
php & mysql subscribe to search/matching queries

I have a real estate website that has several categories. And i want the users to be able to subscribe via email to a certain list of offers, they can either be offers from a category ... or offers from a search list. How can i store they're subscription the best way in mysql ... and also how do i go about and do the notification. The ...

In Kentico CMS, how do you programmatically Subscribe Users to Newsletters?

Upon completion of a custom payment form I add two user roles, a badge, and two friends. All of those changes work well and populate to the User object and corresponding database tables. When I use the below code (copied and altered from Kentico CMS install) I get IsSubscribed == true, but the user nevers appears to be subscribed. Any...

How to subscribe to an event inside a facade class

I have two projects 1: windows forms project and 2: a business logic project that recursively walks the file system looking for specific files. I want the windows project to subscribe to an event buried in a class called recurse. The problem I have is the instance of the recurse class is instantiated inside a facade class in the busines...

.Net events - blocking subscribers from subscribing on an event.

Let's say I have a "Processor" interface exposing an event - OnProcess. Usually the implementors do processing thus I can safely subscribe on this event and be sure it will be fired. But one processor doesn't do processing - thus I want to prevent subscribers to subscibe on it. Can I do that? In other words in the code below I want the l...

Pubsubhubbub on Rails. How to extract the raw POST body contents from the POST request?

I am having trouble setting up a pubsub enabled subscriber app using rails. I have currently subscribed to the open hub and am receiving pings to my application's endpoint. (as of now i have created a counter which increments everytime the end point is pinged). But i am not able to understand as to how to extract...

C#: Create an event that is fired whenever another event that has listeners is fired, dynamically via reflection maybe?

Here's what I am working with: Part of my project is a windows form app. I want to basically capture every event that fires and has listeners. So some button's click event, some checkbox's check event, everything on a basic "Control" event list. So that event still fires, but also fires my event. Is there a generic "some event fired" ...

Is there any subscription payment api in android ,user has to pay every two months , in order to access app service ?

hi I have developed an application , where it provide some services to user. he has to subscribe before for 2 months , 4 months like that , he can update it by paying . Can any one tell me , is there any api provided to serve the above purpose . ?? Thank you, Srinivas ...

PHP Subscribers Mailing List

I need to create a mailing list for an Alumni site I am building. Below is how I'd ideally like the mailing list to function. The User The user would go to the website, enter their email address (and possibly First/Last name) into the field(s), click on the Subscribe button and then get a verification message (either via pop up, redirec...