
Can I configure the ResetPassword in Asp.Net's MembershipProvider?

I have an C# asp.net app using the default Sql MembershipProvider. My web.config has a few settings that control how I'm using this Provider: enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Hashed" minRequiredPasswordLength="5" The problem I'm running into is that when people r...

ASP.NET Membership Password Reset

This is crazy, I have been trying for hours to get this to work. My client wants to be able to reset password for uses who have forgotten them The only parameter he has is the UserName. He does NOT want the user to be able to reset the password themselves, no that would be too easy...ARGHHHHH!! Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions how...

ASP.NET Login Control rejects users who exist

Hi, I'm having some trouble with the ASP.NET 2.0 Login Control. I've setup a database with the aspI.net regsql tool. I've checked the application name. It is set to "/". The application can access the SQL Server. In fact, when I go to retrieve the password, it will even send me the password. Despite this, the login control contin...

Is a .Net membership database portable, or are accounts somehow bound to the originating Web site or server?

I have an ASP.Net Web site using .Net Membership with a SQL Server provider, so the users and roles are stored in the SQL tables created by Aspnet_regsql.exe. Is this architecture totally self-contained and portable, or are users in it somehow bound to the specific Web site on which they create their account? Put another way, if we cre...

Bad crypto error in .NET 4.0

Today I moved my web application to .net 4.0 and Forms Auth just stopped working. After several hours of digging into my SqlMembershipProvider (simplified version of built-in SqlMembershipProvider), I found that HMACSHA256 hash is not consistent. This is the encryption method: internal string EncodePassword(string pass, int passwordForm...

Membership Roles.GetUsersInRole not working for me

Dim usersInRole As String() = Roles.GetUsersInRole("HR_Base_Role") Dim Myusers As New MembershipUserCollection For Each UserName As String In usersInRole Myusers.Add(Membership.GetUser(UserName)) Next ComboBox2.DataSource = Myusers The code above throws a "Specified method is not supported." exception on the first line. Any one kn...

ASP.NET SQLMembership Provider not logging in

My web app uses the sql memebership provider. Running it locally all is well, deploying to a dev server it works fine too in firefox, but in IE8 something unexpected is happening. Once a user logs in they're supposed to be redirected to home.aspx. What's happening when I attempt to login is it appears to accept the login credentials bu...

Question: Authentication using SQL Membership Provider

I have checked the following article on how to use the sqlMembershipProvider. My question, is this the way most of the asp.net applications authentication schemes implemented. Is there any other method, any references will be quite helpful for me. Edit1: My intention is to know the other possible ways, I can authenticate a user against...

SQL to create .Net Membership Provider users

Hello, I have a SQL script that creates users in in my database. It uses the .Net membership stored procs. At this point it works fine. The only issue is that the passwords are saved clear text. What should I change here to they are salted/encrypted (Not sure what term to use here) GO DECLARE @return_value int, @UserId uniqueident...

WPF does not respect SQL Connection and Membership Provider in App.config

I have a WPF form that I am trying to use with a SQL Membership Provider we have setup. My App.Config looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <connectionStrings> <clear/> <add name="IodConnString" connectionString="server=SQLSERVER;UID=USER;PWD=PASSWORD;DATABASE=DATABASE;" providerName="Syst...

ASP.NET membership/SQLMembershipProvider Source Code

In the SQLMembershipProvider source for ASP.NET membership, there is a custom exception, MembershipPasswordException. The definition of it is not part of the source, but when I do a goto definition on it, it opens the definition, which indicates: [from metatdata] and the file it came from is a dll, system.web.dll from a temporary direct...

Silverlight 4 Out of Browser error

Using the Silverlight 4 WCF RIA services works just fine via web page. After installing it as an Out Of Browser application, there is a blank screen then an error comes up saying "Load operation failed for query 'GetUser'. The HTTP request to 'http://reports.mywebsite.com/Reports/ClientBin/Reports-Web-AuthenticationService.svc/binary/Ge...

SqlMembershipProvider question

When you create the Register Control for the SqlMembersipProvider nothing happens if they register and the username or email is in use. Is there a tutorial or override function that fixes this in asp.net 2.0 ...

Changing membership providers / password hash values...

I'm in the process of migrating an application from .Net forms to MVC. The application currently uses a custom membership provider and I would like to convert it to use the SQL Membership provider. I'm hoping to use the current user passwords as is. The "old" application uses "ComputeHash" in System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoSer...

Custom Membership Provider not returning user

Hi, I have a custom membership provider I made up to use because our database is completely different than the ASP one. It does not have any fields such as PasswordQuestion, IsAnonymous, LastActivityDate...I mean our DB uses none of those and stores roles in the same Table as Users so I'm not sure if using the provider makes any sense. ...

How can I use current user (default membership) as a data fied in DetailsView?

Hi, I am new to asp.net. I have a details view control on my page. I use linq to sql. My details view is an admin panel for data entry page. So some members will enter some news to my database. I want to use "Writer" Data Field to be filled automaticly with the current logged user. How can I do that? Thanks ...

Hashing no longer works in .Net 4.0 despite MSDN workarounds

I have an existing app in production that uses SqlMembershipProvider and has a specified machine key: <machineKey validationKey="..." decryptionKey="..." validation="SHA1" decryption="AES"/> It runs under .Net 2.0 AppPool currently. I'm writing a new application that has to use the existing database, which I have a backu...

WCF Authentication using SQL Membership Provider

Hopefully you folks can clarify some of this for me. I have a web-application using the Sql Membership Provider and it talks to a second web-application through a WCF Service. Both applications share the same Sql Membership Provider datastore...but I need each WCF Service call to authenticate the user. Now, I've looked at a LOT of sam...

Using SqlMembershipProvider when ActiveDirectoryProvider fails to log a user in

I have a requirement to allow access to an app with users being authenticated by AD. Sadly, not all of the users who can access the app will have been authenticated this way so I need to provide a mechanism whereby if a user arrives as the site their authentication is checked using AD and if it fails, they are handed off to a login page ...

How to implement window with ask for username and password in Sql Membership provider

Hey! I use tutorial from here to create SQL Membership Provider. But I don't know how to implement functionality, that when user open my Silverlight application appear window where he must put correct user name and password and when he click login button some function check sql db that he is valid user? Any idea how to implement this ? ...