
gtk: indicate a button should be pressed

What's the best way to indicate on a GTK interface that a button should be pressed / to "highlight" the button? The use case is that I have a set of checkboxes representing various settings, but for them to take effect, they must be submitted to a server. I want to indicate that the currently checked settings have not been sent to the se...

What are the advantages of using a container element for lists in XML?

When specifying XML formats that contain a list of items, there is often a choice of at least two distinct styles. One uses a container element for the list, the other doesn't. As an example: if specifying a document with multiple pages, one could do this: <document> <title>...</title> <pages> <page>...</page> <page>...</pag...

iphone detect new style sheet

Hey, I am trying to trouble shoot a css issue that is appearing only in iphone browsers. I simply need to detect if the user is using an iphone, and if so, render a modified version of the div that is being affected. I am happy to just call this modified version of the css div in the header as it will save having a second style sheet. ...

jQuery CSS() for dynamically created elements

I'm using jQuery CSS function to style some elements $element.css(style); This works, but a part of the elements are created dynamically after the page load. This should be $ ('created',function() { $(this).css(style); }); I'm stuck on the created event. Any ideas? ...

WPF: Altering a listbox style, smoothening transition between borders

I'm trying to alter the listboxitem style for a silverlight menu. The result I need should look like something like this Is this even possible?, if so: How can i accieve this? The current Xaml code used for the menu: <Style x:Key="LeftMenuStyle" TargetType="ListBoxItem"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Mar...

Readable convention for unpacking single value tuple

There are some related questions about unpacking single-value tuples, but I'd like to know if there is a preferred method in terms of readability for sharing and maintaining code. I'm finding these to be a source of confusion or misreading among colleagues when they involve a long function chain such as an ORM query. Is there some conv...

is there a way to modify property of css div in html

I am kind of new to css and html coming form Actionscirpt.. I was wonder if there is a better way to do this. I created an external css with following div. #myDiv{ position:absolute; top:200px; left:200px; width:200px; height:200px; } and in html I want to use the same div for 3 different things with different value/property. <di...

Flex missing styles at runtime (getStyle returning null for indicatorSkin in formitem)

I have a slightly odd problem. I have a 2 flex applications that both use some RSLs. RSL1 declares a container that forms get shown in, and RSL2 defines a form that gets shown. App 1 is reasonably complicated, and works just fine - the form container from RSL1 can be instantiated, and the form from RSL2 can be shown inside it. App 2 i...

Apply a style to TextBlocks within a ContentPresenter in Silverlight

If I have the following style defined: <UserControl.Resources> <Style TargetType="TextBlock" x:Key="ProblemStyle"> <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="40"/> <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold"/> </Style> </UserControl.Resources> Then when I have a ContentPresenter data bound to a string, in WPF I can get ...

Apply Different Style to Button When Pressed

Is there a way to apply a style to a button when the button is pressed? If I have a style in style.xml: <resources> <style name="test"> <item name="android:textStyle">bold</item> </style> </resources> a selector in button.xml: <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:...

Binding in Combobox in WPF

Hi Im a begginer in wpf. Actualy im styling a Combobox which receive data from a database. The combobox work fine at this point (without style). I have edited the Control template of the ComboboxItem control in stylesheet, lazing it like resource dictionary. If the style apply to combobox with static data, the style work fine, but if th...

Custom item states for android selectors.

I see examples of selectors using android states like 'selected' to define style. Here a simplified example: <selector> <item android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@color/transparent" /> <item android:drawable="@drawable/listitem_normal" /> </selector> So, my question is: Can I define and use my own state instead of...

Why are certain bracket style/formats prefered in c/c++?

I've gotten the gist that the following <T> my_function(...) { .... } is preferred by most, compared to: <T> my_function(...) { .... } Likewise for: if (...) { ... } being preferred over if (...) { ... } Is this true and if so, why is the former style preferred over the latter? ...

WindowStyle = "None" + ResizeMode = "NoResize" = problem

problem is when i set my windowstyle to none and change resizemode to no resize, and run it, the height and width is bigger at runtime ...

change the style and theme of android app

From the beging The android app has black background, I want to make all these changes, How is that possible ...

wpf contextmenu gets style from it's parent

Hi I have a problem with context menu. I override default context menu from textbox with my own menu. The menu is created dynamicly and looks like that ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu() MenuItem item1= new MenuItem(); item1.Header = "First item"; MenuItem item2 = new MenuItem(); item2.Hea...

Stretch ListBoxItem Style Problems

I have a problem stretching the content of a ListBoxItem. I use a DataTemplate with a Grid to place the content of the last column aligned at the right. But I must have something in the basic style of the controls that prevents this kind of display - the "*" ("consume all the rest of space") displays like "auto" ("take only what you real...

C++ function parameter as reference

Hi, I have a question. Can anyone tell me why someone would declare parameter r like that ? Whats the difference between Record& r and Record(&r) ? QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream &s, Record(&r)) { } Thanks :) ...

Is it bad style to not use the loop variable in for-each statements in Java?

Is it considered poor style / discourage to ignore the loop variable in a for-each statement in Java? I have some code looks looks sort of like the following: public void makeChecklist( final List<File> inputSrcs ){ for( File src : inputSrcs ){ System.out.print( src.getName() + "\t" ); } System.out.println(); for( ...

Lock all controls except one without changing their appearance

Hi everyone! I need to Lock all controls of my window except one, if I write Me.MainGrid.IsEnabled = False I obtaind the result but many controls change the appearance. I need they maintain the current appearance, like when I open a WinDialog with ShowDialog. To redefine the style af all controls is a too much "chinese" work. There is ...