
how to assert response success in groovy unit testing

Hey i am trying to develop a sample app in groovy on grails...i have an action called login..which doesn't do anything except to render a page called login...I think there is no need to explicitly render any view called login inside the action, as my view name matches the action name. def login = { } As i follow TDD..I want to assert...

jQuery Validation on Success

Hey guys thanks in advance for all your help! I have this registration form which is then validated using "bassistance's" validate.js: $('#pForm').validate({ rules: { fname: "required",// simple rule, converted to {required:true} lname: "required", accType: "required", country: "required", email: {//...

question about jquery .ajax function?

hi all: I used jquery's .ajax function like: $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"./index.php", data:{ajax_fetch:1,action:"fetch_devInfo",nwType:nw_type,devTSN:dev_tsn,devSTime:dev_sTime,devETime:dev_eTime,dev_gType:dev_graphType}, dataType:"xml", error:errHandler, success:function(xml,textStatus) { xml_process(xml,textStatus,$("div#cont-De...

Ajax success event not working

I have a registration form and am using [jQuery][1] [Ajax][2] to submit it. Here is the jQuery Ajax code: $(document).ready(function() { $("form#regist").submit(function() { var str = $("#regist").serialize(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'submit1.php', data: $("#regist").serialize...

Metrics to track Open Source Projects

I'm curious to know what metrics open source project members track. Small projects may not bother with tracking any numbers, but I assume that active projects would track some numbers. There are two types of metrics I'm interested in: Internal development metrics - e.g. from the issue tracker or other development tools. External metric...

Jquery ajax method always fires error: callback instead of success:

Hi I am having a problem when using the ajax function in jquery. The ajax call seems to be running fine, i.e. the code that is returning an xmldocument runs without errors. Here is that code. Jquery code: function LoadWeekDays(){ var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async="false"; xmlDoc.loadXML("<data...

Jquery ajax success function returns null?

I use the following the jquery statements to call my php controller function, it gets called but my result is not returned to my success function.... <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/codeigniter_cup_myth/stylesheets/style.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost...

modifying ajax returned data before showing

I'm processing subscribtion form with jQuery/ajax and need to display results with success function (they are different depending on if email exists in database). But the trick is I do not need h2 and first "p" tag. How can I show only div#alertmsg and second "p" tag? I've tried revoming unnecessary elements with method described her...

How to display unique success messages on jquery form validation

Hi guys, hope you can help me on this one, I'm currently using this: jQuery plugin:validation (Homepage) I've been reading related questions here, but this one is the closest get. httx:// from the plugin's documentation httx://

Jquery ajax success function displaying message...

On the success function of jquery ajax request i am creating div with a message... But it doesn't seem to show up.... success: function(data) { $(function() { $('<div id="alert">Successfully Updated</div>'); var $alert = $('#alert'); if ($alert.length) { var alerttimer = window.setTimeout(functi...

Is there a MDSD/MDA success story for a real world application?

I am currently facing a situation where I as an advocate of test driven development have to compete with an advocate of model driven software development (MDSD) / model driven architecture (MDA). In my opinion, code generation is a valuable tool in my toolbox and I make heavy use of templates and automation when needed. I also create di...

how to pass a value to jQuery Ajax success-handler

Give the following Ajax call in jQuery: { . . . , getSomeData: function(args, myUrl, foo) { $.ajax( { type: "GET", url: myUrl, data: args, async: true, dataType: 'json', success: myHandler }); }, myHandler: function (data, textStatus, oHTTP, foo){ .....

JQGrid Function after inline edit

Hi, I'm sure i'm just not looking in the right place...again... but i can't seem to find the function that gets called after the editurl:"url" has completed. I have: colModel: [ { name: 'Email', index: 'Email', editable: true }, { name: 'ReferenceEmail', index: 'ReferenceEmail',hidden: true , ed...

Wrong parameter is being set to function on a succesful jquery $.ajax get

I have an array that stores a few urls of XML files that need to be downloaded. On success, these files need to be processed. But that is where it goes wrong. The problem is quite apparent: for (var i = 0; i < loadMaps.length; i++){ var currentMap = loadMaps[i]; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: currentMap, dataType...

Python Script Calling Make and Other Utilities

Hi all. I have a python script that invokes the following command: # make After make, it also invokes three other programs. Is there a standard way of telling whether the make command was succesful or not? Right now, if make is successful or unsuccessful, the program still continues to run. I want to raise an error that the make ...

Do you know any projects where ZeroMQ was used? Both success and failure stories are valuable

I'm interested in using ZeroMQ in a project, but I'd like to hear about other's experience with it. I did some searching but found only mongrel2 project. Have you heard about other projects where it is used? What companies use ZeroMQ in production? ...

Data array for jQuery AJAX success

On server I am returning an array after some operations. I want to work with this array after successing of AJAX. var addPaymentType = function(){ var data = new Object() data["function"] = "add"; data["payment_type_id"] = $("#payment_types").val(); data["data"] = $("#saveform").serializeArray(); $....

how can i create a success back function?

$(function() { $(".follow").click(function(){ var element = $(this); var I = element.attr("id"); var info = 'id=' + I; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "listen.php", data: info, success: function(){} }); $("#follow"+I).hide(); ///showi...

Brand identity and naming for your web/programming project..

Not sure if this belongs on SO but nonetheless it involves web dev/programming... I think i'm pretty creative in general but when it comes to naming something giving its own identity im totally short of any inspiration..or rather incapable of providing something thats catchy.(Like Twitter and tweets etc) So you've got this great idea, ...

return xml through Jquery $.ajax but through cross domain

hey all in brief, i have an application X that uses another application Y in certain cases. X in on an apache server, Y is on a tomcat server. i have a button in html file in Y which calls a js function StopApp(). This function StopApp() calls the script "StopApp.php" which is on X. so what i did inside StopApp() is sthg like functio...