
How do you choose storage engines for Oracle?

Ok the question is obviously wrong as it stands, but I'm wondering how can I choose storage implementations on Oracle as I would for MySQL, say I want one table to MyIsam like and another for Archiving only and one Black Hole style for test purposes. How would I go around to doing this within a single Schema, or something similar that wo...

Pros and Cons of the MySQL Archive Storage Engine?

For a website I am developing, I am going to store user activity information (like Facebook) and HTTP requests to the server into a MySQL database. I was going to use InnoDB as the storage engine; however, I briefly read about the Archive storage engine and this sounds like the way forward for information which is only Inserted or Selec...

Alternatives to the MEMORY storage engine for MySQL

Howdy! I'm currently running some intensive SELECT queries against a MyISAM table. The table is around 100 MiB (800,000 rows) and it never changes. I need to increase the performance of my script, so I was thinking on moving the table from MyISAM to the MEMORY storage engine, so I could load it completely into the memory. Besides the ...

Looking for a good list of MySQL storage engines.

I'm looking for something listing 3rd party engines but it doesn't have to be complete just reasonably so. I'm asking as a side effect of reading this. ...

MyISAM or InnoDB,for safe of data, which should i choose?

MyISAM or InnoDB,for safe of data, which should i choose? ...

Are MySQL databases with a MEMORY storage engine persisted to disk?

If MySQL databases with a MEMORY engine are stored in memory, does this mean that their contents are not persisted to disk? Or are they stored on HDD, but fully loaded into RAM on system power up? ...

Show tables by engine in MySQL

How would I show all tables in MySQL with a given engine, e.g. InnoDB, MyISAM, FEDERATED? ...

MySQL: Has anyone used the TokuDB storage engine?

Has anyone used the TokuDB storage engine for MySQL? The product web site claims to have a 50x performance increase over other MySQL storage engines (e.g. Innodb, MyISAM, etc). Here are the performance claims Is this true? Any personal experiences with this storage engine in us...

What happens if my server loses power and I'm using the MEMORY engine?

Does the MEMORY storage engine of MySQL ever write to disk the database contents? Meaning, if I'm using the MEMORY storage engine and my database server loses power - do I lose all of my database content or is it backed up to disk? ...

MySQL Storage Engine supporting optionally indexed FKs

One of the more annoying things about InnoDB is that although it supports foreign keys it requires that foreign key columns in the referencing table be indexed. While that's often a good idea it certainly isn't always one. Take for example an orders table with ~20 columns. Aside from the single column primary key and perhaps the cre...

MySql, InnoDB & Null Values

Formerly I was using MyISAM storage engine for MySql and I had defined the combination of three fields to be unique. Now I have switched to InnoDB, which I assume caused this problem, and now NULL != NULL. So for the following table: ID (Auto) | Field_A | Field_B | Field_C I can insert (Field_A,Field_B,Field_C) Values(1,2,NULL) ...

What are Storage Engines in Relational databases ?

Hi, Can anybody tell me what are the storage engines with respect to relational databases ? ...

When to use What Storage Engine in the Real World (MySQL)?

When to use What Storage Engine in the Real World (MySQL)? I Know MyISAM is good for Full Text Searches and InnoDB is good for Transactions/Referential integrity but What do you use When as there are so Many Storage Engines and Why in the real World. I guess what i'm after is a discussion of the various Storage Engines in Mysql so i ca...