
Which C++ logical operators do you use: and, or, not and the ilk or C style operators? why?

leisure/curiosity question as implied in the title. I personally prefer the new operators as to make code more readable in my opinion. Which ones do use yourself? What is your reason for choosing one over the other one? also Emacs highlights those operators differently so I get more visual feedback when looking at the screen. I know...

Eclipse as an IDE - What do you find missing as a beginner in Java?

I am working on a solution that aims at solving problems that newbie programmers experience when they are "modifying code" while bug fixing / doing change requests, on code in production. Eclipse, as we all know is a great IDE. Features such as Code Completion, Open Declaration, Type Hierarchy, Package Explorer, Navigator, Finding Refere...

Questionnaire/survey app like Google Form - (python+javascript)

Django-survey or django-questionnaire is too admin-centric for me (beside tied to django). I want my user to create their own survey. Something like Google Form survey (view example), where form creation feels fluid and intuitive (because of js magic). I've googling around with no luck. Is there any python-based survey app/library/pack...

Sharepoint 2007 Survey Permissions

I am creating a SharePoint 2007 survey and noticing some odd behavior. When I set the permissions to have users edit none of the responses, it gives users with Contribute access the ability to begin a response but after finishing the first page and clicking Next the user is no longer given access to the survey response. However, when ...

form builders for mobile devices

hi all, We're going to build survey apps for rural development(in India) using cellphones, including some Nokia and Android devices. For building and capturing user info, we're looking at OpenXdata( which is open source J2ME solution) and exZact, (which works on iPhone/iPod Touch). We're also looking at ODK. What tools/framework have ...

Tabulating results for quick SharePoint survey

We have a one-question checkbox (multiple selection) survey in SharePoint. When selecting "Show a graphical summary of responses" in SharePoint, it tabulates the different combinations of responses as distinct answers as opposed to totaling the number of each option selected. Is there a way to show the total of each option selected ...

Looking for an open-source or low cost dev license survey / form builder application in C# or VB.NET

I am looking either a low-cost (under 500$) developer license, or open-source survey / form generator tool. It has to be written in C# or VB.NET. These are the core features I need: Ability to generate surveys with a list of questions on the fly Multiple answer choices (freeform text, radiobutton, etc) Users can fill out survey online ...

.NET/Mono Install Base

Me and some friends are considering writing a new FOSS project, and the debate is divided between using .NET or something else. So I am wondering if there is an advertised install base for Mono on Linux machines? and, if there known install base of Mono or the Microsoft .Net on windows machines? Thanks. Install Base - A measure of t...

Design pattern for ongoing survey anayisis

I'm doing an ongoing survey, every quarter. We get people to sign up (where they give extensive demographic info). Then we get them to answer six short questions with 5 possible values much worse, worse, same, better, much better. Of course over time we will not get the same participants,, some will drop out and some new ones will si...

Sharepoint: Why do I not get the option to create new Survey, Discussion, Wiki etc?

I have created a new web application (port 44455) to host all the discussions, surveys and wikis that we will want. I then created a new site collection (which uses the publishing template) and then tried to create a survey (AllSiteContent --> Create --> Tracking --> Survey) but the only option presented was 'Tasks'. Why is this? On the...

What is the best Drupal Survey module

We're after a replacement for a DotNetNuke installation with a DynamicForms module by DataSprings. Currently the problems are mainly performance related, but the fact that DynamicForms uses Postbacks on ASP.Net all the time renders it also highly susceptible to slow server response time. We're after a Drupal module which would allow u...

Reading first row as header is easy, what gives with two rows being the header

I have been using surveygizmo which is an amazingly powerful online questionnaire presenter. The data can be exported as a csv file but alas it has two [not one] header rows. The first row specifies the question and the second row contains possible responses that the respondent could have checked off. This seems highly aberant in the dat...

Add custom properties to SharePoint 2007 Survey

I would like to extend the survey list template and add 2 more properties. The place to modify these properties is the Survey General Settings page (/_layouts/ListGeneralSettings.aspx?List=). Can someone tell me how to add these kind of properties to survey list in SharePoint or any other possible places to store these properties? Regar...

how is this survey made?

Does anyone know how this survey is made? And how something like it can be created? I know it's made with Flash but how do they export the results to a shopping cart? Have a client that would like something created similar to this. Thanks www.vitaminid com ...

Cost effective online consumer surveys / panels?

I am building a Windows based software targeted at consumers, and while I think it's awesome, I'm not sure if my potential customers will. I would like to do some market research to make sure I'm on the right track with the feature set. Unfortunately, I don't have the budget for a large sample size. I understand that I won't be able to... feedback form

hey all, i want to implement a sort of feedback form/survey form in which is linked to a database. can any one help on any good tutorials or articles i want to create a application which will take questions from a database then display them on the form. once the user has finished the survey the results will be stored i...

Sharepoint survey: How to identify the question fields when fetching survey information from the Lists web service?

I am wanting to access survey information via the Lists web service and display the questions contained in the survey. The result contains a large number of Field nodes some of which are the questions in the survey. The other fields contain other information such as author, last changed etc. How can I pick out the questions? I had thou...

Ruby on Rails questionnaire tutorial?

Can't find any tutorial for creating a simple questionnaire system on RoR (without using Finite State Machines). I think the Model is simple: Quizzes (have many Questions) Questions (belong to Quizzes, have many Choices, have one Answer) Choices (belong to Questions) Responses (belong to Users, belong to Questions) Users (have many ...

Calculating multiple column average in SQLite3

I need to average some values in a row-wise fashion, rather than a column-wise fashion. (If I were doing a column-wise average, I could just use avg()). My specific application of this requires me ignore NULLs in averaging. It's pretty straightforward logic, but seems awfully difficult to do in SQL. Is there an elegant way of doing m...

Using javascript to limit survey choices to three unique values

I'm required to use a limited survey application, and have to adapt the provided code to meet more advanced functionality. I need to create a weighted ranking question, so users can select their top three choices and the data will go into the survey application and be accessible in the survey reports. The application only supports 2 t...