
Create Generic Controller in custom controllerfactory

I use this code to create my controller: public override IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName) { try { Type controllerType = null; var baseControllerType = typeof(DashboardController<>); var item = _repository.GetByUrlSegment(requestContext.Rou...

StructureMap: How to set lifecylce on types connected with ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing

In my registry I have Scan(scanner => { scanner.AssemblyContainingType<EmailValidation>(); scanner.ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing(typeof(IValidation<>)); }); What am I supposed to do to define these all as Singletons? Also as an aside to this question, is there any reason to not defin...

Using structuremap getinstance in linq statement with initializer values

I'm not sure how to ask this, but I want to create a new object in a linq statement, and initialize it's values. Since I have to use StructureMap's GetInstance method to get an instance of the object, I don't think this is possible. Am I wrong? And before we get off-topic, I realize I could probably create a constructor that takes the...

Is it possible to have different StructureMap configurations for ASP.NET and IIS-Hosted WCF?

I just followed this example to bootstrap WCF with StructureMap. At the same time I've been using StructureMap in my ASP.NET application (IIS6), which is initialized in Global.asax.Application_Start(). The two configurations have different requirements. Unfortunately, StructureMap is configured statically, and contrary to my expecta...

StructureMap InstanceInterceptor not being called...

I want to intercept the creation of an instance in SM and I'm trying the following but it's not calling the InstanceInterceptor implementation, does anyone know why? ForRequestedType<IPublishResources>() .TheDefault .Is .OfConcreteType<PublisherService>() .InterceptWith(new PublisherServiceInterceptor()); The test code uses the Ob...

StructureMap, ObjectFactory and the IContainer

I'm working with StructureMap for my IoC needs. To make things pleasantly testable, I'm passing IContainer instances around wherever possible, usually as constructor parameters. As a convenience, I'd like to be able to fall back to using ObjectFactory for a parameterless constructor. The simplest way (I thought) to do this would be to ...

StructureMap 202 - Why?

OK, I'm trying to set a property on a type I'm registering with SM. Here's the code from the registry in one of my components. This registry is being added during the configuration from a console app. When I try to access the EndorsementSpecs property of the instance AutoMandatoryEndorsementAggregator object, I get the 202. What's int...

StrcutureMap Wiring - Sanity Check Please

Hi - Im new to IOC and StructureMap and have an n-level application and am looking at how to setup the wirings (ForRequestedType ...) and just want to check with people with more experience that this is the best way of doing it! I dont want my UI application object to reference my persistence layer directly so am not able to wire everyt...

Scanning for types with AssembliesFromPath in StructureMap

I'm working on an application where we are using StructureMap 2.5.4 to scan a directory like below. ObjectFactory.Configure(scanner => scanner.Scan(x => { x.AssembliesFromPath(settings.Directory); x.AddAllTypesOf(typeof(IScannerConvention)).NameBy(n => n.Name); })); For some reason the types implementing IScannerConvention are...

Structuremap syntax in version 2.5.4

I have just updated to the latest structuremap dll and now my site no longer works at runtime due to deprecated methods in structuremap so I am trying to update my bootstrapper code. In my bootstrapper class I have rewritten it to: public class Bootstrapper { public static void ConfigureStructureMap() { ObjectFactory.In...

structurmap 2.5.4 FindInterfaceThatCloses no longer supported, what is the new syntax?

previously I had : public class PresentationModelConventionScanner : ITypeScanner { public void Process(Type type, PluginGraph graph) { Type interfaceType = type.FindInterfaceThatCloses(typeof(IPresentationModel<>)); if (interfaceType != null) { graph.AddType(interfaceType, type); } ...

structuremap 2.5.4 LifecycleIs best practice?

which of the following syntax is considered best practice? For<IMyInterface>().LifecycleIs(new HybridLifecycle()).Use<MyImplementation>(); For<IMyInterface>().LifecycleIs(Lifecycles.GetLifecycle(InstanceScope.Hybrid)).Use<MyImplementation>(); if the first one is correct, can I create one object HybridLifecycle, and use it for multipl...

StructureMap Question

This is the equivalent of what I'm trying to create with StructureMap: new ChangePasswordWithNotificationAndLoggingService( new ChangePasswordService( new ActiveDirectoryRepository(new ActiveDirectoryCredentials()), new TokenRepository("")), new EmailNotificationService(new PasswordChangedNotification(new UserAccount())), ne...

I am looking for a simple yet practical and robust IOC\DI framework for .net

I am going to use it in a project with less-experienced developers so a complex framework such as Spring.NET is not an option. I was thinking about: Ninject Castle Windsor StructureMap Which would present a moderate learning curve without losing flexibility? and another question - where is the correct place to put the configuration?...

How to tell if a named instance is in the container in StructureMap 2.6?

I was previously using SM 2.5.3. I had some code that stored a named instance of an object that looked like this: ObjectFactory.Configure(x => x.ForRequestedType<T>() .TheDefault.IsThis(item) .WithName(itemName)); Then to request one of the items from the container, I would do: return ObjectFactory.GetName...

StructureMap on unit testing

I hawe a webproject where i use StructureMap for DI IOC, it works perfect, but i dont hawe a clue how to write unit testing with StructureMap should i do this in AssemblyInitialize start Configuration of structuremap like in global.asax exept to for datacontext not to use Live LinqToSqlDataContext but some memory data like this: [Assem...

Comparing Castle Windsor, Unity and StructureMap

In a follow up to Krzysztof’s statement that Windsor does a lot more than other IoC’s, I wanted to understand how these IoC’s stack up against each other and the benefits/additional facilities that castle Windsor provides. Are there any comparisons? Can someone help me understand the additional features that Castle Windsor provides ov...

Registering a Generics Implementation of a Generic Interface in StructureMap

i have a generic interface public interface IDomainDataRepository<T> { T[] GetAll(); } with a generic implementation public class DomainDataRepository<T> : IDomainDataRepository<T> { public virtual T[] GetAll() { return GetSession().Linq<T>().ToArray(); } } how do I register it in StructureMap so that if I r...

Influencing AOP with attributes via IoC; code-smell or elegant?

I'm using StructureMap at the moment, generally with convention-based (Scan()) auto-configuration, and I'm looking to add decorator-based caching into the pipeline. If I configure it manually that is fine, but Scan() is just so convenient when you get lots of dependencies... I'm toying with noting cache suggestions on the interface(s), ...

Bootstrapping Dependencies (using StructureMap) in winforms

I am trying to keep the IoC registration off to the side just like it is done in CodeCampServer via the DependencyResolution project, so that only one project in my solution holds a reference to StructureMap. I have implementations of interfaces in my Client/UI project which I want registered, meaning that this DependencyResolution Proj...