
Aptana Studio can't resolve the import but works

I have just installed suds and given a try for it in Aptana Studio. While, it seems not to resolve from suds.client import Client by underscoring it in red, the following code still works. So, I have decided to install Eclipse-Plugin for Pydev by running the same code. This time Eclipse Plugin can resolve Client as expectedly. Why can't...

Change web service url for a suds client on runtime (keeping the wsdl)

Hi. First of all, my question is similar to this one But it's a little bit different. What we have is a series of environments, with the same set of services. For some environments (the local ones) we can get access to the wsdl, and thus generating the suds client. For external environment, we cannot access the wsdl. But being the same,...

SUDS Exceptions

Hello, I am sending commands over suds. I have errors occuring in the command line but I do not know which exceptions to place in as I am not sure which ones to use for SUDS. try: result = self.client.service.GetStreamUri(, self.token) print result assert True except suds.WebFault, e: ...

SUDS rendering a duplicate node and wrapping everything in it

Here is my code: #Make the SOAP connection url = "" headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'} ca_client_inventory = Client(url, location="", headers=headers) #Make the SOAP he...

[Python] Different work of the script in Windows and in FreeBSD

Hello. I'm writing some script, that works with web-servers. So, I have the following code: client = suds.client.Client(WSDLfile) client.service.Login('mylogin', 'mypass') print client.options.transport.cookiejar ####### sessnum = str(client.options.transport.cookiejar).split(' ')[1] client = suds.client.Client( WSDLfile, headers= { '...

How do i add a new object with suds?

I'm trying to use suds but have so far been unsuccessful at figuring this out. Hopefully it's something simple that i'm missing. Any help would be highly appreciated. This is supposed to be the raw soap message that i need to achieve: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="http://api.serv...

Python unicode Decode Error SUDs

OK so I have # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- at the top of my script and it worked for being able to pull data from the database that had funny chars(Ñ ,Õ,é,—,–,’,…) in it and store that data into variables...but I have run into other problems, see I pull my data, organize it, and then dump it into a variables like so: title = product[1] Wher...

What does suds mean by "<faultcode/> not mapped to message part" ?

I'm using suds for the first time and trying to communicate with a server hosted by an external company. When I call a method on the server I get this XML back. < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> < soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soapenc="" xml...

Using Suds for SOAP in python, are suds.client.Client objects thread safe?

I'm using Suds to access a SOAP web service from python. If I have multiple threading.Thread threads of execution, can each of them safely access the same suds.client.Client instance concurrently, or must I create separate Client objects for each thread? ...

Python SUDS - problem with sending a message encoded not in UTF-8

I need to send a SOAP message (with Python SUDS) with strings encoded in 'iso-8859-2'. Does anybody know how to do it? SUDS raises the following exception when I invoke a method on a client with parameters encoded in 'iso-8859-2': File "/home/bartek/myenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/suds/sax/", line 43, in __new__ result = su...

Listing all possible values for SOAP enumeration with Python SUDS

I'm connecting with a SUDS client to a SOAP Server whose wsdl contains many enumerations like the following: </simpleType> <simpleType name="FOOENUMERATION"> <restriction base="xsd:string"> <enumeration value="ALPHA"><!-- enum const = 0 --> <enumeration value="BETA"/><!-- enum const = 1 --> <enumeration value="GAMMA"/><!-- ...

PicklingError: Can't pickle suds.sudsobject.User: attribute lookup suds.sudsobject.User failed

Hi.. I have a django application... I am accessing the web service using the SOAP suds client... I need to create a user object from the entries entered in the GUI... This user object is to be passed to a method... But i get the following error: PicklingError: Can't pickle suds.sudsobject.User: attribute lookup suds.sudsobject.User fai...

Connecting to MSSQL through Web service. Python. Suds. SOAP.

I'm connecting to web service using suds. from suds.client import Client client=Client(url) #then i'm using web servise methods to get table. It is very big table. big_table=client.service.GetVeryBigTable() #nd trying read every row for row in big_table: print row.Id + row.Nmae + row.Description + row.Item1 +...... the ...

Help me fix this bug in Suds

There is a bug in the Python SOAP module Suds which is preventing me from making progress on a project. It seems as though the internal definitions for complex data types don't include inherited properties. The data type is defined in the WSDL and extends the standard xsd:string data type. Take a look at the bug's open ticket. Update: ...

Python, suds, Error.

When I'm trying get method from remote webservice it gives me error. My code is: portion=10 start=0 print self.stamp.datetime client=self.client while 1: print 'getting ids...........' fresh_ids=client.service.GetTopicsIDsUpdatedAfterDateTime(self.stamp.datetime,start,port...

suds element prefix issue

I'm having trouble getting suds to consume complex (.net) webservice. a. The generated suds soap message looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="http://schemas.cordy...

Problem using WSDL service from Python, it is my client code or the server?

I'm trying to write a Python client for a a WSDL service. I'm using the Suds library to handle the soap messages. When I try to call the service, I get a suds exception: <rval /> not mapped to message part. If I set the retxml suds option I get XML which looks OK to me. Is the problem with the client code? Am I missing some flag which w...

suds: incorrect marshaling of Array of Arrays

I try to talk to a load balancer (Zeus ZXTM) with python: a = client.factory.create('StringArrayArray') b = client.factory.create('StringArray') b.value = ['node01:80',] a.value = [b,] client.service.addDrainingNodes(['my pool'], a) But I get the following error: suds.WebFault: Server raised fault: 'Not an ARRAY reference at /usr/...

Suds Performance - client.factory.create() takes more than 2 minutes

I'm using Suds to send/receive SOAP messages in Python. It is taking an insanely long time to create an object to send via the soap envelope. client = Client(wsdldict['Contact'], faults=True, headers=session) #takes ~5 seconds lq1=client.factory.create("ns1:ListOfContactQuery") #takes ~130 seconds The WSDL file is fairly large (1MB) ...

Problem Accessing WSDL-Service with python suds raises TypeNotFound: ArrayOfint

Type not found: '(ArrayOfint,, )' is what suds resolver raises. In ...2003/10/Serialization/Arrays ArrayOfInt is defined, so I guess linux' case sensitivity is the problem. Any Idea how I can get around that? from suds.client import Client c = Client("https://developer-api.aff...