
What are some Maven project naming conventions for web application module?

When creating a project with the webapp archetype in Maven, they subtly advise not putting any Java source in the webapp project by not including the "src/main/java" folder. What do you name your Maven projects? project-webapp for the project that contains the JSP, CSS, Images, etc. project for the project that contains domain specific...

What guides or standards do you use for version control in your team ?

I'm starting to do a small amount of development within my company. I'm intending to use Git for version control, and I'm interested to see what guidelines or standards people are using around version in their groups, similar to coding standards are often written within the group for the group. I'm assuming there will be things like; ...

Is it bad practice to use the namespace to identify the verb or should it always be in the class name?

For example is MyLibrary.Data.Import.Hotels Bad Vs MyLibrary.Data.Import.ImportHotels Or even MyLibrary.Data.ImportHotels ...

HTML Markup To Use For Video Transcripts

Any idea what the proper containing markup would be to indicate a transcript for a video? Thinking accessibility for folks with disabilities but also perhaps search engine recognition of the association between the text and the video. ...

JQuery class selectors like $(.someClass) are case sensitive?

Given this HTML: <div class="OpenIDSelector">some text</div> Why does this JQuery selector match it on some browsers and some pages, but not on others? $('.OpenIdSelector) NOTE: I ran into this problem and solved it myself, but it was annoying and I didn't find it on StackOverflow already, so I'm posting it as a Q&A pair so someon...

Why use C typedefs rather than #defines?

What advantage (if any) is there to using typedef in place of #define in C code? As an example, is there any advantage to using typedef unsigned char UBYTE over #define UBYTE unsigned char when both can be used as void func() { UBYTE byte_value = 0; /* Do some stuff */ return byte_value; } Obviously th...

Can a conforming C implementation #define NULL to be something wacky

I'm asking because of the discussion that's been provoked in this thread. Trying to have a serious back-and-forth discussion using comments under other people's replies is not easy or fun. So I'd like to hear what our C experts think without being restricted to 500 characters at a time. The C standard has precious few words to say a...

How do people handle working with Code Names for their projects?

Hi All, Recently we started using some code names for several different types of prototype applications all following a theme. This made things a little more fun and was a great idea. The problem is that Im not too sure how people deal with migrating a codebase from "codename" state into version 1.0 state which may have a proper name.....

IEEE Software Standards

The IEEE has a long list of standards for almost every step within the software engineering process. How many of you have seen a reference to such standards in the documentation you read? I think the idea of combining the suggestions from many veterans is a good thing, but I have the feeling that not many projects ever quote not even on...

"official"/standard CSS3 gradient

I know there is -webkit-gradient and -moz-linear-gradient. But what is the standard way of defining a gradient? Like there is: -webkit-border-radius and -moz-border-radius and the standard is meant to be border-radius. ...

Microsoft C++ Language Reference

Whenever any question is asked, and a reference text is needed, I never see MSDN C++ Language Reference being referred. I was browsing through it and I personally feel that it is extremely well written. Is there some specific reason it is not used as often as a standard? Is it because it contains some VC++ specific features? ...

How does the last integer promotion rule ever get applied in C? Otherwise, the integer promotions are performed on both operands. Then the following rules are applied to the promoted operands: If both operands have the same type, then no further conversion is needed. Otherwise, if both operands have signed integer types or both have unsigned integer types, the operand with the typ...

Is using advanced constructs (function, new, function calls) in JSON safe?

JSON is a nice way to pass complex data from my server side code to client side JavaScript. For example, in PHP I can write: <script type="text/javascript> var MyComplexVariable = <?= BigFancyObjectGraph.GetJSON() ?>; DoMagic(MyComplexVariable); </script> This is pretty cool, but sometimes you want to pass more than basic date...

UI Design Help / Advice

Hey everyone, I have a dillema where our client relations department has been brought in for advice on UI and I vehemently disagree with it...even though I don't consider myself a designer at all. While I have been vocal about my disagreement about it, I've been asked to point to design standards to prove that what I'm saying is correc...

C: 8x8 -> 16 bit multiply precision guaranteed by integer promotions?

I'm trying to figure out if the C Standard (C90, though I'm working off Derek Jones' annotated C99 book) guarantees that I will not lose precision multiplying two unsigned 8-bit values and storing to a 16-bit result. An example statement is as follows: unsigned char foo; unsigned int foo_u16 = foo * 10; Our Keil 8051 compiler (v7.50 ...

What are the standards for security on the web and web development?

What are the standards that govern security practices on the web and web development? What standards body publishes such documents? ...

Should we bother about IE < 8?

Hi there. It might look like philosophical question, however it really bother me. We're expecting HTML 5, we're using JS, Ajax, Flex, all this stuff, but when older browsers were devleoped, nooone even dreamed about such technologies. IE6 can't see transparency in PNG's. Some correct W3C techniques, are bad interpreted by IE6. It's ju...

ISO/IEC Website and Charging for C and C++ Standards

The ISO C Standard (ISO/IEC 9899) and the ISO C++ Standard (ISO/IEC 14882) are not published online; instead, one must purchase the PDF for each of those standards. I am wondering what the rationale is behind this... is it not detrimental to both the C and C++ programming languages that the authoritative specification for these languages...

Giving the script tag an ID

Hi guys, i came across a scenario where giving a <script> element an "ID" would solve a problem easily. However, after reading about the script tag at w3schools and quirksmode, it seems doing so could have some unforeseen consequences. Has anyone come across any of these issues with modern browsers such as Chrome, Safari, FF3 up and IE 7...

C++ template parameter/class ambiguity

hello. while testing with different version of g++, the following problem came up template<class bra> struct Transform<bra, void> : kernel::Eri::Transform::bra { static const size_t ni = bra::A::size; bra::A is interpreted as kernel::Eri::Transform::bra::A, rather than template argument by g++ 4.1.2. on the other hand, g++ ...