



As a follow-up to my state machines as a C++-like language extension question, I'd like some more help.

My compiler has been extended to parse my state machine extensions and now I'm beginning semantic analysis and code generation. There is a description on this page.

Can anyone point me to good references on state machine optimization and code generation?


I still haven't found any specific references, but this is an interesting project that I didn't know about:

They are doing, in a Java syntax, something very similar to what I'm trying to do. Apparently this project originated at AT&T:

+1  A: 

Theres a good chapter or two on state machines in Allen Hollub's book "Compiler Design In C", which also includes lots of (C I'm afraid) code. The book is about writing compiler-compiler type tools, so must cover generation, though it's a few years since I've read it.

Thanks for the pointer,
Richard Pennington

The comp.compilers usenet group came through with a bit of information I needed. Instead of "statemachine optimization" I needed to give google "statemachine reduction" or "statemachine minimization".

Richard Pennington