
Is normalization necessary on this 2 column table?

I have 2 columns: "string" "int" I set both as primary keys for unique combination. Would searching based on the string column be poorer than normalizing further the string column and having 2 int columns instead? ...

Slow distinct query in SQL Server over large dataset

We're using SQL Server 2005 to track a fair amount of constantly incoming data (5-15 updates per second). We noticed after it has been in production for a couple months that one of the tables has started to take an obscene amount of time to query. The table has 3 columns: id -- autonumber (clustered) typeUUID -- GUID generated before ...

Find all tables with a field containing xml string values

I have an SQL 2005 database and I know that in the database there is a table which has got some xml strings in it. How can I find this table(s)? ...

To get difference between 2 dates

hi guys, I have 2 dates. I want to get number of days between 2 dates in storedprocedure. ...

How can I import data to SQL from CSV or XLS automatically incrementing a string field based on current records in DB?

I need to import data from Excel into a SQL 2000 db. I need to import 6 fields from the worksheet and increment a string field containing an integer padded to 5 characters with leading zeros. This field is not the primary key and the db does not automatically populate this. Also the DB will allow this field to be entered as NULL if this...

SQL Cascading delete without foreign keys?

I have the following tables: Country: Country_ID, CountryName Regions: Region_ID, RegionName, Country_ID Areas: Area_ID, AreaName, RegionID I am not using foreign keys and not planning to do so, all I wanna do now is to be able in one query in the tableAdapter of country table to delete Country and all related regions, areas... How? ...

How to get next sequence number in DB2 using Entity Framework?

I want to retrieve the next sequence number via an adhoc query in Entity Framework. I'm using: LogEntities db = new LogEntities(); ObjectQuery<Int64> seq = db.CreateQuery<Int64>("SELECT AUDITLOG.EVENTID_SEQ.NEXTVAL from sysibm.sysdummy1"); This returns the following error: ErrorDescription = "'sysibm.sysdummy1' could not be resolved...

How to extract a 0 before '.'

select 00.0004 ||' ' || 'USD/MT' from dual this gives the o/p as .0004 USD/MT I also want a 0 before the decimal so that i would get the result as 0.0004 USD/MT Can anyone help me out? ...

sql function to return table of names and values given a querystring

Anyone have a t-sql function that takes a querystring from a url and returns a table of name/value pairs? eg I have a value like this stored in my database: foo=bar;baz=qux;x=y and I want to produce a 2-column (key and val) table (with 3 rows in this example), like this: name | value ------------- foo | bar baz | qux x | ...

Simple Query to Grab Max Value for each ID

OK I have a table like this: ID Signal Station OwnerID 111 -120 Home 1 111 -130 Car 1 111 -135 Work 2 222 -98 Home 2 222 -95 Work 1 222 -103 Work 2 This is all for the same day. I just need the Query to return the max signal for each...

Retrieving a current and most recent previous value (Oracle)

Hi all, I'm facing a problem which I've spent a great deal of time trying to address, and although I have a solution, it's clunky and involves pl/sql processing, and I was wondering what others might come up with. I'm working with a dataset that creates a new row every time a record is changed, thus maintaining a history. The most up-to...

How to retrieve field names from temporary table (SQL Server 2008)

I'm using SQL Server 2008. Say I create a temporary table like this one: create table #MyTempTable (col1 int,col2 varchar(10)) How can I retrieve the list of fields dynamically? I would like to see something like this: Fields: col1 col2 I was thinking of querying sys.columns but it doesn't seem to store any info about temporary ...

Having Syntax errors Joining 3 tables

I am trying to join 3 tables with the following sql statement Select Sum(OrderDetail_table.Price * orderDetail_table.quantity) as totalPrice, item_table.GLacct from OrderDetail_table left outer join order_table on orderDetail_table.orderID = order_table.orderid left outer join item_table on it...

How to change programmatically non-identity column to identity one?

I have a table with column ID that is identity one. Next I create new non-identity column new_ID and update it with values from ID column + 1. Like this: new_ID = ID + 1 Next I drop ID column and rename new_ID to name 'ID'. And how to set Identity on this new column 'ID'? I would like to do this programmatically! ...

ParseStatementList not working on valid SQL statement

I'm trying to use the TSql100Parser.ParseStatementList method to programatically parse sql statements and pull out object names. This is from the Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql namespace. Here's the code: string sql = "CREATE VIEW testView AS SELECT * from testTable"; var parser = new TSql100Parser(false); StatementList parsedSta...

Do GRANTs on [master] propogate to other DBs?

OK, I'm trying to make an "empty" version of a database on another instance of SQL Server 2005. To do this, I use the Scripting wizard to make a big script that CREATEs all the tables, views, SPs, etc., adds some users, and grants permissions for them. Now, in the permission section of the script, I have (among other things) use [mast...

Problem with Count Statement for Multiple Databases

Sorry everyone. It appears that I am a dumbass! The query works fine when I run it against the live database versus my test database...gotta pay more attention to that stuff! I am having a problem with the statement shown below. It works fine if I run it against one database (sans the DBCATALOG.dbo), so no problem there. When I try ...

SQL Update - Everything inside ()

Hey guys. I have a column of data containing a string with the following format: blablablabla(XYZ) and I would like to discard everything outside the () - and the parenthesis themselves - and to set update that field with the value inside the (). This implies that, in this particular case, the "blablabla" would be discarded and that ...

Dealing with Nulls in Comparison Tests in SQL Server 2005

I was writing a Stored procedure today, and I ran into a problem where if one of the values is null (whether it be from a SELECT statement or whether it be a passed in parameter) my expression would evaluate to false where it ought to evaluate to true. SET ANSI_NULLS ON; DECLARE @1 INT; DECLARE @2 INT; DECLARE @3 INT; DECLARE @4 INT; S...

Postgres - Function to return the intersection of 2 ARRAYs?

In postgresql, you can use the && operator to return t (true) if two arrays have common members, i.e. they overlap. Is there a function/operator that will return what those common members are? i.e. something like this select arrray_intersection(ARRAY[1, 4, 2], ARRAY[2, 3]); ARRAY[2] ...