
Add Password Requirements to Membership Provider

Do I need to make a Custom Membership Provider or is there another way? I have a project using ASP.NET Forms Authentication and the Microsoft SQL Membership Provider. The website is DONE. I use this provider everywhere. (Register, Login, Forgot Password, etc...) Until now, my website users have not needed complex passwords. The users' p...

ASP .Net: AspNetSqlMembershipProvider "unique email" problem

Hello, I am using AspNetSqlMembershipProvider in my ASP .Net 4 web application project. I have configured user address to be unique (requiresUniqueEmail="true") in my web.config file as below: <membership> <providers> <clear /> <add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembe...

ASP.NET SqlMembershipProvider: Unique but not required email?

Is there a way to configure ASP.NET SqlMembershipProvider such that Email is optional but when provided must be unique? I only found the requiredUniqueEmail attribute (web.config) which makes Email mandatory. Do I have to leave this out and implement checking for existing email addresses myself in the account registration process? Or i...

ASP.NET SQL Membership Tables

What's the best way to tie my tables (like Customer, Orders) to the Users in the membership tables. Is there a way to tie it using an int somehow? ...

Can DotNetNuke use another database with existing tables for ASP.NET default membership provider?

We have a case where a web site already exists and is using ASP.NET default membership provider storing Users' data on a SQL Server database. I need to add a new DotNetNuke site that can share the same membership tables with the existing site. Is there a way to do this cleanly where the Membership tables remain in the existing database ...

C# MembershipUser.ChangePassword fails for one user only?

I'm using the change password feature of the standard AspNetSqlMembershipProvider in my ASP.NET MVC-2 app: MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(userId); string pwd = user.ResetPassword(); if (user.ChangePassword(pwd, confirmPassword)) { // it worked } And this works for the vast majority of users, but there are a couple of use...