
How do I setup my POCO's with Subsonic 3 and the SimpleRepostitory? or where is the convention?

Is there someplace that details how to setup your POCO's when using the SimpleRepository with SubSonic 3? It sounds like it's convention over configuration, but I can't find where that convention is explained. looks like it was meant for 2.0, and is also marked incomplete. (BTW: I'd lov...

SubSonic SimpleRepository Int64/BigInt issue

I have a Class called Project that has ID property with a data type of long/Int64 but with Auto Migrations the ID column in the Projects table is not a bigint column. Is this a bug or am i missing something? Any help would be appreciated ...

SubSonic, SimpleRepository and entity interfaces

Hi, Firstly, I want to apologize for my English, not my strongest side. To the question. In my current project, I have interfaces to my entities so I can use Subsonic attributes at my head entites and I want to be able to seamlessly switch O/R mapper in the future. Anyway, I get an error when I try to use my interfaces and SimpleReposit...

SubSonic 3 Simple Repository and SQLite Blob

I am using SubSonic Simple Repository and SQLite. I am having an issue storing an image (byte[]) using Simple Repository. The blob column is null after the save or update. Any ideas? Thanks ...

I'm trying to use Enums for a few properties but they don't serialize to the db.

Is there a technique for getting my enum properties to 'serialize' to the database using Simple Repository? ...

how to implement unitofwork pattern when using subsonic 2.1(Repository pattern) ?

I am using subsonic repository pattern(2.1) for mvc application.In my application,there are many repositories like categoryRepository,Blogrepository etc.Inside each of this repository i am calling subsonic's DB.Select().From()...ExecuteReader() and then loading domain objects from those reader. In the controller action i make m...

SimpleRepository auto migrations with indexes

I am using subsonic simplerepo with migrations in dev and it makes things pretty easy but I keep running into issues with my nvarchar columns that have an index. My users table has an index defined on the username column for obvious reasons but each time I start the project subsonic is doing this: ALTER TABLE [Users] ALTER COLUMN Userna...

Subsonic ignoring TimeSpan property

For some reason the TimeSpan property on my class is not being persisted into the database by Subsonic it is simply being ignored!? All other properties are being saved OK. I am using SimpleRepository and RunMigrations, Subsonic v3.0.0.3. public TimeSpan Time { get; set; } Are TimeSpans not supported? ...

Invalid Objet Name Exception Thrown on Update

I have a project using Simple Repository which was working before I rebuilt my dev machine. This may just be coincidence but I am now using SQL Server 2008 Express to develop against rather than 2005 and now when I run my project I get the exception "Invalid object name 'TableName'". the table exists as records are inserted fine but when...

Funky Sql Generated using SubSonic Simple Repository, LINQ and ASP.NET MVC

I have the following code: if (collection["Filter"] == "2") { presentations = presentations.Where(x => x.Speaker.FirstName.StartsWith("B")). OrderBy(x => x.Speaker.FirstName); } this generates the following sql: SELECT [t0].[Description], [t0].[EventId], [t0].[Id], [t0].[PresentedOn], [t0].[Slug], [t0].[SpeakerId], ...

SubSonic3 SimpleRepository Relationships Generated are Wrong

I have been told that it's more than likely my database that is setup wrong causing the problems so below are my tables with key fields and queries. CREATE TABLE Presentations ( Id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), SpeakerId INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_Presentations PRIMARY KEY (Id), CONSTRAINT FK_Presentations_Speaker FOREI...

Get Id back when using SubSonic SimpleRepository AddMany

How can I get the Id back to the object when I'm using the AddMany function with SubSonic SimpleRepository. All my objects still get Id=0 when after using it. SimpleRepository repository = new SimpleRepository(ConnectionStringName); repository.AddMany<T>(insertList); When looking at the source I can see that: public void AddMany<T>(I...

SubSonic SimpleRepository storing member class

Hi! I'm new to C# and Subsonic. I'm trying to solve the following case: public class UnknownInt { public int val; public bool known; } public class Record { public int ID; public UnknownInt data; } I'm using SimpleRepository. Is there a way I can get UnknownInt serialized before storing it in the SQL database (perhaps as ...

SubSonic column named 'Key'

Hi! I have a column named 'Key' in a MySQL database. Seems that the repo.Find<Class>(x=>x.Key.StartsWith("BLAH")); generates the SQL code WHERE Key LIKE 'BLAH%' instead of the correct one like WHERE `Key` LIKE 'BLAH%' How can I force the later behaviour (is it a bug in SubSonic?) Cheers, Tomasz ...

ORM Comparison: Which comes first the database or classes?

Lately I've been looking into the .NET based ORMs that are available. I've noticed that each ends up siting in one or two camps. In one camp the database is created first, and the ORM provides an easier way to access the database in an application. In the second camp the object model exists first and the ORM facilitates persisting the ob...