
get Google search suggestions while entering text

so i want to experiment with Google's search suggestion feature for word/phrase completion. I.e. stick the functionality of typing a search on their home page into a text editor for starters. is it possible to request these Google search suggestions with their REST API? Or somehow? ...

Suggestions to learn any programming language after Matlab

I've taken a course in C++ in my freshman year in undergrad. However once it was over I never employed it in any project or use. I am familiar with some average topics in C++ prior to where 'link list' starts. Once I got the opportunity to do my first project after Sophomore year, I was suggested by my prof. to learn Matlab which is wide...

Are there any pre-written libraries/software to store and visualize point clouds?

Hi, I'm currently working on a motion capture 3d-scanning system, and I am generating a bunch of point clouds, each of which are somewhere between 9megs/file (storing around 600k points, with 4 integers, x-y-z-intensity, for each point). The cameras are capturing at 60 frames per second and currently, we are looking to capture something...

Suggestions invited for College Project based on DSL implementing Ruby...

I have chosen Domain Specific Language as my College Project, implementing it using Ruby. I seek suggestions regarding the Project's Objective/Problem, from the people who have worked with DSL Projects and would ask them to post the problem on which they developed their project exclulding the solution. I am trying to seek a real time pro...

PHP how could I make this class better? Suggestions/Feedback welcome

Best suggestion will be the accepted answer Class: <?php class LogInfo { private $first_run; // Flag to add line break at the beginning of script execution private $calling_script; // Base name of the calling script private $log_file; // log file path and name private $log_entry; // inform...

Apply an App.config to my DLL assembly?

I'm writing a class library as an abstraction to use for logging in any application, service, etc. that I write. I'm making it decently robust by making it very configurable to suit my needs for most application/service logging scenarios that I come across. The config is designed to specify things such as: What logging level to write ...

I'm looking for a CMS like dotcms but written in PHP

I'm looking for a PHP CMS that works a bit like dotcms. It needs to: Provide the facility to create new content types/structures and surface content from these in modules added to a page. Provide the ability to graphically add and move pre-created modules around a page (moving up/down within the same column is acceptable). Store all co...

Looking for a web host that can handle Haskell

I'm looking for a web host that will let me run a Haskell web application. VPS's seem attractive to me because you can run essentially anything you want. But some of the cloud hosts offer really nice scalability in terms of hard disk space and bandwidth. Does anyone know of a host that will let me run exotic languages like Haskell but...

Find similar words (soundex, metaphone, etc.) regardless of current locale

I was commenting on this question, and was wondering what would be the best to find similar words to build an index of word suggestion in case of a misspelled word, but all this regardless of the current locale (perhaps using a dictionary to find the word language, then use the proper method to find the metaphone, soundex, etc. value?) ...

Setting up a Ruby development environment

Hi, I am currently trying to set up a development environment for learning Ruby. The environment will primarily be for getting to grips with the language, but I will most probably move on to development with Rails after long. With web development a target, I would like to hear about preferred web servers and databases. I plan on settin...

AutoCompleteTextView with suggestions/wordlist

When entering text into a normal TextView, the soft keyboard usually suggests words from a wordlist. With an AutoCompleteTextView though, I haven't succeeded to do this. Currently, I use this as my inputType: android:inputType="textCapSentences|textAutoCorrect|textAutoComplete" The autocomplete box shows up as usual, but not the sugg...

Developing an Android smartphone app - on which devices would YOU suggest to check the app?!

Dear stackies, before publishing a new app on the market, on which devices would you suggest to check whether it runs fine or not? What are your experiences? How do you handle this? Are there some empirical values, for example, do applications that run smoothly on a HTC Desire behave similar on all HTC devices? Are there some devices o...

User Suggestions application/framework/SAS

My client wants users to make suggestions for what Jazz artists they'd like to see on the next Jazz Cruise. They were thinking of just letting users fill out up to 10 text boxes and submit those but I think it will be a nightmare to report on and tabulate the data (we expect over 10,000 suggestions). I considered trying to just use a jQu...

Hardware device controller application design suggestions

hallo, I 'm designing an application that connect a 3rd party hardware controller server to listen status messages and also send commands to 3rd party system.. In this statue what's the best approach?? i thought; developing a windows service that will register a remoting channel which other applications connect to send commands and l...

How to get better at CSS, laying out designs and UI Programming?

Hi all, I am pretty familiar with CSS and have used quite a bit of javascript and jquery also little experience of layout designing and working closely with Photoshop. But, somehow I don't feel as confident as when programming with database or C# side and face lot of problems when I am working with designing UI and laying out elements t...

What should i use Iframe or Frameset?

I am creating a page wherein there will be a text box , a button and a frame . Wireframe: Now, i am having two option, 1. I will keep text box [ it is used for URL ] and Button in a Div and will use Iframe to show the content of url. 2. I wi...

Speed Comparison and suggestion for wise case in Matlab

Case 1: I have a nested for loop to run large realizations and save variables generated through that loop in .mat files, which I can later use in another program. Case 2: I can make the function of the above mentioned loop and call it directly in the other program where I want to use the variables generated by the above loop. The only...

Is there a better way to handle the progression through a wizard dialog?

I'm working on an existing wizard dialog which is implemented as a tabbed page control (with the tabs hidden). The steps of the wizard are defined in an enumerated type. When the user clicks a navigation button the current step is run through a switch statement. Each branch of the switch is filled with additional branching logic (if/then...

Custom Linux GUI: Where to begin?

I've had a long standing interest in developing an OS UI tailored to my needs and interests. When I was younger, I went crazy playing with the Stardock skinning tools for Windows. I loved developing my own window styles and layout ideas. Since then I've had an unscratchable itch. I'm not particularly interested in fiddling with the low...

Of all the major languages used in academia and business, which one is the most productive, and why?

As the question says, which language is easiest and most productive for you, and importantly why? Given that the reason why should be convincing it could have a definitive conclusion, and is therefore a valid question. I am looking for suggestions with regard to learning languages generally, and whether to pick up one language over anot...