
Is there any way to know which symbols are exported in a object file?

Hi I'm working in a Linux environment and I have to link to a object file already compiled which offers me some services (services.o) and I know some of them, but I'd like to know which are all of the exported symbols of it. Is there any way to accomplish this not having the sources? If so, how? Thanks you very much. ...

Setting a UIWebViewDelegate programatically.

I am trying to build a custom control based on a UIWebView and compile it into a library for reuse. Everything was working just fine when I had the code all together in a single test app but I'm having some trouble setting up a the delegate for the view for a library. Of note, the sample app used interface builder and thus the delegate...

How to apply gcc -fvisibility option to symbols in static libraries?

I have a shared library project that is built from 4 static libraries (.a) and one object (.o) file. I am trying to add the -fvisibility=hidden option to restrict symbols in the output to only those that I mark in the source with an _attribute_. I've added the -fvisibility=hidden option to the compile options for the .so project (which ...

Should I use a single header to include all static library headers?

Hello, I have a static library that I am building in C++. I have separated it into many header and source files. I am wondering if it's better to include all of the headers that a client of the library might need in one header file that they in turn can include in their source code or just have them include only the headers they need? ...

Static library & Dynamic library : Confusion

I need little clarification in this area. I feel that the terms Static library & Dynamic Library are not correct. lib1.o + lib2.o + lib3.o --> "LinkerOutputFile"(executable or library). If this "LinkerOutputFile" contains the code of all the files lib1.o , lib2.o, lib3.o then its said that "LinkerOutputFile" is satically-linked "Linke...

Create static library from multiple .h/.cpp files (Visual Studio 2005)?

Hi, I'm trying to create a static library using Visual Studio 2005, consisting of multiple header and source files, for example: A->B, A->C, A->D B->E (A->B = B is #include-d in A) I managed to compile a static library by following the MSDN tutorial and put all the files in a project file in Visual Studio, and compiled a .lib. The pr...

Obtaining older SDKROOT behavior in XCode

I'm trying to setup a library for simulator or device building and everywhere I see explains that SDKROOT should expand to a /Developer/Platform/<>/SDKs/<>/, where <> is filled in by your project settings. Many links on the internet explain that SDKROOT will expand to a path, but the newer versions of XCode, SDKROOT expands to "iphoneos...

Template class won't build properly

Header class linkNode { public: linkNode(void *p) { before = 0; after = 0; me = p; } linkNode *before; void *me; linkNode *after; }; template <class T> class list { public: list(void) { first = last = NULL; size = 0; } ~...

Localization of strings in static lib

I have a project that uses a static library (SL). In that SL, there are a couple of strings I'd like to localize and the project includes all of the localization files. The localization works just fine when storing all text translations in the same file. The thing is that I'd like to separate the SL strings from the other strings. I have...

Problem using static library project in WinForm

I have a third party sample sdk havind static library objects and header files in two folders. I have made my own static library project and referred them, after adding my own code i build the project and it succeed. Now i added another project in the same solution but of windows form type. Now when i just add the header file of my class...

Visual C++ static library

I am writing a c++ static library A.lib in visual studio 2008. In my static library, I am using few APIs exposed by another static library B.lib(.lib). I have a written an application that uses A.lib. Since few header files in A.lib are using headers from B.lib, my application wants a path of B.lib header files. How can I avoid my appli...

How to link Cocoa static library to C command line target?

I have static library target, which uses Foundation classes(NSArray,etc) . I want to use this static library in Command line tool target. The command line tool contains only C files. From command line tool I want to call a method exported in static library. So I have modified header search path and linked the static library. When I comp...

Static libraries and JNI

I have created a header file and a corresponding .c file full of functions I would like to use with a java program. I created a JNI header file using javah. I'm using gcc to compile my header file. How can I link my regular c object file with my JNI static library to get a static library that utilizes my C library? I'm using gcc to c...

iPhone Static Library Code Signing Issue

I have a static library (SL) that can be build with "Debug" as the active target but not with "Distribution". I have set "Don't code sign" in the "Edit Project Settings" window but still get an error saying that the SL cannot be code signed. Isn't that strange? I'm using Xcode 3.2.1. Has anyone had the same issue and knows how to resolve...

Which format does static library (*.lib) files use? Where can I find "Official" specifications of *.LIB file structure/format?

Just now I found that static libraries in *nix systems, in other words *.a libraries are nothing but archives of relocatables(*.o files) in ar fromat. What about static libraries(*.lib files) in windows? Which format are they in? I found an article: which explains *.lib file structure. ...

php library iPhone

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a PHP library that I could compile into my app for the iPhone? Basically I'm wanting to allow the phone to display pages stored locally that have PHP in them and display them in a UIWebView. ...

json-framework error in iPhone static library

I have an iPhone app that uses the json-framework. I moved some of the code, including the json-framework source, from the main project to a static library. When I did this, the json-framework stopped getting compiled into the binary (double checked with class dump). This causes a nasty error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught excepti...

is i like to have free cross platform network/thread/xml static lib

what the best c++ libs that are simple to use and have no problems to compile in the windows express vs 2008 compilers ? is it best to use different libs for each purpose or to use one generic lib ? ...

What are the pro and cons of statically linking a library?

Hi, I want to release an application I developed as a hobby both for Linux and Windows. This application depends on boost (and possibly other libraries). The norm for this kind of application (a chess engine) is to provide only an executable file and possibly some helper files. I tough it would be a good idea to statically link the lib...

Building iPhone static library for armv6 and armv7 that includes another static library

Hi, I have an Xcode project that has a "master" static library target, that includes/links to a bunch of other static libraries from other Xcode projects. When building the master library target for "Optimized (armv6 armv7)", an error occurs in the last phase, during the CreateUniversalBinary step. For each .o file of the libraries tha...