
Implementation techniques for FSM states

How do you go about implementing FSM(EDIT:Finite State Machine) states? I usually think about an FSM like a set of functions, a dispatcher, and a thread as to indicate the current running state. Meaning, I do blocking calls to functions/functors representing states. Just now I have implemented one in a different style, where I still rep...

How can I change the state of the itemRenderer of one member of a flex 4 spark data group?

I have a "step indicator" made out of a DataGroup: <s:DataGroup id="stepNumbers" itemRenderer="stepNumberRenderer" horizontalCenter="0"> <s:layout> <s:HorizontalLayout verticalAlign="middle"/> </s:layout> </s:DataGroup> where the dataprovider is 1,2,3,4,5. The item renderer has 2 states, "normal" and "active". Within Actionscript, I...

Silverlight VisualStates overlap each other

I created 2 VisualState. The second overlap the first. So if i want to click on the first state button on that position where the second state has another button, - so the second state button overlap the first state button -, the second button will be clicked. I use Blend 4 RC. Thank you for your replies! <Grid x:Name="MainGrid" Backgr...

What do you call your US States table?

Silly question for the masses: Assume you have a table that handles the state of your object as it passes through your workflow. Now assume you have a standard United States State table... What do you call your US State table, without being redundant? Additional Constraint - You can't pluralize your tables. Some thoughts: UnitedStat...

WPF: looking for list of each control's states and brushes

Is there a list somewhere of all the common states for each control? We're restyling them and it would be nice to not have to hunt through each control to figure this out. Basically a list like: Button: Disabled, Hover, Pressed, Selected, Focus, etc. ListBox: Disabled, Hover, Focus, etc I'm looking in Blend and MSDN but not finding a...

How can I check if a Flex 4 component belogs to a stategroup from actionscript?

I have a component with various states. From mxml, the includeIn and exclueFrom properties takes state groups as an argument. How can I check if the current state belongs to a state group? ...

Is there an event in Flex that shoots out when all the operations in a mx:state tag are done?

Let's take the next example: <mx:State name="sayHello"> <mx:SetProperty name="preText" target="{this}" value="Hello"><mx:SetProperty> </mx:State> Can I somehow know when preText property has been set to hello? Already tried with: state->activate state->enterState state->exitState and UIComponent->currentStateChange In ...

Is there a way to have global Flex 4 states (user roles)?

I am having an issue with flex states in my application. What I am looking to do is on creation complete of the application, obtain a user role guest/user/superUser (based on username and password) from a server, then set the state client side based on that information. My .mxml classes need to include certain graphic elements based on t...

Flex viewstack children includeIn works funny

Hi all, I have a viewstack with childrens which I want to show/hide depending on the state the application is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://" ...

Asynchronous AJAX query with jQuery

Hello, how can I do the following by means of jQuery? var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState ==...

How to inherit states with mxml?

I have the following panel component called AdvancedPanel with controlBarContent: <!-- AdvancedPanel.mxml --> <s:Panel> <s:states> <s:State name="normal" /> <s:State name="edit" /> </s:states> <s:controlBarContent> <s:Button includeIn="edit" label="Show in edit" /> <s:Button label="Go to e...