
Create an 'unconnected' SQLite instance

Ive just discovered the convenience of having SQLite at my disposal. However, the convenience factor is causing a small problem for me and the way I've set up my database connection objects. In order to provide some semblance of database neutrality and abstraction, I've created a DatabaseUtil.php factory class - the main method, getDBC...

Saving Core Data database to sqlite file loses some recursive/circular relationship information

I have very simple circular (or self-reflecting) relationship core data model in my iPhone word game. Entity Word has one-to-many relationship to/with itself which points to related words: I use NSPersistentDocument Core Data Mac OS X template application to import words to Core Data sqlite database. After importing data I can see al...

Ways to give a SQLite a variable name

I am tracking changes made to a levels in a game. The way I currently track changes is in a sqlite database. Each level is supposed to have its own database, as just one database for all the levels would provide complications when adding and deleting levels. So for each level, I want a database that has the same name as that level. SO th...

python - 'str' object has no attribute 'execute'

First time python user here, be gentle.... ;-) Python 2.6 on OSX Got a class which just has some wrappers around sqlite... here it is from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite class SqliteDB: connection = '' curser = '' def connect(self): try: self.connection = sqlite.connect("pagespeed.sqlite") ...

deleting row in SQLite 3

In UITableView, I want to delete a row and remove that row on database, but my query of sqlite don't works. - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete) { UIAlertView *view; ...

ALTER COLUMN in sqlite

How do I alter column in sqlite? This is in Postgrsql ALTER TABLE books_book ALTER COLUMN publication_date DROP NOT NULL; I believe there is no ALTER COLUMN in sqlite at all, only ALTER TABLE is supported. Any idea? Thanks! ...

android sqlite bidirectional synchronization sqlite

I need to sync my Android SQLite DB with my cloud-server DB, and doing it in a bi-directional way in a multiuser environment. I have found and introduction to the solution here (http://blog.deeje.tv/musings/2009/06/notes-on-writing-a-history-driven-client-server-synchronization-engine.html) but I would like to read about a better soluti...

sqlite between question

Before I rewrite an app I figured it's best to ask this question first. With sqlite, is it possible to do a between statement like this? select * from database where date between '2010-10-01' and '2010-10-31' As a side question, how do I get the last date of a month in javascript using the above format? ...

Lazy loading from SQLite.

I have some 4500 entries in my database. What is the best way to show them in a ListView. Should I load them all in one stretch when the application initializes or should I use lazy loading? The list will also be searchable and filterable. Could you also point me to some nice articles that would gimme a better idea. Please do give me sug...

Best way to deploy an application that comes with lots of data

I'm working on an Android application that will come with lots of data. I'd have expected to just distribute the SQLite database, but it's clear from researching this that the database can be included, but must be copied from raw to data, which if there's a good few MB of data will take up space needlessly. For my app the data is all tex...

sqlite group by statement

Hello, I have a table with about 200 records, each record has a date, adzone, revenue, clicks, cpm. What is the proper sqlite statement total count of how many records where grouped in the same statement? select SUM(revenue), SUM(clicks), adzone from mytable where date='12345' group by adzone ...

How to convert TEXT data to DATE TIME in SQLITE in Android?

Hi! I am new to android. I am using a database to store my data. I also store date as TEXT in database. format of date is as follow... "Mon, 20 Oct 2010 12:30:00" So i stored them in TEXT datatype not in DateTime. Now i want to display them in following format "Mon, 20 Oct 2010" The main thing is that i want to ORDER them in DESC. I w...

Is SQLite DataSource compatible with Crystal Reports?

I am thinking to use SQLite for the newer version of my app. Is SQLite compatible with Crystal Reports? I am using VS2008. ...

how to add data from sqlite in UITableView?

hai guys, I new to the Objective C tech. i need solution for my issue. i have one table in sqlite, in the sqlite table one record ("aaa","bbb","ccc") i want to display this record in one cell of the tableView. can any one help me please.... thanks in advance ...

MYSqlite Error on Xcode

Hi friends, I am using MySqlite in my iPhone project. I am getting all the details from my database...now when i created a new table and tried to retrieve the values from the same database i am not getting its values...i tried refreshing the database and then using it. Still only values of that table cant be retrieved..what can be the p...

Creating primary key on two columns

I am using SQLite GUI Browser to work with the database. I can't find any button to make primary key on two or more columns. How to do this? ...

update sqlite database for iphone

Consider a SQLite database for an iPhone app with some "documents" as templates. The user is able to add his own templates too. I want to update the program and the database. Is there any chance to do so without overwriting the user's data? I've considered two different databases, but since this is overhead, I want to avoid this opti...

Get last inserted value from sqlite database Android

I am trying to get the last inserted rowid from a sqlite database in Android. I have read a lot of posts about it, but can't get one to work. This is my method: public Cursor getLastId() { return mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_WID}, KEY_WID + "=" + MAX(_id), null, null, null, null, null);} I have tried with MAX, b...

Copy a sqlite table from a disk database to a memory database in python

Hey Everyone. I am trying to figure out how to copy a disk based sqlite table to a memory database in python.I know the schema of the table. Is there any easy way to do this? ...

Sql query to populate iPhone quick-access-bar (count rows by first letter)

I have a sqlite database, with potentially tens of thousands of rows, which is exposed as a UITableView on the iPhone. There's many columns in the relevant table, but for now I only care about a 'name' column. (The database is in a server app, the iPhone app is a client, talking over a socket) Naturally to make this usable, I want to sup...