
How to pass argument if event handler is assigned in initialization function?

It is always good to separate presentation layer and behaviour between HTML and Javascript based on head first book. They tell me not to do: <textarea onclick="showAlert()"></textarea> But instead, do below: The example below separate the behaviour from HTML code (structure). <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> window.on...

Structure initialization as argument

I try to send some struct into STL list; struct obj { int a; int b; } list < struct obj> mylist; struct obj a = { 0, 1}; mylist.push_back ( a); Is there any other way to initialize argument of push_back? For example: mylist.push_back ( struct obj a ={0, 1}); g++ tells me: expected primary-expression before "struct"; ...

Plugin compiler structure?

Im making a modular program, and it supports dynamic compilation of source files in the plugin directory. What I would like to do, to speed up loading times, is save compiled assemblies to a separate folder. When my program loads, and comes across a source file to compile, i would like it to check if there is an already compiled assembl...

Adjusting height of a-tag to outer td

Hey guys, I got the following structure: <td> <a>1. menu</a> <a>2. menu</a> <a>3. menu</a> <a>4. menu</a> </td> Of course, I have classes assigned to the elements. I am trying to adjust the height of those a elements to the outer td, so that the hover effect will fill from top to the bottom. See here: Any idea how I ...

We have two braches in TFS(Standard and Enterprise) of which many of the files are common. How do we manage changes in both?

Hi, We have two folder structures in TFS(two seperate braches) for same application. One branch managing normal desktop application and another with client-server architechture. The later one has extra features. Apart from few files, most of the files are common between the branches. If we have a change, we have to do it in both the s...

Environment organization / workspace structure guidelines for (interactive?) developer

Planing to change my computer soon, thinking about how to organize my folders and files. If you are develop something for Flash/iOS/Android/??? platform, please share your thoughts. I am personally a Flash platform developer and a Mac user, so I think it should be a single directory ~/Development/ (/Users/username/Development/ in my cas...

how to compare table structure in SAS

I am a tester and i need to compare two data sets structure (not table data) in SAS. I tried to use 'proc compare' but it compares the data. i want to compare dataset/table structure (column name, data type, null constraints etc.) Can any one pl help. thanks ...

Python structure always stuck at 0 no matter what value you assign to it?

I was writing a module to compact bits to be passed to C program, but keep getting errors. After some tests, I found out that the field a of class Blah is stuck at 0 no matter what. Does anyone know if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong here? Sorry, I forgot to mention I'm using python 3.1.2 from

C++ Declspec align

Hi am new to Visual C++, Could Someone please explain what ConfParams() declared in a structure does __declspec(align(BYTE)) struct ConfParams { BOOL m_timeout; DOUBLE m_caution; ConfParams(); } ...

MySQL Text Fields and Memory Usage

I am working on an application that allows users to dynamically add questions to web forms. We use MySQL as the backend, and I am trying to find the fastest, most efficient way of storing the form data. Previously, we stored the data in a separate table for each form section. The columns were named according to a system that allowed u...

graph data structure

what is the difference between the terms edge and path in graph data structure ...

How to create a resuable structure in ASP.NET 4.0 (C#)

Hello, I am looking at how I structure my projects in ASP.NET (web applications). Most websites will have the basics but each project will differ and I will need to add some extra functionality that I would like to group into applications. E.g. add a blog application. I am interested in web applications so that I may package websites...

Modify XML structure to create a Nested Tree XML structure using XSD or XSLT

Hello, please I was wondering if someone can please help as its quite urgent. I need to convert the structue of an xml file to another xml structure so that I can bind it to a treeview control (i'm a c# developer). I noticed the treeview control accepts a transform file or xpath expression and am wondering if some one kno...

How to read values from the ArrayList of Structures?

I am using the following code in C#. I am adding the values into the arraylist by using index. Now I want to read the values from the arraylist by using the index only. In the following example I am simply reading all the values from the arrylist but I want to read the values from the arrylist based on index( for e.g Customer_Details[i]...

jQuery: Modify the structure of an input.

Hi to all, i have wrote today because i need some help with a simple function in jquery for modify the structure of an input [reCaptcha] and hide the image showed. The code of the page(s) that contains the reCaptcha plugin is: Is possible to make this in Jquery? BEFORE -----------------------------------...

Guidance on Android file storage

Hello, I need to write an Android app that would download sounds from the internet for further use. Where should i store these sounds? Is Sqlite an option? And what's the best way to load and play these files? Thanks in advance. ...

How do You structure an iPhone XCode project?

What are good ways of building groups/folders? I've tried by feature (UI for a feature plus model etc) with a common group. I've also tried by UI, model, etc. The former keeps like things together which fits the iPhone paradigm nicely. The latter means I jump around a bit more. What do you think? ...

What is the CSS “@media” nested structure/namespace?

What is this name space like wrapping/nested structure in CSS? I have never seen this before. Please help me understand what is this. Thanks @media screen, projection { * { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } body { background: #fff; overflow-y: scroll; _overflow-y: none; } } ...

Recommended program structure

Hi all, as a beginner, I have formulated some ideas, but wanted to ask the community about the best way to implement the following program: It decodes 8 different types of data file. They are all different, but most are similar (contain a lot of similar fields). In addition, there are 3 generations of system which can generate these fil...

MySQL structure :: Friendships

Many people say that I should create a friendships table(userid , friendid). My question is: Won't there be a double record for every friendship ? like: 12 is friend with 5 + 5 is friend with 12 Is there a way to prevent this ? | OR | Should I just ignore that ? ...