
Hidden Markov Models

Hi, I want to get started on HMM's, but don't know how to go about it. Can people here, give me some basic pointers, where to look? More than just the theory, I like to do a lot of hands-on. So, would prefer resources, where I can write small code snippets to check my learning, rather than just dry text. Will be hoping to see some rep...

Finite State Machine compiler

What is the best Opensource FSM compiler which can generate c++ code ? ...

References on statemachine optimization and code generation?

As a follow-up to my state machines as a C++-like language extension question, I'd like some more help. My compiler has been extended to parse my state machine extensions and now I'm beginning semantic analysis and code generation. There is a description on this page. Can anyone point me to good references on state machine optimization...

Threaded State Machines in Java

Is there a way of Holding a thread in a State waiting for changes? I mean wait tll something happend (change var, call method, etc..) perhaps it needs using Event Listeners, or synchronized objects/methods.. The usual aproach for statemachines like this statemachine example That uses a do{..}while(true) loop that could work for singl...