
What is the best "captcha" for use within a struts framework?

We need to integrate a good CAPTCHA into our CA Siteminder implementation. What is the best CAPTCHA for use with Struts? We've been looking at reCAPTCHA. ...

Can struts logic tag evaluate a variable's contents?

Below is what I'm trying to achieve. The problem is "errors" is not defined. If I remove my match logic, the errors are displayed on the web page. Is there anyway of evaluating the text the error contains? <logic:messagesPresent> <tr> <td class="errorcicon"><img src="images/icon_caution.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="Cauti...

Which book would you recommend for entering into the J2EE world?

I was wondering if there are any books you would recommend for learning J2EE. I have done a lot of OO programming in the past (mainly java, C# and C++), but I'm now entering the world of J2EE with my job:: "struts 2, hibernate, spring, etc.." so many different libraries, plugins and ways to configure eclipse or netbeans... I feel a bit o...

Reload the page without submitting it back to the server.

Hi all the problem I have is that I have two sets of values in a drop down list. If type 'A' is selected I want a text box to be populated with a value from the database and be read only. If Type 'B' is selected the box is to be empty and editable. My original code is written in jsp/struts and I have sort of achieved this by using o...

Struts - Loading result-templates (like JSP) from JAR-Files

How can I define it in the struts framework, when I would like to load templates (JSP, ZUL etc.) from different JAR-Files? ...

Struts tiles - is each tile asynchronous ?

I had experience with struts, and briefly experimented with tiles. I know that within a layout each tile is a separate jsp page. Suppose I hit a button on each of four tiles, and each tile was (indirectly) calling a different web service. Would the tiles refresh asynchronously as results came in at different times? ...

Rich interaction in Java/JSP web app

I'm writing a website in JSP using Struts and Hibernate. I'm looking for a way to implement a rich UI where you can have more than just buttons. For examples, drag and drops, drop down lists that updates itself in real time as you type more letters out etc. Is there a way to use something like Swing with Struts and Hibernate? Or are ther...

What security features are available in Struts.

I am tasked with developing a web application and am thinking of using the Struts framework as it seems to be a standard and is easy to implement. However, before making a decision I need to know the security features available in Struts. Is there effective ways to handle the OWASP Top 10 using Struts? And if so, how would I accompl...

Where Should I Begin Learning Struts?

I need to use struts for a class I am taking. What is the best web resource to begin looking at how to set up a struts application from scratch? I am already familiar with JSP's. This is for Struts 1 by the way. ...

Action and Jsp to get the iterator and display it..

This is my action class public Iterator<CgConsultant> getSearchresult() { List<CgConsultant> list =userSearch.getConsultantMatches(searchstring); System.out.println("The size of the resutl list:"+list.size()); Iterator<CgConsultant> iterator = list.iterator(); CgConsultant obj; while(iterator.hasNext()){ ...

What is the Best method to http transfer a file from the client to a server, in Java 1.5?

What is the Best method to http transfer a file from the client to a server, in Java 1.5? ...

struts property tag to retrieve Object

Is it possible to get an Object's attribute through the property tag in struts? For example, if I have a user object that consist of user name and email, is it possible to modify the code below to have it return the user name and email instead of the whole object? print("<s:iterator value="UserObjects"><tr><td><s:property/></td> </tr><...

How to get the parameters passed by <s:url.. struts tag in the action class

M sending the parameters from the jsp page, the code is <s:url id="url" action="searchAction"> <s:param name="id">"${}"</s:param> </s:url> and m getting it in the url as.. http://localhost:8080/search/searchAction.html?id="1" I need to get it in the action class how do i get it.. please do any suggestion ...

How to set the body URL of a tile in Struts action class?

I am using struts 1.1 with tiles. I have tiles with definitions like <definition name="cnmp.body.index" extends="cnmp.mainLayout" > <put name="title" value="CNM Portal" /> <put name="bodytitle" value="Home" /> <put name="body" value="/00-CNM_Landing.jsp" /> </definition> I want to be able to set the value of the body parame...

struts checkbox

I am trying to set the fieldValue of the check box to a value i got from the property tag. I am having trouble with the syntax this is what I tried <s:form id="myForm" method="post" action="removeUser" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <s:iterator value="myList"> <tr> <td><s:property value="id"/></td> <td><s:property ...

Not geting the object in the jsp send from the struts action class

Hello can anybody solve this please m creating the object in the action class public CgUsers getUserdetail(){ CgUsers user = userManager.getUser(id); return user; } And m trying using that object in the jsp page c:forEach items="${Userdetail}" var="user"> <ul> <li><c:out value="${user.getLastName()}"/...

Are spaces allowed in the name attribute of a Struts logic:equal tag?

I came across the following markup in a JSP file in a legacy app I maintain: <logic:equal name="welcome memberInfoView" property="hasFoo" value="false"> That name attribute looks very wrong to me. Based on what I've read in the Struts docs, that space isn't allowed. Is this legal? If so, what would it be doing? If not, what might the...

How do I access Locale from a JSP?

I want to include a js file depending on the value of the current Locale. I have tried to access it from JSP as follows: <%@ page import="java.util.Locale" %> <% if( ((Locale) pageContext.getAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE",PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE)).getLanguage().equals("de")) { %> <script src="../themes/administrati...

Which JavaScript library you recommend to use with J2EE + Struts + iBatis ?

Which JavaScript library you recommend to use with J2EE + Struts + iBatis ? Something like Ext JS, Dojo, frameworks that can be easily integrated with Struts. ...

Not getting the 'index" value from for loop to the if loop in the JSP

Hello. My if statement is always evaluating to false and not entering the <span> block. Because of which, I'm not able to get the value of "index" in the if condition, I've tried every thing appending index with # and %. Can anybody suggest the solution? <c:forEach var="index" begin="1" end="<%=a%>" step="1"> <s:if test="index == 1"...