
Drag and Drop .sql scripts into SQL Management Studio 2008 does NOT work?

In SQL 2000 / Query Analyser, i used to be able to drag-n-drop T-SQL script files from Windows Explorer onto Query Analyser. Cannot do the same in SQL 2008 / Management Studio ? I can obviously do: File / Open / File... Navigate to the file Then Open it. But someone please tell me there is an easier way just like in 2000 ! EDIT 16/7...

Can't connect to local computer via SQL Server 2008 Express Management Studio

HI, folks, Previously, I had a SQL Server 2008 installed, but then I deleted it, and installed SQL Server 2008 Express Management Studio. And now I can't connect to local computer. I get error : A network-related or instance-specific error occured while establishing a connection to SQL server. The server was not found or was...

Customise default 'New Stored Procedure' SSMS 2008 Template

I am trying to customise the default query which is put in place when you click New Stored Procedure... from the Object Explorer on SQL Server Management Studio 2008. I have found how to change the 'Create Stored Procedure (New Menu)' template from the Template Explorer, however this means I will have to keep opening the template explor...

SQL Server Server Management Studio Error "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation"

When I start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, I get an a .NET Framework error. It was installed as part of SQL Server Express. If I click "Continue", I get the usual "Connect to Server" dialog, but I am unable to connect to the local SQL Server. I am able to connect from Visual Studio, so I know its running. I can't figure out...

Cannot start "SQL Server Management Studio Express"

I use SSMSE normally yesterday but today when I started the SSMSE together with Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, the SSMSE window show and then exit immediately. I'd tried several times and also open the Event Viewer to see if any error occured but find nothing. I also went to the Add/Remove Programs and tried to "repair" the program but nothin...

SQL Server 2005, how to copy a Database Diagram to another server

Is there a way to copy a SQL Server Database Diagram to another server? I found this and modified it sightly to copy only one diagram: INSERT INTO dbB.dbo.sysdiagrams SELECT [name],[principal_id],[version],[definition] FROM dbA.dbo.sysdiagrams Where name = 'MyDiagramName' But I need to copy it to another Server (Development to Produ...

Sql 2008 Debugging from Management Studio

How do i attach debugger to Sql 2008 Express edition from Management Studio? ...

Suggestions for creating an in-house marketing campaign database in a Microsoft environment?

Hi all, I'd like to create an in-house solution to store marketing segment, list, campaign, and communication data. Right now nothing is centralized/standardized. Data is located on a variety of SQL servers, Access databases, and Excel spreadsheets. It's been a real pain when it comes to reporting/tracking. I'm in a Microsoft SQL Se...

SQL Server Management Studio 2008 -- Differences between what is seen and what is really in DB?

I altered a stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio database and everything appeared as expected. When my ASP.NET website called that stored procedure, it complained of invalid arguments. After running the alter procedure and then drop/create procedure the website continued to complain of invalid arguments. Furthermore, after re...

SQL Server: How to open .PRC files?

I have old .prc files (SQL Server Stored Procedures) which have exported from SQL Server 2000. Now when I try to open a .prc file using SSMS 2008, I get a bunch of chinese characters and other odd characters. I tried a solution found here, but it did not help. ...

SQL Server SSMS: how to get row numbers for a batch

In SSMS, how can I get SSMS to show row numbers for a batch? I can get row numbers for a query window, but that does not help when an error occurs in batch statement. This feature would help me a lot to find errors from my code. ...

Where do SQL Server Management Studio queries actually execute?

If I am using SQL Server Management Studio on my local machine to execute a query which is manipulating data on one or more remote servers, where does the actual computing take place? Is it using my local resources or that of the remote server? ...

Stupid Question: MSSQL Management Studio 2008 - Database Diagrams - Which way do the keys point?

Yeah silly question. Its been a long time since I have designed a DB as a Database Diagram but the higher ups want to see it. I have totally become confused because I am a coder, not a DBA. I have a main table which contains user id, name, username, password, etc. This main table has the primary key of ID. Should sub tables (such as add...

How to replace a character by a line break in VS or SQL Server Management Studio

How to replace a character (or many characters) by a line break in VS or SQL Server Management Studio using the Find and Replace dialog? ...

Integrate or link to a SQL Server Management Studio Project from with a Visual Studio Solution

While most of the work for my .NET projects is done in Visual Studio, I prefer to work in SQL Server Management Studio [SSMS] (I'm currently using the 2005 version) when editing stored procedures and doing other DB-related tasks for a project. I used to just open a ton of query Windows, commit my alters, and move on, but I recently disc...

How can I get Management Studio 2005 to copy the headers from result sets?

By default when you copy/paste data from a query window in SSMS it does not copy the column headings. How can I get these headers to be copied along with the data? ...

Database Design: Working with SQL Server; Server Management Studio Sucks...MySQL WorkBench Rocks...Alternatives?

Currently I have laid out most of my design in MySQL Workbench. It appears I will be deploying my DB in SQL Server however. So far my experience with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 has sucked due to one flaw. When you save your DB Diagram, it creates the tables in the database. I have attempted design in SSMS which sucke...

When using SQL server management studio generate scripts, not putting guard around triggers.

I'm seeing an interesting behavior difference between my instance and my boss's instance of SSMS. When he uses Tasks->Generate Scripts... for tables, it puts guards around the triggers for that table (If exists...) but when I do the same thing using the same options SSMS doesn't put the guards around the triggers so I get errors if I run...

SQL Server Management Studio: See Object Explorer Details for objects in this folder

I am working with a database hosted at GoDaddy using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (version 10, for SQL Server 2008). I am getting this message: See Object Explorer Details for objects in this folder probably because they have more than 2500 databases there. I can still access everything from the Object Explorer Details, but...

SSMS: Way to use modal dialogs rather than tabs?

Is there a way in SQL Server Management Studio to use modal dialogs to view or edit a View, Stored Procedure or User Defined Function? As it is now anytime you want to see/modify their declaration, it has to be scripted as ALTER VIEW ALTER PROCEDURE ALTER FUNCTION and it is placed on a new dummy tab. i prefer the old fashioned OK C...