
How to pass an array of string in a url

Hello i have an url in my jsp and i want to pass an array of string in this url to recover in my ActionForm ...

How to recover all the file path selected

Hello, I put a browser in my jsp page, and when I select the file via the browser and I'm doing a System.outn select the file path, I only have the name, and I need to recover all the file path selected <form:form onsubmit="document.getElementById('idButton').value='Traîtement en cours ...'" action="ajouter.html" method="POS...

Retrieve the full path to a folder on an intranet

How can we make from a jsp using a component-type browse, retrieve the full path to a folder on an intranet ...

Component FormFile browse at the folder level

I want a JSP web page that allows the user to select a folder as input, not files. If I use , I couldn't select a folder as input, I can only select a single file as input. In my case, are there any solutions to my problem? ...

Can you force focus on a calling IE window on the close of a child IE window in Windows CE?

Hello, I have a struts application being used on handheld devices running Windows CE 4.2/5.0. We needed the functionality of another app in this one, and the solution was to pop up a window to the other app (using, run the process, and then close the window to return to the original app. Normally our apps always focus on...

Why am I getting JPA LazyInitializationException when using Spring OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter?

My application of OEIV Filter doesn't seem to be getting applied to my Struts actions. I am using Spring 3, Spring Security 3, Struts2, Tiles2 and JPA backed by Hibernate 3. When I try to access a collection for an entity in a struts action, unless the Entity has a fetch type of eager, I am getting a JPA LazyInitializationException. I s...

dynamic struts <html:option>

hi expert, how to write dynamic struts , i'm doing as below <logic:iterate id="data" name="sendEmailForm" property="eventList"> <html:option value="<bean:write name="data" property="eventId"/>"/> <bean:write name="data" property="title"/> </html:option> </logic:iterate> but getting error JSPG0069E: Unmatched end tag f...

Problem retrieving id with html: select

Hello, I have in my jsp with a table on each line a combo, the problem is that I can not get the value selected in my combo during a submit I think the problem is the definition of property JSP: <logic:notEmpty name="gererUtilitaireForm" property="listUtilitaireBean"> <%int i=0; %> <logic:iterate...

JSP:forward Question

I am just getting started on web app development. I have an index.jsp that has just ONE line. < jsp:forward page=""/> What does the above line do? page="" actually refer to? what does the question mark "?" next to "" signify? As Bozho rightly pointed out, a servlet called "action" ...

what is the difference

hello what is the difference between <%+i%> and ${i} ...

Modify Web App layout

I am making changes to an existing web app project which currently has web pages for ONE LAYOUT, say, for example, BLACK. My layout blackpage1.jsp is made up by assembling Struts Tiles - title, header, footer. My current layout blackpage1.jsp looks like: tiles:insert title tiles:insert header tiles:insert footer I would...

Struts, using the 'name' attribute from html:rewrite?

I want to have a bean in which I can use the 'name=my_bean' attribute for the html:write tag. The goal being, I want to have mutliple parameters on my URL. I know I need a Map in my bean with all of my key value pairs. So the question is, what do I name the Map so that Struts will know where the Map is within my bean? Or is there an...

how to set findForward for specific module action?

public class TestAction extends Action { public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{ return mapping.findForward("test"); } } ... A developer attempts to use an ActionForward by calling mapping.findForward(...

bean write format 000000

I want to make format number in my jsp view as follows: 0000001 0000090 0911111 I try use <bean:write format="0000000"> but the format does not work. ...

how to configure action with * in it?

<action path="/edit*" type="org.apache.struts.weapp.example.Edit{1}Action" name="{1}Form" scope="request"> <forward name="failure" path="/mainmenu.jsp"/> <forward name="success" path="/{1}.jsp"/> </action> Referring to the above how does the developer change the following sample to accept the request of format: /edit*Cust...

How to retain the data while clicking on the cancel button in page.?

I have a Employee add page which has lot of information to be filled. So, user requested 'copy info' functionality from other Employee..On top of the add page i have 'copy info' button which in turn redirects to another page which lists all employees. from that user select one of the employee and whose informations are copied to this add...

What java web framework is used in the biggest world banks?

Do you have information about what java web framework is mostly used in the biggest world banks as web back-end? ...

struts 1.2 with Ajax

how to make synchronous Ajax call using dojo.event.connect. Basically for asynchronous Ajax call, if two call is there means it will load parallel. So i want make a call synchronous if the call is executed fully then after only second call should invoke. please help me ...

how to decode URL parameters in struts web app?

I have added CharacterEncodingFilter class to encode each parameter which comes in.All went well.. I am using STruts2, display tag, tiles.. My app data contains special characters.(for e.g ™).I am seaching the data with this special character. in the display tag, for pagination and sorting it automatically creaing the hiberlink. These s...

Intercept write action and generate user log

I want to log every user action that change domain in my web application. when user try to create, update, delete some data the action must be save in to the user log. but when user action is list, generate report. it doesn't need to log. I my current program, I write service log. and call that service log to each action method (perform...