
Performance problems with SQL Server Management Studio

I'm running Sql Server Management Studio 2008 on a decent machine. Even if it is the only thing open with no other connections to the database, anything that has to do with the Database Diagram or simple schema changes in a designer take up to 10 minutes to complete and SQL Management Studio is unresponsive during that time. The same S...

Reporting Services Report Deployment / downgrading problem

I have a reporting services project with lots of reports developed in SQL server business intelligence development studio that comes with sql server 2008. I want to deploy these reports to a server that has reporting services 2005 only but the deployment is failing. I'm wondering if any one around here has been able to deploy reports dev...

JOIN Performance: Composite key versus BigInt Primary Key

We have a table that is going to be say 100 million to a billion rows (Table name: Archive) This table will be referenced from another table, Users. We have 2 options for the primary key on the Archive table: option 1: dataID (bigint) option 2: userID + datetime (4 byte version). Schema: Users - userID (int) Archive - userID - d...

Is it possible to restore a SQL 7 DB to SQL 2008?

I have an old SQL 7 DB .bak file I am trying to work with now. I tried to restore the backup in SQL 2008, but it said that it was unable to work with the file. Does anyone know how I could restore this DB? ...

TSQL Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

Hi. I need to write a T-SQL stored procedure that updates a row in a table. If the row doesn't exist, insert it. All this steps wrapped by a transaction. This is for a booking system, so it must be atomic and reliable. It must return true if the transaction was commited and the flight booked. I'm new to T-SQL, and not sure on how to u...

SQL Server UDT sizes 2005 to 2008

In SQL Server 2005, we defined some UDT (User Defined Datatypes) on in particular was SK (for Surrogate Key). These were defined as 32 bit 'int'. And consequently the size was 4 bytes. In SQL Server 2008, the UDT for the integer datatypes uses a different storage mechanism, depending upon the precision: Storage Displays the max...

Fastest way to bulk insert rows into sql server

Hi, Via a web service, remote computers will be sending a set of rows to insert into our central sql server. What is the best way (performance wise) to insert these rows? There could be anywhere from 50-500 rows to insert each time. I know I can do a bulk insert or format the data as XML that insert it that way, but I've never done t...

Performance questions for SQL Cache Dependency

I'm working on a project where we are thinking of using SQLCacheDependency with SQL Server 2005/2008 and we are wondering how this will affect the performance of the system. So we are wondering about the following questions Can the number of SQLCacheDependency objects (query notifications) have negative effect on SQL Server performance...

Using bulk insert for 2000 rows of data

Hi, Would using bulk insert for 2000 rows of data make sense? It might be 500-2K in reality. BTW, does bulk inserts ignore constraint or is that a setting? (using sql server 2008, .net on the server side, data is coming in via a web service (wse or WCF)). ...

Does sql profiler show you the paramater values that were passed in?

Hi, I'm using this 3rd party sql tracing application because I have sql server express 2008 installed (just a trial version). It only shows the sql passed into the server, with the parameters like @p1 and not that actual value of the parameter, which to me is not all that usefull. Does the built in sql profiler show you the actual val...

sql profiler for sql express 2008 that shows the query with parameter info

Duplicate of: Does sql profiler show you the paramater values that were passed in? (Asked by same user.) Hi, I need a sql profiler that will show all the sql (raw sql or sproc) that are called to a database, along with the parameters passed into the queries. I don't mind a commercial product if it has a trial. ...

Sql server 2008 log will not truncate. Driving me CRAZY!

I consider myself a very experienced SQL person. But I'm and failing to do these two things: Reduce the size of the allocated log. Truncate the log. DBCC sqlperf(logspace) returns: Database Name Log Size (MB) Log Space Used (%) Status ByBox 1964.25 30.0657 0 The following does not work with SQL 2008 DUMP TRANSACTION ByBo...

Why doesn't SQL Server fail when the result of an UPDATE is ambiguous?

I have two tables, a destination for the update: create table dest (value int) insert into dest values (0) and a source: create table source (value int) insert into source values (4) insert into source values (1) If I run this query: UPDATE dest SET value = (select value from source WHERE 1=1) SQL Server fails with: Subquery re...

Upgrade database from SQL Server 2005 to 2008 — and rebuild full-text indexes?

I upgraded from Sql Server 2005 to Sql Server 2008. I backed up the data in SQL Server 2005, and then I restored in SQL Server 2008. Next, I found the catalog under "Storage->Full Text Catalogs", and I right-clicked on it, and am trying to rebuild the Full-Text Catalog. The database is only 600mb. However, it keeps running for hours, and...

Most Efficient Method to Detect Column Change in MS SQL Server

Our system runs on SQL Server 2000, and we are in the process of preparing for an upgrade to SQL Server 2008. We have a lot of trigger code where we need to detect a change in a given column and then operate on that column if it has changed. Obviously SQL Server provides the UPDATE() and COLUMNS_UPDATED() functions, but these functions...

SSRS 2008: Passing Parameters to linked report

I have a report table with all the combinations of dimensions as generated by the parameters set by the user. Each row contains 1 combination and a link to another report with charts. How do I pass that combination of parameters/dimensions to that other report? In the row, I have a textbox Action which has a "Go to report" hyperlink. I...

What are equivalent C# datatypes for the new "date", "time" and "datetimeoffset" types?

What are the most suitable equivalent C# datatypes for the new "date", "time" and "datetimeoffset" datatypes in Sql Server 2008? ...

What is datetime2?

I´ve got this in a INSERT statment to MSSQL 2008 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. ...

SQL Server 2008 Sparse Columns - Inverses

SQL Server 2008 introduces the notion of sparse columns - where only a few of a very large number of rows have a value. We want to use this concept but the major use is to create a view where the sparse column IS NULL. Not the more usual - NOT IS NULL. Microsoft say the sparse column and associated index is optimized for retrieval o...

Can I get sql server 2008 enterprise as a trial version for free?

Can I get sql server 2008 enterprise as a trial version for free? specifically I want to get profiler (I want the profiler made my MS, not that open source version) ...