
Sql 2005 Express edition slow connections

I'm running SqlServer 2005 express edition on my laptop for development purposes. It seems that when I open a connection to the database, the setup time is REALLY slow. It can take up to 10 seconds to get a connection. I usually have multiple connections open at the same time (Profiler, Development environment, Query Analyser, etc.) I ha...

SQL 2005 Foreign key between another base

Is it possible to create in a table of database a foreign key to a column of table in another database in SQL 2005 ? ...

How to remotely run a DTSX package from bat file?

I am trying to remotely run a DTSX package from a bat file with this command: DTEXEC /DTS "\File System\MY_PACKAGE_NAME" /SERVER MY_SERVER_NAME /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V This is working fine locally but failing remotely (I do have admin rights on the machine I am pointing to and I have SQL permissions as w...

Parameterized Sql queries

This is a nut I'm cracking these days Application I'm working on has some advanced processing towards SQL. One of the operations selects various metadata on the objects in the current context from different tables, based on the item names in the collection. For this, a range of "select...from...where...in()" is executed, and to prevent ...

SQL Server 2005 Computed Column Result From Aggregate Of Another Table Field's Value

Sorry for the long question title. I guess I'm on to a loser on this one but on the off chance. Is it possible to make the calculation of a calculated field in a table the result of an aggregate function applied to a field in another table. i.e. You have a table called 'mug', this has a child called 'color' (which makes my UK head hu...

How do you find which database a table is located in, of which you know the name (e.g. dbo.mytable1), in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2005?

I know the name of the table I want to find. I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2005, and I want to search all databases in the database server that I'm attached to in the studio. Is this possible? Do I need to query the system tables? ...

XML add <a> hyperlink

Hi, I have a xml blob that's checked against a schema in sql 2005. My website uses xsl to transform and display the blob. How do I add a hyperlink to the xml (in any node) without the sql 2005 schema complaining a node was found in the wrong place? Or the xsl thinking that the hyperlink is a valid xml node? thank you ...

How to INSERT an array of values in SQL Server 2005?

How do I write the SQL code to INSERT (or UPDATE) an array of values (with probably an attendant array of fieldnames, or with a matrix with them both) without simple iteration? ...

SQL Server Service Broker Issue & Tutorials

I've been looking into implementing an external activator in SQL Server Express 2005, and I added the queues, services, contracts, and event notifications to the database. I also added a trigger to send a message to the target queue. Everything parses, runs, and the trigger is firing. However, when I select from the target queue, or use ...

Simple way to programmatically get all stored procedures

Is there a way to get stored procedures from a SQL 2005 Express database using C#? I would like to export all of this data in the same manner that you can script it our using SQL Management Studio, without having to install the GUI. I've seen some references to do thing via the PowerShell but in the end a C# console app is what I reall...

Change SQL Server 2005 Server Collation

I need to set up an instance of SQL Server 2005 with SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin as the server collation (the vendor did not take into accounting looking at DB collation for a bunch of things so stored procedures and temp tables default to the server level and the default collation will not work). During the install for SQL Server it di...

What is an efficient method of paging through very large result sets in SQL Server 2005?

EDIT: I'm still waiting for more answers. Thanks! In SQL 2000 days, I used to use temp table method where you create a temp table with new identity column and primary key then select where identity column between A and B. When SQL 2005 came along I found out about Row_Number() and I've been using it ever since... But now, I found a se...

Is it possible to order by any column given a stored procedure parameter in SQL Server?

I was looking into sorting tables by a column designated given some input, and from what I've found, there is no easy way to do this. The best I've found is a switch statement: SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4 FROM Table ORDER BY CASE WHEN @OrderBY = 'Column1' THEN Column1 WHEN @OrderBY = 'Column2' THEN Column2 ...

Not getting the correct count in SQL

Hi, I am totally new to SQL. I have a simple select query similar to this: SELECT COUNT(col1) FROM table1 There are some 120 records in the table and shown on the GUI. For some reason, this query always returns a number less than the actual count. Can somebody please help me? ...

SQL Server 2005 Setting a variable to the result of a select query

How do I set a variable to the result of select query without using a stored procedure? ...

Executing a stored procedure within a stored procedure

Hi, I would like to execute a stored procedure within a stored procedure eg EXEC SP1 BEGIN EXEC SP2 END But I only want SP1 to finish after SP2 has finished running so I need to find a way for SP1 to wait for SP2 to finish before SP1 ends. Thanks ...

Stored procedure not being executed within another stored procedure

Hi, I have found that SP2 doesn't execute from within SP1 when SP1 is executed. Below is the structure of SP1: ALTER PROCEDURE SP1 AS BEGIN Declare c1 cursor.... open c1 fetch next from c1 ... while @@fetch_status = 0 Begin ... Fetch Next from c1 end close c1 deallocate c1 exec sp2 end ...

Reset @@FETCH_STATUS stored procedure

Hi, How can I reset the @@FETCH_STATUS variable or set it to 0 in a stored procedure? ...

"Favorites" or "macros" in SQL Server Management studio?

I have a few databases that I always use SQL Server Management Studio with. I'd like to be able to create a toolbar button or keyboard shortcut that automatically opens a new query window (in the current SSMS instance) and connects to a given (registered, perhaps) database. That's it. That's all I need. And this ashtray, and the paddl...

Dynamic SELECT TOP @var In SQL Server

How can I have a dynamic variable setting the amount of rows to return in SQL Server? Below is not valid syntax in SQL Server 2005+: DECLARE @count int SET @count = 20 SELECT TOP @count * FROM SomeTable ...