
How can I do this Spatial Query in Sql 2008?

Hi folks, i'm trying to do a spatial query in sql 2008 -> for a given list of POI's (point of interest, long/lat GEOGRAPHY data), which postcodes do they exist in (multipolygon GEOGRAPHY data). So this is the query i tried, but it's syntactically incorrect:- SELECT PostCodeId, ShapeFile FROM Postcodes a WHERE a.ShapeFile.STIntersects(...

Please help me with a MySQL SQL subquery

I have two tables named foo and bar, hypothetically speaking. foo has columns foo_id, foo_fluff bar has columns bar_id, foo_id, timestamp I need a query which will retrieve return one row for any foo_id that the table bar contains, with the latest timestamp. So, if bar has three rows, two of which have a foo_id of 1, and 1 of which ha...

Rewriting a MySQL query

I'll try to explain this better on another question. This is the query that I think should work but, off course, MySQL doesn't support this specific subselect query: select * from articles a where a.article_id in (select f.article_id from articles f where f.category_id = a.category_id order by f.is_stic...

MySQL correlated subquery in JOIN syntax

I would like to provide a WHERE condition on an inner query by specifying = However, MySQL (5.0.45) reports "Unknown column '' in 'where clause'". Is this type of query possible? The inner query is pivoting rows to columns using a GROUP BY. This could be entirely be performed in the outer query,...

Linq with Left Join on SubQuery containing Count

I'm having difficulty translating sql to linq syntax. I have 2 tables (Category and CategoryListing) which reference each other with CategoryID. I need to get a list of all the CategoryID in Category Table and the Count of CategoryID for all corresponding matches in the CategoryListing table. If a CategoryID is not present in Category...

SQL query performance question (multiple sub-queries)

Hi, I have this query: SELECT, r.status, r.title FROM page AS p INNER JOIN page_revision as r ON r.pageId = AND ( = (SELECT MAX( from page_revision as r2 WHERE r2.pageId = r.pageId AND r2.status = 'active') OR = (SELECT MAX( from page_revision as r2 WHERE r2.pageId = r.pageId) ) Which...

Tips for improving this slow mysql query?

I'm using a query which generally executes in under a second, but sometimes takes between 10-40 seconds to finish. I'm actually not totally clear on how the subquery works, I just know that it works, in that it gives me 15 rows for each faverprofileid. I'm logging slow queries and it's telling me 5823244 rows were examined, which is odd...

How to convert a SQL subquery to a join

I have two tables with a 1:n relationship: "content" and "versioned-content-data" (for example, an article entity and all the versions created of that article). I would like to create a view that displays the top version of each "content". Currently I use this query (with a simple subquery): SELECT, t1.title, t1.con...

Oracle correlated subquery in FROM list

I just tried to do a correlated subquery in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement in Oracle, but I was given an error indicating that I couldn't do the correlation (something to the effect that Obs.pID was not recognized). Should this work? FROM ml.Person Person JOIN ml.Obs ON Person.pID = Obs.pId JOIN (SELECT ObsMax2.pId, ObsMax2.h...

SQL: Need to limit the resultset based on a subquery


Counting subqueries in NHibernate HQL

I need to do something like the following: select d.ID, count(from Lead l where l.DateCreated > DATEADD(day, -30, :todays_date) AND l.DealerId=d.ID), count(from Lead l where l.DateCreated < DATEADD(day, -30, :todays_date) and l.DateCreated >= DATEADD(day, -60, :todays_date)) FROM Dealer d GROUP BY d.ID Ordinarily I could do this: SE...

Can I use a subquery inside an INSERT statement?

I need to insert a row into a table, with one field value being calculated from another table. Rather than doing two queries and risking a race condition, I thought it'd be better to do it all in one statement. INSERT INTO `myTable` (`someData`, `averageAtThisTime`) VALUES ( "some stuff", SELECT AVG(`myField`) FROM `myOtherTable...

Mysql subquery question

Given these two tables: Foo (id, name) -- PK = id Bar (fooId, value) -- PK = composite, fooId + value -- value is a non-negative int How can I find all the Foo.names where there is no corresponding Bar,value above 0? eg: Foo id name 1 a 2 b 3 c Bar fooid value 1 0 1 1 2 ...

How to select values from two tables that are not contained in the map table?

Lets say I have the following tables: Customers Products CustomerProducts Is there a way I can do a select from the Customers and Products tables, where the values are NOT in the map table? Basically I need a matched list of Customers and Products they do NOT own. Another twist: I need to pair one customer per product. So If 5 cus...

Cache/Re-Use a Subquery in MySQL

I have a very complex MySQL query that includes use of the same subquery three times. Will MySQL actually run the subquery three times? (It's an expensive one.) If so, is there a way for me to tell MySQL to save or cache the results so it won't do that? I could save the data in a large array then re-feed it to MySQL, but I'd rather not m...

SQL Query Question (Possible Join / Subquery?)

Hi, I have two tables (Management and Employee). The management table tracks the different management teams that have managed company X in past few years. Each management team is given an ID (i.e: managementnr), and each team has a CEO (namely ceoname). The employee table tracks employees working for company X (basically just their ...

What would cause a query to run slowly when used a subquery, but not when run separately?

I have something similar to the following: SELECT FROM contact AS c WHERE IN (SELECT s.contact_id FROM sub_table AS s LEFT JOIN contact_sub AS c2 ON ( = c2.sub_field) WHERE LIKE '535%') ORDER BY The problem is that the query takes a very very very long time (>2minutes), but if I take the ...

Is it possible to convert this query to use a join instead of a subquery?

SELECT number, count(id) FROM tracking WHERE id IN (SELECT max(id) FROM tracking WHERE splitnr = 'a11' AND number >0 AND timestamp >= '2009-04-08 00:00:00' AND timestamp <= '2009-04-08 12:55:57' GROUP BY ident) GROUP BY number ...

MYSQL optimize & questions

Hi, I am trying to optimize my MySQL queries and I need some help. Here is my current query : SELECT *, (SELECT name FROM stores WHERE id = products.store_id) AS store_name, (SELECT username FROM stores WHERE id = products.store_id) AS store_username, (SELECT region_id FROM stores WHERE id = products.store_id) AS re...

Using subquerys in Update statement

I have the following SQL statement in a trigger that fires on deletion: UPDATE bk2_InfoPages SET SortOrder = SortOrder - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Deleted d WHERE d.SortOrder <= SortOrder) My problem is that the very last SortOrder refers to the Deleted table and not to the bk2_InfoPages table. I am not allowed to add an alias to the bk2_...