
Where do I store additional user details using ASP.NET MVC and the SqlMembershipProvider?

So, I'm creating an ASP.NET MVC website. It has a fairly complex user sign-up page with a lot of fields. My question is, where should I persist this? The user tables created by the membership-provider tool don't contain these columns and I'm left confused about what the best practice is in terms of storing this additional information ...

Can you switch off the schema check performed by ASPNET providers

We have created a custom membership provider, but we have inherited the Role and Profile providers. The problem we are having is there appears to be calls being made to aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion by the providers - I assume its the Role or Profile provider as our membership provider isnt inherited and we don't call the db. Is there a way...

Extending ASP.NET Membership Provider, PK == FK == OK?

I'm using the SQLMembershipProvider and want to add a load more info about the users. It the best way to do this to create a new DB and make an entry for each new user as they are created? If so, is there any reason not to use the SQLMembershipProvider UserID value as the PK in the users table in my new DB? Or, are there any good reason...

Membership.CreateUser issue

There is an issue reported here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/481416/asp-net-membership-issues-with-registration which summarizes a situation I am experiencing. I'm not sure I understand the claimed solution. Simply put, after invoking this line: MembershipUser user = Membership.CreateUser(username, password, email, question, a...

How to migrate from custom Membership Provider to SqlMembershipProvider?

I'm currently using a very basic custom implementation of MembershipProvider in an ASP.NET web application. As my requirements for membership increase, it seems to make a lot of sense to use an existing, full featured, and well tested implementation like SqlMembershipProvider. I've figured out how to use the aspnet_Memebership stored pro...

ASP.NET SqlMembershipProvider Infinite Loop?

I am trying to configure authentication using a few tutorials I have found on the Membership Providers paradigm found in ASP.NET v2.0. I've followed the examples in the tutorial but can't seem to get the FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromPage method to work appropriately. When I attempt a login, the user credentials are validated via Membe...

Asp.Net Membership Password Resets without symbols

Hello, I'm using the asp.net Membership Provider in an application. I'm also using the "out of the box" asp:PasswordRecovery control. My client is complaining that the new passwords being issued are too complicated. e.g. }>;-(hYrS^OTfY Are there any small tweaks I can make so the new passwords only contain letters and numbers? thanks...

Configure SqlMembershipProvider without password

Hi I need to use the SqlMembershipProvider without password to new users. How can I do that? Thanks! ...

Is it possible to use a different database name with SqlMembershipProvider

Can I specify a different database than ASPNETDB using SqlMembershipProvider? I am developing a site on a shared host, and have to restrict my data schema to a single provided database. I was roundly scolded last time I suggested rolling my own authentication code. Alternatively, is there some other packaged authentication system I co...

dealing with authentication in asp.net using membership

Ok, here is the problem: I have two sites: www.mysite.com and blog.mysite.com (fake site names) which suppose to share authentication. The login page is on www.mysite.com/login/login.aspx Now, the blog website has web.config with following authentication section: <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms timeout="50000000" loginUrl="...

Mapping Asp.net cookies to users.

If one has access to both the Asp.net membership DB (the standard SqlMembershipProvider db, generated with aspnet_regsql.exe), and the respective asp.net client's cookies, is it possible to correlate the two to identify the user from the cookies? Background (in case this seems like a hacking attempt!): We have a web application that ma...

Orphaned entries in aspnetdb

After calling method _membershipProvider.DeleteUser(user.UserName, false); where where the second parameter (false) is deleteAllRelatedData, orphaned entries are left in the database (aspnet_Users table and probably more). What is the best practice for cleaning these up? EDIT: The user management code is already changed to now use tr...

Can't get a custom Membership Provider to work with Sitecore 6.

I followed the directions in the Membership Providers document provided by Sitecore, but I was unable to get my membership provider to work correctly. Specifically, in the web.config, I changed the "realProviderName" attribute on the sitecore provider to point to my provider. However, this didn't do anything. I realized that the "def...

Migrating asp.net web site breaks Membership Provider

I have a asp.net web site that was developed on the .Net Framework v2 connecting to sql server 2000. I am trying to migrate it to a new server that has the .Net Framework v3.5 on it along with sql server 2008. I backed up the database and restored it to the new database server. I moved the web site and updated the web.config. Now however...

Asp.net Membership & Authentication

I'm beginning to design the infrastructure of web application developed with ASP.NET MVC preview 2 as a learning experience. I have my own domain model and database schema I wish to use for authentication. I want to perform a variant of role base authentication. However, I can't seem to wrap my head around how to do this. I have a user...

Single script to fully manage .net SQL membership provider data

Hello, 3 Years ago I came across a really nice script. It was just an aspx and aspx.cs script, nothing more. It allowed me to see all the roles and users on site. I could easily add/remove roles and add users to roles. It used ajax for nice ui too. Does anyone know where I can find this script? I would like to use it again because s...

Managing App Users/Groups in a iPhone App

Hi All, I'm looking at managing user groups in an iPhone App. The App is connected to a WebServer. I'm therefore looking at using ASP.net Membership Provider to store/manage User Info. (We may just make a simple custom table to manager end users). I have not seen a native User Management framework in iphone SDK. Anyone have a better su...

ASP.net Membership Provider Website Administrator Tool

I have created the necessary tables (aspnet_User,....) in Sql server Management Studio 2005 in my Database named "AuctionSite". So instead of making one in App_Data folder ,i want my website to point the database (AuctionSite) MembershipProvider, ProfileProvider,RoleProvider. What is the way to achieve this or how to configure my websi...

Unable to initialize provider. Missing or incorrect schema. for MySql.Web connector

Hey guys and gals running into a little issue here.. I'm trying to use MySql Connector for membership and role providers.. The issue I'm having is: Unable to initialize provider. Missing or incorrect schema. <authentication mode="Forms"/> <roleManager defaultProvider="MySqlRoleProvider" enabled="true" cacheRolesInCook...

SqlMembershipProvider where IIS and SQL are on different machines?

We're moving one of my websites to production. Because of a firewall and the website and database being on different machines, the website can't connect directly to the SQL server. We've set it up so we're running all of the database access through a WCF service. All of this works fine. The problem, however, I've discovered lies in t...