
Why IE developer toolbar stopped working correctly?

I have a web app only compatible with ie7. IE developer toolbar has been really helpful, but it stopped working correctly only for a few pages. The feature that no longer works is the "Find by click" option. Precisely the one that speeds up my work. I started to use another options, like firebug lite, and other js bookmarklets, but they'...

Applied style in WPF ignores properties.

Here's the conundrum. In two different places in my application, I use a border with the exact same appearance. In an never-ending fight against code bloat and unmanageable code, I want to define the border's appearance in a style to use when I create the border. Strangely, several of the properties I set are being ignored. Here's the c...

WPF: ContentPresenter changing Foreground unexpectedly depending on where styles are located

Hi, I'm having an issue with the ContentPresenter behaving unexpectedly based on whether the styles are located in the Window.Resources or in a ResourceDictionary. Specifically, I'm setting the Foreground of the default TextBlock to Black, then setting the Foreground value in my default button style to White. If the styles exits on the...

Win32: Reading WS_VSCROLL style from a combo box (or list box)

I'm iterating through the controls in a dialog and I'm trying to determine if a combobox was created with the WS_VSCROLL style. The style, obtained from GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE), doesn't contain the WS_VSCROLL bit (0x200000), even when I know it was set on create. Clarification: I am looking to see if the ComboBox was created ...

Is it possible to dynamically change the style/template of a control?

I am creating a UserControl in Silverlight 4 which has a watermarked background. The watermark should change depending on the underlying 'type' the UserControl is representing. The watermark is created using a Path and I have extracted all the properties into a style. I was wondering if it would be possible to change the style of the ...

jqgrid, firefox and css- text-decoration problem

Hi all. I have issue wuth firefox not displaying style "text-decoration: line-through". I am using jqGrid for displaying list of medications. If medication is not active, it has to be crossed. In my afterInsertRow event i do this: $('#' + rowid).css({ 'text-decoration': 'line-through', 'color': 'red' }) It works fine for IE and Chr...

Firebug or IEDevtoolbaar styling inline or from stylesheet

Is Firebug or IEDevtoolbar capable of distinction between Inline / External stylesheet styling? If not, is it possible to write a tool that is capable to distinct inline styling from styles from a stylesheet? ...

In CSS, can "#footer #caption" coexist with "#content #caption"?

I was going to "nest" the CSS ids like this #content #caption { color: teal } ... #footer #caption { margin: 2em 1em } because that's the way SASS (a CSS generator) can do nesting for... but then in one HTML document, we cannot have two ids with the same name, isn't that true, so the above nesting won't work or won't work well. (e...

Function call within XAML code?

I'd like to set a style on all my TextBox controls that does the following when it receives keyboard focus: 1) Change the background color 2) Call .SelectAll() to highlight all text I have this so far: <Style TargetType="TextBox"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="IsKeyboardFocusWithin" Value="True"> <Se...

Getting all the style properties using JQuery. Basically I want an equivalent of getComputedStyle() and I dont want to handle cross-browser stuff.

Hi everyone, I would like to get the currentStyle/computedStyle object and I dont want to manually check for the type of browser. (I wanted to get rid of cross-browser handling that is why I came to Jquery). Actually I want the style object returning all the style-property: value map. Please help. ...

content of tabiem

i want to have xaml drawing brush icons in my tabitem, next to the text. how should the icons be switched from outside of the style itself? i know how to do it with images (with Tag) but not sure with drawing brushes. thanks ...

Dynamically Styling TreeViewItem? (Silverlight)

Hey all, I've noticed that if I have a style setup for a treeview, and a different one setup for the treeviewitem, it gets overridden once I put the item in the tree. Does anyone have suggestions for how to control the style of each treeviewitem individually while mantaining a default style that is applied to the whole treeview? Basicall...

WPF - Styles with Custom Properties

Hello. I'm developing a document number checking on my application and I wrote an attached behavior to textbox to check the text. Here's the behavior code: public class CPFTextBehavior : Behavior<TextBox> { static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsCPFPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttachedReadOnly("IsCP...

Mvvm Silverlight, using binding to Programmatically style rows in a SilverLight DataGrid

Is it possible to bind a rows in a Silverlight DataGrid to some sort of style property in a ViewModel so that styles can be applied programatically / dynamically? I've been using the Mvvm-Light toolkit quite successfully to create an mvvm silverlight app, this is the first major stumbling block I have hit. Thanks in advance for any he...

Flex 4 css cheat sheet

Hello, Is there any cheat sheet or something similar that shows me all the Flex 4 CSS styles available? Thank you ...

Putting Styles on controls inside a Grid style

I want' to define that every control of specific type inisde a grid gets a Style. This is easy just put the styles with TargetType inside the grid resources. But what then if I wan't to reuse this grid as a style? I can create a grid style and have a setter to resources but can only put one style there. <Style x:Key="GridStyle" TargetT...

Build Custom Theme or Use Standard Theme in WPF

Soon to be a professional .NET developer (I hope) I start to dig into Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Looking into several video tutorials, I find design of GUI a daunting task. Having to specify every color, on every element, in every situation, to every platform seems a bit too much. How can you make this process simpler, and mo...

Android application theming on Sense phones

I've hit a brick wall on a UI item with regard to applications on sense phones. I have been unable to craft search queries on google or SO to find any reference to what I'm after. Is there a way that I can have my application theme its UI styles to match the phone's currently applied style? I'm basically after the styles for different U...

How to set the Table.Columns of a FlowDocument in a style

Hi I have multiple FlowDocuments, all of them have a table. All tables look the same. So I want to refactor the FlowDocuments. My initial document looks like: <FlowDocument xmlns=...> <Table> <Table.Columns> <TableColumn Width="12*" /> <TableColumn Width="1.5*" /> <TableColumn Width="2*" /> <TableColum...

styles multiple inheritance

Is there any way to make a style inherit from multiple other styles, instead of just being limited to: <style name="WidgetTextBase"> <item name="android:typeface">serif</item> <item name="android:textSize">12dip</item> <item name="android:gravity">center</item> </style> <style name="BOSText" parent="WidgetTextBase"> <it...