
[ADO.NET ERRROR]: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file HelloWorld.mdf failed...

Anyone seen this before? CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:\Documents and Settings\..\App_Data\HelloWorld.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share. I'm asking on a friend...

Using Windows XP as a SQL Server

I was wondering if anyone knew of any limitations to using Windows XP as a File and SQL server. I am asking because one of the applications we sell, requires the customer to setup a server for filesharing and as a SQL Server. We already allow them to use SQL Express, but we wanted to see if we can suggest Windows XP as a low cost alterna...

SqlServer Express slow performance

Yesterday, I did a stress test for a .NET web application. I did this for 2 reasons, I wanted to see what performance was like under real world conditions and also to make sure we hadn't missed any problems during testing. We had 30 concurrent users in the application using it as they would during the normal course of their jobs. Most us...

sqlserver express database copy options

Why can i not see an option for copying database objects when i right click > tasks on my database? ...

SQL Server Express DB is 'in recovery' - how to detect / know when it is

when an SQL Server Express DB is 'in recovery', you are unable to connect using SQL Authentication. Is there a simple way of determining the stat of the DB prior to connecting to it? (Using .Net) ...

Windows 2008 VPS hosting experiences

Whilst similar questions exist, I couldn't find any which quite match my request. I'm looking for hosting for some personal .NET projects which for various reasons I do not want to host on our servers at work. I need to be able to host multiple sites and for that reason I'm thinking of a VPS with RDP access for the time being - don't fa...

How can I determine installed SQL Server instances and their versions?

I'm trying to determine what instances of sql server/sql express I have installed (either manually or programmatically) but all of the examples are telling me to run a SQL query to determine this which assumes I'm already connected to a particular instance. ...

SQL 2005 Express Edition - Install new instance

Looking for a way to programatically, or otherwise, add a new instance of SQL 2005 Express Edition to a system that already has an instance installed. Traditionally, you run Micrsoft's installer like I am in the command line below and it does the trick. Executing the command in my installer is not the issue, it's more a matter of dragg...

SQL Server Service Broker Issue & Tutorials

I've been looking into implementing an external activator in SQL Server Express 2005, and I added the queues, services, contracts, and event notifications to the database. I also added a trigger to send a message to the target queue. Everything parses, runs, and the trigger is firing. However, when I select from the target queue, or use ...

SQL Express for production?

Is using SQL Express in a production environment a reasonable choice? I looked at Microsoft's comparison chart: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/prodinfo/features/compare-features.mspx I would be using SQL Express with a small to mid-sized web site. I don't believe I would exceed the 4GB database size limit. Is SQL Express typically sup...

Will a database generated from SQL Server Express work with the main version of SQL ?

I want to create a SQL Server Express database on my local machine and then upload it to a website that will be using the full SQL Server software - can I do this ? ...

What are the limitations on using SSRS with SQL Server 2005 Express edition?

I found this extremely old document which appears to say that many of the web client features are not availiable when running on express edition--scheduling, subscription, etc--as well as no access to the report builder. Is that information still current, and are there any other features which are unavailable? ...

What services are required by SQL Express/SQL Server?

One of our partners recently reported that our software could not contact a remote instance of SQL Express until they started the RPC Locator and SQL Server Browser services. Where would I find a list of services that must be running, on both server and client, to enable remote access to SQL Express and/or SQL Server? Sadly, the SQL Exp...

Connection Strings modification after the deployment

Hi, I created the setup project for the application and I can see that the later modifications of the configuration file (Application.exe.config) don't affect the application execution. I am developing an application with the database file included and I want to enable users to move the database file and modify connection strings. Doe...

How to get BIDS for Visual Studio 2008 SP1?

I currently use Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and have been migrating older projects into VS2008 but existing SSIS and SSRS (2005) projects have not been compatible with VS2008. It has been a pain to maintain those BIDS projects as a separate solution. I have been considering upgrading to SQL2008 but because our dev, test and production platf...

Deploy application with SQLExpress

Hi, I've been creating some applications with SQLExpress and find myself, scripting the database creation, tables and other entities etc. after application installation. Is this the normal way? Thanks ...

Inheritance question - retrieving data from Access database file and SQL Express

Hi, I am developing an application which will be connected to Access database at the beginning and the plan is to switch to MS SQL or SQL Express in the near future. The datatables structures are same for both types of databases and I am trying to avoid duplicating the code and trying to find the way to minimize the code. For example I...

Silent Installation of SQl Express 2005

Can anyone please let me know the procedure to perform silent installation of SQL Server Express 2005 and the way to specify the installation parameters. ...

Installing sql server express: VS2008 sp1 problem

I am trying to install SQL server express 2008 on my machine. I get an error message that says that older version of VS 2008 in installed on the computer. Upgrade to VS2008 SP1 before installing Sql server 2008. I tried to install sp1 but I get an error message that a compatible version of vs2008 is not detected on the system. the upgr...

How do you upgrade a SQL Express Database to SQL Server Workgroup or Standard?

I have a website that was originally developed using a SQL Express database in the App_Data folder. Now I need to take upgrade it, without loosing any data, to SQL Server 2005 Workgroup or Standard. Is there a guide on how to properly upgrade by Microsoft or another source? ...