
Stored Procedure Hit Counter

I have a table with 3 column's in a table on a MS SQL 2008 Database ID ToolID Count Can someone toss me a script that will create a stored procedure that accepts the param ToolID and increases its value by 1? All of my efforts have failed. ...

Sybase SQL stored procedure consumes too much memory

I am trying to run a stored procedure with a while loop in it using Aqua Data Studio 6.5 and as soon as the SP starts Aqua Data starts consuming an increasing amount of my CPU's memory which makes absolutely no sense to me because everything should be off on the Sybase server I am working with. I have commented out and tested every piec...

SQL Stored Procedure: Business Hours

How can I create a stored procedure that accepts a start and end date.(e.g April 1 - April 30 1.) Get the business days including Saturdays x (a value). + 2.) Get Holidays x (a value) and return the total. I'm new to this, I guess it would be a tsql function. hmm. any help would be appreciated. Thanks ...

Stored procedure using cursor in mySql.

I wrote a stored procedure using cursor in mysql but that procedure is taking 10 second to fetch the result while that result set have only 450 records so, I want to know that why that proedure is taking that much time to fetch tha record. procedure as below: DELIMITER // DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS curdemo123// CREATE PROCEDURE curdemo1...

oracle call stored procedure inside select

Hi everybody. I'm working on a query (a SELECT) and I need to insert the result of this one in a table. Before doing the insert I have some checking to do, and if all columns are valid, I will do the insert. The checking is done in a stored procedure. The same procedure is used somewhere else too. So I'm thinking using the same procedu...

Testing stored procedures

Hi , How to test procedures with record type parameters.I have a procedure which takes test_ap ,basic and user_name as inputs.where test_ap is of record/row type,basic record array type and user_name charater varying. I need to test the procedure in pgadmin. test_client(test_ap test_base, basic test_base_detail[], user_name character ...

C# - Inserting multiple rows using a stored procedure

I have a list of objects, this list contains about 4 million objects. there is a stored proc that takes objects attributes as params , make some lookups and insert them into tables. what s the most efficient way to insert this 4 million objects to db? How i do : -- connect to sql - SQLConnection ... foreach(var item in listofobjects)...

Does Anyone Still Prefer N-Tier Architecture After Having *Shipped* an MVC Application?

Other SO threads have asked people if they prefer N-Tier or MVC architecture. I'm not looking to continue that debate on this thread. I'm looking for something more specific. My Question: Does Anyone Still Prefer N-Tier Architecture After Having Shipped an MVC Application? Reason for My Question: Before I shipped an MVC web ap...

array or list into Oracle using cfprocparam

I have a list of values I want to insert into a table via a stored procedure. I figured I would pass an array to oracle and loop through the array but I don't see how to pass an array into Oracle. I'd pass a list but I don't see how to work with the list to turn it into an array using PL/SQL (I'm fairly new to PL/SQL). Am I approaching ...

Recursive COUNT Query (SQL Server)

Hello Guys! I've two MS SQL tables: Category, Question. Each Question is assigned to exactly one Category. One Category may have many subcategories. Category Id : bigint (PK) Name : nvarchar(255) AcceptQuestions : bit IdParent : bigint (FK) Question Id : bigint (PK) Title : nvarchar(255) ... IdCategory : bigint (FK) How do I re...

Can someone explain how OpenXML works(in this SP)?

Hi I am looking at this tutorial and it confuses me as I don't get the SP CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTEST_InsertXMLTEST_TEST](@UpdatedProdData nText) AS DECLARE @hDoc int exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT,@UpdatedProdData INSERT INTO TBL_TEST_TEST(NAME) SELECT XMLProdTable.NAME FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, 'ArrayOfTBL_TEST...

Would this rollback/stop all records from inserting?

Hi I been going through this tutorial and them make a SP like this CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTEST_InsertXMLTEST_TEST](@UpdatedProdData nText) AS DECLARE @hDoc int exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT,@UpdatedProdData INSERT INTO TBL_TEST_TEST(NAME) SELECT...

declare and assign value my sql stored procedure(5.0.45)

Hi everybody , DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS quotations.sp_addservices $$ CREATE PROCEDURE quotations.sp_addservices (In categoryname varchar(25),in servicename varchar(250),in hours float,in cost float,in basis nvarchar (100)) BEGIN insert into categorydetails (Category_Name) values (categoryname); if(categoryname!=null) then ...

Oracle Extended Stored Procedure with C++

I am currently adding Oracle 10.2.0. as a viable database to a product. The product originally allows connection to SQL Server and I have found some extended stored procedures. Is it possible to produce similar extended stored procedures for Oracle with C++? If so, how do I accomplish this? Example code would be much appreciated. ...

passing LIMIT as parameters to MySQL sproc

I'm creating a paging class and need to pass in two parameters to my MySQL stored procedure for the LIMIT clause. I'm passing them in as INTs and trying something like this SELECT * FROM `MyTable` LIMIT MyFirstParamInt, MySecondParamInt it gives me an error when I try and save the sproc though. Is there a way to do this that I'm jus...

I am using mysql stored-procedure.My SP return dataset ,how to bind the value into crystal report

I am using mysql stored-procedure.My SP return dataset ,how to bind the value into my crystal report. ...

Linq to SQl Stored Procedure Problem( it can't figure out the return type)

Hi I have this SP USE [Test] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UsersInsert](@UpdatedProdData XML) AS INSERT INTO dbo.UserTable(UserId,UserName,LicenseId,Password,PasswordSalt,Email,IsApproved,IsLockedOut,CreateDate, LastLoginDate,LastLockOutDate,FailedPasswordAttempts,RoleId) ...

Problem with UPDATE statement in stored-procedure in Oracle Database

Hello, I have stored-procedure in Oracle database like this: create or replace PROCEDURE EDYTUJ_PRACOWNIKA (PR_IMIE IN VARCHAR2, PR_NAZWISKO IN VARCHAR2, PR_PENSJA IN FLOAT, PR_PRZELOZONY IN NUMBER, PR_ODDZIAL IN NUMBER, PRAC_ID IN NUMBER) AS tmpPensja FLOAT := 0; tmpPrzel NUMBER := 0; BEGIN select przelozony into tmpPrzel from pr...

MS SQL - High performance data inserting with stored procedures

Hi. Im searching for a very high performant possibility to insert data into a MS SQL database. The data is a (relatively big) construct of objects with relations. For security reasons i want to use stored procedures instead of direct table access. Lets say i have a structure like this: Document MetaData User Device Content Conten...

T-SQL get SELECTed value of stored procedure

In T-SQL, this is allowed: DECLARE @SelectedValue int SELECT @SelectedValue = MyIntField FROM MyTable WHERE MyPrimaryKeyField = 1 So, it's possible to get the value of a SELECT and stuff it in a variable (provided it's scalar, obviously). If I put the same select logic in a stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE GetMyInt AS SELECT MyInt...