
Dojo Framework

Is there a better ajax framework than DOJO for web apps using struts? ...

Template-Engine for Struts

Freemarker, Tiles oder Velocity? Which template engine is the best for a multi-user-system build with struts? ...

What is the role of Spring in Struts + Spring + Hibernate?

What role is Spring taking in Struts + Spring + Hibernate? ...

modularity in struts projects

Which Template-/Ajax-Framework is able to load information of various web application modules (JAR-Files)? ...

Firefox cuts files, whose name contains spaces, in a Struts application

I am using the next class (simplified for the sake of understandability) to download images in a struts web application. It is working fine in every browser but firefox, which cuts names containing spaces. That it is to say: file with spaces.pdf gets downloaded in firefox as: file while in chrome, IE7 IE6 is downloaded as file with spac...

tiles in struts project - better than freemarker?

I want to use a template engine in a struts application and would like to know if using TILES can be recommended instead of FREEMARKER or VELOCITY. ...

struts setup sample application on eclipse

Hi there, I am new to strut/web programming and I thought I could learn alot by reading a sample app. On google, I searched and found a sample app at The tutorial is really nice and it gives a sample login page. However, I couldn't run this sample app. I tried posting on t...

What descriptive variable name can I use here?

I'm creating a custom Java Struts tag that is for building and formatting an html select box in a standardised way (part of our usability guidelines). Each select box has an additional/initial value which describes the requirement of the value returned by the select element, i.e.: Mandatory - with the label "Please Select" Optional - ...

TinyMCE in JSP(Struts application)

Which download I need to use to use TinyMCE in JSP(Struts application) I see Main Package, Development Package and also different Compression packages.. I am trying to implement Rich text editor for a text area in our application Thanks ...

Jsp useBean with struts

I'm pretty new at this so take it easy on me. The code I'm trying to get to work is: <jsp:useBean id="EJD" class= "MoverDetailForm" scope="application"/> <jsp:setProperty name="EJD" property="empFDJoiningDate" param="empFDJoiningDate" /> <% String empFDJoiningDate = EJD.getEmpFDJoiningDate(); out.print("please work" + empFDJoiningDate...

Form bean to session variable

If i can use <td><textarea><bean:write name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate"/> </textarea></td> to displace a value how can i use the struts tags to save a vaiable to the sesssion in sudo code session.setAttribute("test" , "<bean:write name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate"/>"); is this possible? ...

Struts JSP previous link

Hi, Does anyone know how I can retrieve the previous JSP URL that a page has come from within a JSP? Can I retrieve this from the session/ request/ response object? Hope this makes sense, Thank you ...

JSP struts

Hi, How would I assign a variable within scriplet code in JSP <%> and then use struts logic tags to do stuff based on the value of the variable assigned in the scriplet code block? I have tried using struts:logic equal and greaterthan to no avail.... Many Thanks, ...

Struts logic tag problem

i know this doesnt work but i dont know why, also how can i make it work? <% int result = referer.indexOf(""); %> <% if (result == -1){%> <%out.print("checking");%> <bean:define id="JOININGDATE" name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate" type="java.lang.String" toScope="session"/> <%}%> Please pleas...

What type should Struts ActionForm properties be?

I inherited this gigantic legacy Java web app using Struts 1.2.4. I have a specific question regarding ActionForms. Some of them have only String properties (even for numbers), some of them use the seemingly appropriate types (Integer, Date, String, etc). What's the best practice here? Also, it seems that if a property is of type Intege...

How to deal with monstrous Struts Actions?

I inherited this gigantic legacy Java web app using Struts 1.2.4. I have a specific question regarding Actions. Most of the pages have exactly one Action, and the processExecute() methods are hideous monsters (very long and tons of nested if statements based on request parameters). Given that Actions are an implementation of the command...

Struts Logic Problem

Why doesn't the code below work? The idea is that the page checks to see if the dropdown variable has changes since you last refreshed the page. <logic:equal name="Result" value = "-1"> <bean:define id="JOININGDATE" name="smlMoverDetailForm" property="empFDJoiningDate" type="java.lang.String" toScope = "session" /> </logic...

wildcard characters in struts-config, version 1.1

My application is using struts 1.1. I'm trying to group URL forwards, using wildcards. For example, if the action is like this: action path="/edit/product" type="classname" forward name="success" path=".myapp.main" action Replacing the first line above with action path="/edit/*" type="classname" doesn't work. Any...

Does StringTemplate work with Struts?

I would like to use a template engine in my struts web application. Therefore I would like to use StringTemplate, but have no idea how to implement in Struts. ...

How to trim input field value in struts?

I use Struts v1.3 and have following input form: In struts-config.xml: <form-bean name="testForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm"> <form-property name="displayName" type="java.lang.String" /> </form-bean> In validation.xml: <form name="testForm"> <field property="displ...