
Help with infrequent segmentation fault in accessing boost::unordered_multimap or struct

I'm having trouble debugging a segmentation fault. I'd appreciate tips on how to go about narrowing in on the problem. The error appears when an iterator tries to access an element of a struct Infection, defined as: struct Infection { public: explicit Infection( double it, double rt ) : infT( it ), recT( rt ) {} double infT; // in...

Reading a binary file in Python into a struct

How do I go about opening a binary data file in Python and reading back the values one long at a time, into a struct. I have something like this at the moment but I think this will keep overwriting idList, I want to append to it, so I end up with a tuple of all the long values in the file - file = open(filename, "rb") try: ...

Sorting an array of structs

I have an array of structs called leaders. The struct class looks like this, for contextual info: class Leader <, :user); end Two questions: How do I sort the array of structs by rank? How do I sort the array of structs by rank and by user.created_at? ...

writing structs and classes to disk

The following function writes a struct to a file. #define PAGESIZE sizeof(BTPAGE) #define HEADERSIZE 2L int btwrite(short rrn, BTPAGE *page_ptr) { long addr; addr = (long) rrn * (long) PAGESIZE + HEADERSIZE; lseek(btfd, addr, 0); return (write(btfd, page_ptr, PAGESIZE)); } The following is...

How to make a struct of structs in C++

Can a struct contain other structs? I would like to make a struct that holds an array of four other structs. Is this possible? What would the code look like? ...

Pointers to structures

typedef struct queue { int q[max]; int qhead; int qrear; } queue; void init_queue(queue *QUEUE) { QUEUE.qhead = 0; QUEUE.qrear = -1; } void enqueue(queue *QUEUE,int data) { QUEUE.qrear++; QUEUE.q[QUEUE.qrear] = data; } int process_queue(queue *QUEUE) { if(QUEUE.qhead > QUEUE.qrear) return -1; else return Q...

How is it legal to reference an undefined type inside a structure?

As part of answering another question, I came across a piece of code like this, which gcc compiles without complaint. typedef struct { struct xyz *z; } xyz; int main (void) { return 0; } This is the means I've always used to construct types that point to themselves (e.g., linked lists) but I've always thought you had to name t...

Hide struct definition in static library.

Hi, I need to provide a C static library to the client and need to be able to make a struct definition unavailable. On top of that I need to be able to execute code before the main at library initialization using a global variable. Here's my code: private.h #ifndef PRIVATE_H #define PRIVATE_H typedef struct TEST test; #endif pri...

How do I activate #pragma pack on ubuntu 10.4 gcc 4.4.3

I am trying to activate #pragma pack(push, 8) on ubuntu 10.4 (8.10 would also be nice), which uses gcc 4.4.3, but I can't get it to work. Is there something more that need to be done? There is not even a warning if I compile with -Wunknown-pragmas so gcc seems at least to acknowledge it as a known pragma. It would be nice to use the pa...

Generating TrueType file: Why always invalid?

Hello everbody, as said above, I wrote a little Python script that reads WOFF files (my own free fonts), extracts the embedded TrueType font data tables and rewrites them into TrueType font files. Well, it should theoretically. :-) I read the specs (WOFF -- TrueType) and did everything as stated there. Here I posted a short overview of...

Struct declaration error in C

ive got a struct problem it returns: cd.h:15: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers its probably something simple ... struct cd { char titel[32]; char artiest[32]; int speelduur; }; typedef struct cd CD; struct cdlijst{ CD *item; struct cdlijst *next; } ...

Returning structs in registers - ARM ABI in GCC

Hi, In the ARM ABI documentation I come across functions defined like: __value_in_regs struct bar foo(int a, int b) { ... } but GCC(4.3.3) doesn't allow it and all I could find are references to some RealView compiler. Is there any way of doing this from GCC? I have tried -freg-struct-return but it doesn't make a difference. As ...

sort a struct array by attribute value

Ive got a task in C to sort a struct by using qsort struct user { enum SEX{m, f} sex; char name[32]; char phonenr[32]; }; typedef struct user User; the users will be stored in a array of 25 elements but how do i sort them on something like name ? ...

((System.Object)p == null)

Why do this: // If parameter cannot be cast to Point return false. TwoDPoint p = obj as TwoDPoint; if ((System.Object)p == null) { return false; } Instead of this: // If parameter cannot be cast to Point return false. TwoDPoint p = obj as TwoDPoint; if (p == null) { return false; ...

Real thing about "->" and "."

I always wanted to know what is the real thing difference of how the compiler see a pointer to a struct (in C suppose) and a struct itself. struct person p; struct person *pp; pp->age, I always imagine that the compiler does: "value of pp + offset of atribute "age" in the struct". But what it does with person.p? It would be almost th...

C: using a lot of structs can make a program slow?

I am coding a breakout clone. I had one version in which I only had one level deep of structures. This version runs at 70 fps. For more clarity in the code I decided the code should have more abstractions and created more structs. Most of the times I have two two three level deep of structures. This version runs at 30 fps. Since there ...

Types in a struct in C

In this article : What's means the sentence "In C, a structure member may be of any type except "function returning T" (for some type T)" Thanks for all the answers! ...

C problem, left of '->' must point to class/struct/union/generic type ??

Hello! Trying to understand why this doesn't work. I keep getting the following errors: left of '->nextNode' must point to class/struct/union/generic type (Also all the lines with a -> in the function new_math_struct) Header file #ifndef MSTRUCT_H #define MSTRUCT_H #define PLUS 0 #define MINUS 1 #define DIVIDE 2 #defi...

C++ struct containing unsigned char and int bug

Ok i have a struct in my C++ program that is like this: struct thestruct { unsigned char var1; unsigned char var2; unsigned char var3[2]; unsigned char var4; unsigned char var5[8]; int var6; unsigned char var7[4]; }; When i use this struct, 3 random bytes get added before the "var6", if i delete "var5" it's still before "var6" ...

A public struct inside a class

I am new to C++, and let's say I have two classes: Creature and Human: /* creature.h */ class Creature { private: public: struct emotion { /* All emotions are percentages */ char joy; char trust; char fear; char surprise; char sadness; char disgust; char anger; ...