
Offline dataentry options

Are there any options available to do offline surveys and questionnaires. Something in the line similar to Adobe Lifecycle that allows coded pdf files. Its costly and there are about 10-15 templates which will also add up to the license cost. MSWord and MS-Excel are options but there could be users that do not have these installed or us...

Ruby on Rails 2 - Complex forms for Lesson, Questions & Answers

Hi All, I have 4 models - Users, Lessons, Questions & Answers. Each user can create a lesson with some questions and then ask other users to answer those questions and submit the form. I ran into a problem creating a view to display a lesson with a list of questions and a blank answer field underneath each question. I have a working ...

Creating Surveys with accepts_nested_form_for

Hello, I have been working with rails3 and have been trying to create a simple survey application but some issues have come up. I can create questions just fine but when it comes to creating a survey that people can take I come accross some issues. For one the answers aren't being assigned a :user_id or :survey_id. The following is a co...