
WPF Tab Control + Animations

I'm trying to style/animate a TabControl such that when a tab is selected, the old one fades out, and the new one fades/slides in. I have the tab control styled, to a point, but now I'm trying to work out how to animate the panel. Blend doesn't seem to be much help: there are references to styling "target-element", and references to "P...

WPF Submenu styling

I have a ContextMenu style and a MenuItem style, both of which are working properly on the top menu. The problem is if I add a submenu to a menu item, then the submenu is not being styled properly. It looks like you can only style the menuitem at this point, and not the actual sub menu so you can't replace the IsMouseOver styling (it j...

WPF TabControl collapsed tab headers are not completely hidden

I am using a TabControl to programmatically show or hide groups of form controls. I have implemented the technique described here and it approximately works as expected, except that there is a band approximately 1 or 2 pixels high in the location where the tab headers are normally displayed. I have verified this by using Snoop to naviga...

Styling the Last Row of a DataGrid alone

Hi All, I have a DataGrid in my Silverlight Usercontrol in which the last row is a Grand Total of of all the other rows so I need to highlight it by giving it a different style. So is it possible to stlye the last row of a DataGrid?? Thank you ...

How to replace the dropdown list arrow with my own ?

What would be the easiest method to replace the default arrow of the dropdown list with my own arrow image ? ...

is it possible to use style for .net winforms control ?

Is it possible to use style for .net winform control ? ...

From Web Developer (HTML/CSS) to WPF: How can i start styling my WPF app?

i know HTML/CSS and want to learn WPF styling. how can i get started. i see that padding, for example, works differently in WPF app. in css: padding: 5px 10px; in XAML? Padding="5px" i notice that i need to expand the width of the element eg. button myself to accomodate the padding? if so, how can i calculate the box model? the... styling

Greeting, I listed two examples of using style propriety for control. what is the difference between the to examples? my goal is to set the style and positions of controls in my page to be stable in firefox and IE browsers. and should set the position as absolute or elative. I have 30 controls in my page and I...

Overview of WPF controls

Hi, I am testing to style the wpf 4.0 controls in my application and can see how some controls contains others. For example is the Label control containing a TextBox control. Have you seen any good overview of how the different controls inherit each other to easier understand the impact on other controls when styling one control? /SP ...

ReportViewer styling

With the ReportViewer control, is it possible to apply predefined style (from css) across multiple reports? For example, I would like anchor links to look the same across different reports on different pages. Specifying their cssClass property doesn't seem to work because peeking into the generated html, the inline style (which is so bu...

How to make custom style for application icon on iphone?

Hi guys, When I add an icon to my iPhome application Apple automaticly adds some styling to this icon, how can I get rid of it? Actually my icon is quite simple, I have a letter on a color background, and this styling applies to both letter and background. I would this styling won't apply to letter but only to background, I can guess ...

WPF TextBox Border when selected ?

Hi, I want to make a WPF TextBox have a DarkBlue border and thickness equal to 1. I want to make the WPF have this border ( DarkBlue, thickness set to 1 ) even when the TextBox is selected. I tried doing this task by the following code. However, it doesn't work at all. Any ideas or hints ? Any help would be greatly appreciated. <S...

sIFR 3 - can't style for color, weight, etc.

I'm trying to use sIFR 3. I am getting it to work and can do some styling, such as changing the font size. But if I try to change the color or weight, nothing changes. I don't understand what I'm doing that allows some styling to work, and some not to. My html is: <html> <head> <title>Test sifr</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="s...

WPF - Margin in percentage

Hi, I have just started using WPF. I'm getting my head around styling system since. I come from a CSS background and I would like to set margin in percentage. <Style TargetType="TextBlock" x:Key="workflowNameTextBlock"> <Setter Property="Margin" Value="50"/> </Style> Currently value is set in p...

Display 3 columns of same height with variable amount of data

Hi there, I'm building a page full of hyperlinks which are gotten from querying a content management system, so the number of links is variable. The requirements need me to display all the links over 3 columns and make it look presentable. So at the moment I've got myself a Map<Category, Hyperlink> and when I display it at the moment ...

CSS3 line-through style over text in slanted form?

Hi, Is it possible in CSS3 to slant a strike-off line (achieved with css's text-decoration: line-through property) over a text string, say from bottom-left of the text to top-right (diagonal line)? ...

whitespace nowrap css for children but not parent

I have a div with multiple spans inside. The spans contain text that cannot be split over multiple lines so I have set whitespace: nowrap. This does stop the wrapping within each child span correctly but also stop the parent div from wrapping the children so all spans are on a single line that stretches off the page. How do I change thi...

Alternating styles on ListView using extended ArrayAdapter<E> random results

Currently my ListView is filling up with the given String[] but I wanted to alternate some styles on the ListView items. Something weird is happening (I'm surely missing something obvious); The ListView Index is not fixed and the styles are not alternating as supposed. My Code is the following: package com.blah.blah; import android.a...

Focus and Selection Styling listbox items with multiple possible templates

Good afternoon, I have a listbox that consumes a list of items from a model, Addresses and RAddresses (inherited from Addresses) Now, previously I have been creating my item templates in the ItemContainerStyle so that I have only my own focus visuals (i.e. no dotted line, no light grey rectangle, etc). This has worked fine in the past...

Piechart wedge border styling in Flex

Adobe's docs describe how to apply an outline to the pie chart by using the mx:stroke element within a PieSeries, however this only changes the border of the entire chart. How do I add a border around each of the wedges in the chart? ...