
How do I remove a single file from the staging area of Git but not remove it from the index or undo the changes to the file itself?

Situation: I have a Git repository with files already in the index. I make changes to several files, open Git and add these files to my staging area with "git add ." Question: How do I remove one of those files from the staging area but not remove it from the index or undo the changes to the file itself? ...

How are people handling content management system production staging?

I've been dipping my toe into web development technologies for fun (ya, i should get out more), and am a little shocked at the lack of clear support for production staging (i.e. development, testing, performance, and production environments). Actually support isn't the word; Content Management Systems seem to actively work against effort...

How to use a VM to create a Rails staging environment

My app is in development and I do all my testing using WEBrick (I like the terminal output). On the production server it will run on Phusion Passenger. I'm running Snow Leopard and wish to test the app in an environment similar to the production environment. Can I use Parallels to run a Debian install with Apache and Passenger and con...

Setting up development server references

What would you guys recommend as good references for setting up a testing server (xampp on xp pro), a staging server and a production server while also having svn? I'm a noob to "hardcore" development but want to start off on the right foot and set up my environments like the pros do. I have several projects coming up and want to take tw...

Suggest a good way to update staging server using svn

Updating a copy on staging server using svn up and later doing cp command to copy the files from the updated copy to the server copy is always time consuming when there are more than 10 files. Can you suggest me a way of how to do this without copying the .svn files and also saving time? Writing bash script is my aim to resolve this iss...

Rails staging environment says "undefined method" but the console shows that method fine

Anyone have this happen before? I just uploaded my app to a staging server that's identical to the production server. I try to log in, and I get the "Something went wrong" 500 page. The log tells me the error is in my SessionsController (using restful_authentication), with the specific error being NoMethodError (undefined method 'enab...

Substitute reference to a remote script with local one

Hello, This is regarding my developmnent stage and the practice of testing all the JS before releasing it. Unfortunatly we have some hardcoded references in our code. and this is the reason why there is no way for me to test a new version of test.js on the Stage server. and you only see the effects when it goes live. Now, I know I sho...

Development environment - VCS from development to staging server to production

Hi, I've read a number of topics in the same sort of ballpark as this one, but in all honesty I'm still not exactly sure on the best approach (as a starting point). I am a solo developer in a small office and I have around 30 websites which are hosted on a linux VPS. I want to start using using version control (probably SVN) and also set...

Using IIS virtual directories in Visual Studio Web Application projects

I have an ASP.NET project that has the following directories \ads \photos both these folders have thousands of files in them that get updated frequently. I currently have my IIS set up like \inetpub\wwwroot\foo \inetpub\wwwroot\foo\ads \inetpub\wwwroot\foo\photos \inetpub\wwwroot\foo.staging \inetpub\wwwroot\foo.staging\ads \inetpu...

Getting Hoptoad to work in a staging environment

I have an action which causes an exception in my staging environment, but instead of sending the notification to hoptoad (which it should, the hoptoad test rake task works...), it shows me the standard rails stacktrace page like it does in development. My staging environment is essentially a copy of my production environment with the on...

newbie to 'proper' php project management

I've created a lot of PHP projects in the past based on quick 'make a change, upload it' development methodology. I'm beginning a long (6-8 months estimate) project to provide a fairly full featured hosted web application. Over the last few weeks I've been looking into the best way to 'project manage' this (my actual code is fine). The ... deployment. How to push to production server.

Imagine that we have a sophisticated solution: MSSQL + ASP.NET MVC + ASP.NET Web Forms + WCF Service hosted in IIS. Once a week the solution must be deployed to a single production server transparently for the users. The deployment can include changes in database scheme, minor IIS reconfiguration, replacement of files. The deplo...

Google indexing to a staging server.

A site that I was working is resolving to a staging server through google. I've removed all the information. How long does it take for google to update the information so that it does not show up. is there anyone that I can contact to move this along? ...

Multiple environment (Development, Staging, Live) in Drupal

Hi guys, I am sure the title is pretty much the question but I would like to explain a bit more... Drupal is great CMS but it lacks of process to achieve multiple environment (Development -> Staging -> Live) Why I need multiple environment? For example, the site live and you want to add functionality or amend something, of course u do...

What is the main purpose and sense to have staging server the same as production?

Hi, In our company we have staging and production servers. I'm trying to have them in state 1:1 after latest release. We've got web application running on several host and many instances of it. The issue is that I am an advocate of having the same architecture (structure) of web applications on staging and production servers to easily ...

Git push current branch to a remote with Heroku

I'm trying to create a staging branch on Heroku, but there's something I don't quite get. Assuming I've already created a heroku app and setup the remote to point to staging-remote, If I do: git checkout -b staging staging-remote/master I get a local branch called 'staging' which tracks staging-remote/master - or that's what I thoug...

zend framework auto switch production staging test .. etc

What do I change to switch from production to staging.. etc.. and where.. Bootstrap ? Also, Curious if anyone has configured their Zend Framework to automatically switch from production, staging, test.. etc based on Host information.. example.. if (hostname = 'prodServer') ... blah if (hostname = 'testServer') ... blah I'm new to...

Git: Stage into Commit, what is the right workflow?

I just created a big piece of code I want to commit in several separate commits. So I can stage relevant parts, commit, stage, commit, ... and so on until I have all my changes commited. The missing part is how can I test whether I split the commit correcty. I.e. whether the part that is in staging area at least compiles? To do that I ...

Staging database good practices

Hi, I'm about to deploy to production a fairly complex site and for the first time need a staging environment where I can test things in a more realistic environment, especially with regard to some external services that cannot be run locally. My general plan is to develop & test first locally, push simple changes (small bug fixes, HTM...

Rails / Capistrano - How to set a staging server to show development logs in DB

In my development logs, i get information like SQL statements made, etc. However, when i deploy to a staging server, i do not get that in my development logs How do i configure capistrano/rails to get that? NOTE: I need it to be running in production env (database access, etc) ...