
Validating using stripes causes bound values to delete

I'm using Stripes and I am validating the values of a drop down box to ensure the user selects an option. On initial load all data is present, but once the validation kicks in the form loses the data that was set up in the action bean on load. This includes the original list I am validating against. I'm simply using in the jsp, and ...

What are the principles of developing web-applications with action-based java frameworks?

Background I'm going to develop a new web-application with java. It's not very big or very complex and I have enough time until it'll "officially" start. I have some JSF/Facelets development background (about half a year). And I also have some expirience with JSP+JSTL. In self-educational purpose (and also in order to find the best...

How to clear a bean field with Stripes.

In a JSP I have the following field: <stripes:text name="email"/> This field is in my action bean(snippet): public class CreateClaim implements ActionBean { private String email; public void setEmail(String email) { = email; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public...

Stripes link event triggering validation that is incorrect.

I have stripes:link tag in a jsp with an event attribute: <stripes:link href="${actionBean.context.currentStage.stripesForwardAction}" addSourcePage="true" event="showTab2Link"> This triggers the validation to trigger on nested properties: @ValidateNestedProperties({ @Validate(field="county", required=true, minlength=2, maxl...

JNDI name not bound

Hi. I'm going crazy trying to fix this exception: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: lawless not bound This is a Stripes web app built in Intellij and being deployed on Jboss 4.2.3 (Using 4.2.3 because Stripes has issues with later versions. I have successfully used 4.2.3 in the past so I know that's not the problem). I have one ses...

How to make ActionBean be instantiated immediately but not after I call one of handlers?

I'm trying to make something simple with Stripes. I've read and heard a lot about easiness of using this framework and about steep learning curve (i.e. learning is quite fast and productive). But till this moment I can't even create the simplest HelloWorld with Stripes. All examples I've found demonstrate functionality like: "click on...

Should I duplicate validation in my MVC layer and Service layer?

I'm feeling a little conflicted at the moment. I have a web application using Stripes for an MVC framework and Spring/Hibernate for the back-end. I have an account registration method in my MVC layer which requires the following validation: Username is not already taken The provided email address is not already associated with another...

Stripes framework sample example using netbeans

Hi all, please can you give sample example for stripes framework using netbeans IDE. ...

Downsides of using Stripes+Spring vs Spring MVC

I am coming from Struts 1 world. Now I am starting a new project and we are using Spring. I could use Spring MVC, but seeing how simple it is to use Stripes (no xml is a big plus) I am tempted to use that with our brand spanking new Spring web application. I have no experience in either Stripes or Spring MVC (apart from basic CRUD appli...

What language (Java or Python) + framework for mid sized web project?

I plan to start a mid sized web project, what language + framework would you recommend? I know Java and Python. I am looking for something simple. Is App Engine a good option? I like the overall simplicity and free hosting, but I am worried about the datastore (how difficult is it to make it similarly fast as a standard SQL solution? + ...

can i use stripes tag library and spring mvc togther.

I want to use stripes tag library specifically layout features. My rest of the project is handled by spring mvc. Is this possible to use stripes without adding any stripes filter? ...

Stripes - Dynamically generated input fields bound to collection unable to be set to empty

Hi I am using Stripes for a project and have a situation I cannot understand. In my action bean I have a list of objects (for setting app config params) and in the jsp I am dynamically creating input fields for each object. For a normal edit everything works fine however if I try and set a field to empty the object value remains what i...

Why is contextInitialized() called multiple times?

Hi. I'm running a Stripes web app on Jboss 4.2.3.GA and am trying to call a method when I start JBoss. I created a ServletContextListener like so: public class TimerContextListener implements ServletContextListener { @Inject private TimerManager timerManager; public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent servletcont...

StreamingResolution Stripes

Hello. Could anyone help me with java Framework - stripes? I try to upload image with stripes:file, resize on server and return with new StreamingResolution return ("image / jpeg"... I dont now exactly how send with StreamingResolution and how can I load image after stripes:file element on jsp? Many Thanks ...

Stripes, Spring, Play (or ?) : which high performance Java framework to use ?

We are beginning to build out a webapp which will probably see a lot of traffic. We dont have a lot of money, so we want to reduce hardware cost. More or less, I think that means we will try to be as stateless as possible (as the Wicket way suggests - have bookmarkable URLs, etc. etc.) The other problem is that we are gonna be hiring co...

How to upload, extract, store .csv data to server and transfer to mysql.

In short: how to put a zipful of csv data into mysql? Long: I have to create a functionality for an admin to upload bootstrap data for a java web application. The administrator should be able to upload a single zip file of csvs on the admin page. The code needs to unzip csvs and the data must be transferred saved in a mysql DB. I know ...

How do you bind a Date to in stripes using a specific format? MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss

How do you bind a Date to in stripes using a specific format? "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" <s:text name="myDateTime" formatPattern="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" /> ...

Stripes Framework

I am using Eclipse with Java 1.6. I was wondering what the preliminary steps were to set up the Stripes framework. (What do we do with the .jar file?) I don't understand the basics of the framework, as I have thoroughly searched for a clear explanation (other then the Stripes website). ...

Stripes MVC Model Data

I am experienced with Spring MVC and am trying out Stripes to decide whether to try it out for a new project. In Spring MVC I would prepare model data and pass it to the view by adding it to a map in the ModelAndView instance created by my controller. I am having trouble finding the equivalent of this for Stripes. It seems like the clo...

stripes RedirectResolution redirecting to https url

Lets say the user access a stripes action1 using https. Once action1 processing is complete, it uses RedirectResolution to redirect to action2. At this point, the browser receives a 302 to to action2 with http and not https. How will I make RedirectResolution to use https while redirecting to action2? ...