
Git Import from Surround SCM?

My company has a large codebase in Surround SCM, which was migrated from SourceSafe a few years ago. We're looking to move to something more suited to our needs, but getting our history out of Surround is proving to be a challenge. Googling for git importers, I found a good tutorial on custom importers. There also appears to be support ...

SVN Externals in a different SCM

At a previous workplace we used svn externals to update dependent projects when a shared component was updated. This made it easy to see anything that those changes broke, as well as update dependent projects to the latest version of a shared component automatically without any intervention. At a new workplace we are using with s...

Surround SCM integration with Eclipse for Android project

I have a bunch of code in Surround SCM, which I would like to get into a workspace in Eclipse. I will need to be able to work off of two branches. One for bug fixes, and one for new features, which can then be merged into my main branch. What is the best way to do this? ...