
Stack overflow in Prolog

I am trying to write Prolog code to determine whether the bound variable X is in the scope of the bound variable Y in a list. Lists may be nested and X is in the scope of Y if X and Y are members of the same list or if X is a member of a list that is a member of a list that is a member of a list...(nested indefinitely) that is in the sam...

Is Stack Exchange a PHP application?

just interested. ...

Stack overflow error in C# - but how to fix it?

Hi, I've run into a really interesting runtime bug which generates a rogue stack overflow. I've defined a structure as follows: public enum EnumDataType { Raspberry, Orange, Pear, Apple }; public class DataRequest { public long DataSize { get { return 0; } set { DataSize = value; } } public EnumD...

Android EditText with a Fixed Suffix

Hi,on Android, i need an EditText with a fixed Suffix (A String i want to add to the text).Now i'm using a TextWatcher to catch the onTextChanged Event, but if i change the Text again adding my suffix, it goes on StackOverflow caused by an infinite recursion. Sorry if is not sounds clear, but i'm a java novice and i have a bad english....

Why Stackoverflow is so fast?

I am wondering why Stackoverflow is so fast? "Stack Overflow is a programming Q & A site that's free. And fast. Very, very fast." ...

SO build system

Dead simple question: what's the build system used by Stack Overflow? ...