, if I resize the chart object, everything gets r...

Is it possible to rename an SQL Server 2005 instance

I would like to change the name of my SQL Server instance. Is there a simple way of doing this or is a significant effort required? Note, this is a named instance - not the default instance. ...

Hooking up Reporting Services 2005SP2 to SQL Server 2008

I am trying to configure Reporting Services 2005SP2 on a machine with SQL 2008 on another hosting the ReportServer DB. When I create the ReportServerDB the DB is created as version C.0.9.45: When, afterwards, I try to initialise Reporting Services, I get an error about an incorrect version number. Reporting Services created a ReportSer...

can I configure hibernate properties to connect without using an instance name to sql server 2005?

Hi, Can I configure hibernate properties to connect without using an instance name to sql server 2005? I need to force it to use localhost as the hostname and not specify the instance (same as you can do with the sql server enterprise manager). Ta! T ...

SQL 2005 DB Partitioning for SharePoint

Background I have a massive db for a SharePoint site collection. It is 130GB and growing at 10gb per month. 100GB of the 130GB is in one site collection. 30GB is the version table. There is only one site collection - this is by design. Question Am I able to partition a database (SharePoint) using SQL 2005s data partitioning feature...

How to get SQL Profiler to monitor trigger execution

I have a trace setup for SQL Server Profiler to monitor SQL that is executed on a database. I recently discovered that trigger execution is not included in the trace. After looking through available events for a trace, I do not see any that look like they would include trigger execution. Does anyone know how to setup a trace to monito...

How do you track the time of replicated rows for Subscribers in SQL Server 2005?

The basic problem is like this: A subscriber has successfully replicated a row from the publisher, using transactional replication. Now, how do we keep track the time of this row being last successfully replicated? A friend has suggested the following solution, which he used for his SQL Server 2000: 1) Add a datetime column. 2) Change...

How does a "Schema changed after the target table was created" error occur?

I hit this error while my web application was trying to execute a SELECT INTO on a MSSQL 2005 database. I really have two questions: What does this error mean and how does this happen? Is there a way to prevent these errors by coding in a different way? ...

SQL count query

Hi why doesn't this work in SQL Server 2005? select HALID, count(HALID) as CH from Outages.FaultsInOutages where CH > 3 group by HALID I get invalid column name 'CH' ...

Sql Server 2005 how to change dbo login name

I have a database with user 'dbo' that has a login name "domain\xzy". How do I change it from "domain\xzy" to "domain\abc". ...

SQL Server 2005 encryption trigger

Hello, I have a script that successfully encrypts a credit card. I need it to work as a trigger, so that any insert done to the creditcard column automatically encrypts it. Right now, my trigger works BUT the creditcard column is a varchar. When an app tries to insert, I do this: DECLARE @encryptedCreditCardNumber varbinary(max) SET @...

Spawning multiple SQL tasks in SQL Server 2005

I have a number of stored procs which I would like to all run simultaneously on the server. Ideally all on the server without reliance on connections to an external client. What options are there to launch all these and have them run simultaneously (I don't even need to wait until all the processes are done to do additional work)? I h...

Sql Server 2005 Connection Limit...

Is there a connection limit on Sql Server 2005 Developers Edition. We have many threads grabbing connections, and I know ADO.NET does connection pooling, but I get OutOfMemory exceptions. We take out the db connections and it works fine. ...

Very poor (non-completing) performance of UNION in SQL Server 2005

Warning: this is the actual code generated from my system: ;WITH RESULTS AS ( SELECT 1174 AS BatchRunID, 'STATINV' AS Program, m.APPL_CD, m.ALBASE, 'CountFocusRecords' AS Measure, COUNT(*) AS Value FROM [MISWork].[SX_FOCUS_NATIVE_200806] AS m WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN MISProcess.SXProcessCatalog AS cat WITH(NOLOCK) ON cat.APPL_CD = m.APPL...

SSRS 2005 help - need to get file size from within TSQL (path specified in column). Anyone?

I need to get the Folder size and display the info on a report (SSRS). I need to do this for a number of Databases (loop!). These DB's are websites' backends. Has anyone done this before? Can you please point me to some samples or right direction? Does xp_filesize and the like the right solution? Help! ...