
How could I hack conditional behaviour into django-survey?

I need a survey application very soon. django-survey seems to be nearly what I am looking for. But one feature is missing: conditional questions i.e.: have you been taking part in this.... yes no if your answer is yes, please proceed with Question 1.1. if it is no, please proceed with Question 1.2 Here it should be c...

How important are Design Patterns really?

How important are Design Patterns really? I think the earlier generation of programmers didn't use Design Patterns that much (people who graduated in the 80s and before mid 90s). Do the recent graduate know it in general and use it a lot more? If you are interested, I also made a survery and you can view it here: http://www.surveym...

In Sharepoint2007 survey, I need to show Question3 only if Question1 AND Question2=Yes

I need to create a survey on a Sharepoint 2007 site. In this survey I need to: (a) Ask everyone Question1 and Question2 (b) Show Question3 ONLY IF Question1=Yes AND Question2=Yes ...

Generating a form from SQL Server database

Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows of a product (free or licensable) that allows you to generate a Web Form from looking into a database table. We have to be able to generate staff surveys - our company is quite big, and occasionally the form fields change. Ultimately this means one of our dev's have to go and modify some ASP.NET webfor...

Branching based on number of checkboxes checked in a SharePoint survey

I need to create a survey in SharePoint 2007. Question1 will have 7 checkboxes. I want to show Question2 only if 2 or more of those 7 checkboxes are checked. How can I do that? ...

Mobile Phone Survey Questions

We're considering writing mobile versions of our applications, so we're putting together a survey for our customers asking what they want for stuff on their phones. So far, questions such as: Do you have a smartphone? If so, which OS does it use? Would you like to use on your phone? How much would be worth to you on your phone etc....

Create a Survey in SharePoint 2007 where external users can submit but....

I have a task to make a survey to be displayed in SharePoint 2007 to external users for them to fill out and submit, but not be able to view the submitted results (so they don't see what others have entered). This survey will be for outside vendors to my company to submit information about them for our records. I am open to any suggest...

Create unique Poll/vote/survey in php

The unique poll/vote/survey i mean here is, user can only vote once. How do i do that? Track their ip? Login? Beside login, what else? (login is my last option, thus beside login, is there anything else I can do?) ...

How to make a customizable user survey in Django.

I am making a system for a company which among other things must hold information about the satisfactory level about various things, I have made it work fine using a fixed model with fixed questions and answers, but I am sure that they will need to change or add questions. So I want to make a system where users can make custom evaluatio...

Can we design this survey in sharepoint

Suppose we have a list of items with applicable owners Item Owner A1 O1 A2 O1 A3 O2 A4 O4 A1 O2 i.e. a many-to many mapping For each item owned by him, the owner will answer a fixed set of questions.Therefore, in the survey O1 will answer questions for A1 and A2, O2 for A3 and A1 ... Owner with no questions wil...

Sharepoint Javascript Lists

Hi, Is it possible to iterate through a survey response list using javascript on a webform in Sharepoint? Is it also possible to iterate through a user group list as well - again using javascript? Additionally, is it possible to create a table or list or something to: a) Display a group of users b) Display their responses to a survey ...

How does the above-average programmer learn today ?

Most of us know the quote "The average software developer reads less than one professional book per year..." from Peopleware I am curious to know how (or if) it has changed since then - it's nice to know the trends in our 'profession'... and this seems to be a nice focus group to get some relevant answers from. So I'm looking here for...

How would you interpret these dates?

I need to interpret relative date string like: last Friday this Tuesday next Wednesday The "Last Friday" form is easy (take the most recent Friday that is not today) but what about "this" vs. "next"? Could "this Wednesday" be yesterday on a Thursday? Could "this" and "next" Friday be the same day in some cases and a week apart in oth...

User Surveys for Startups

I'm looking for some sort of survey service, like but focused on start-ups and user polls. Is there anything out there better suited to collecting user opinion for the sake of business/product planning? ...

Display past 4 survey results from JQuery.survey

I am making something for work. It is a highly repetitive task and it will be useful to fill out a small survey about the task that can be referred back to in the short term (like 5 minutes) I love the jquery.survey module. The survey looks great. Now I could use a hint or some help on getting the output from that survey to save for ...

Iterating an R Script as a function of sequential survey questions

The function below works perfectly for my purpose. The display is wonderful. Now my problem is I need to be able to do it again, many times, on other variables that fit other patterns. In this example, I've output results for "q4a", I would like to be able to do it for sequences of questions that follow patterns like: q4 < a - z > or q...

which open-source survey system is the best now?

I am looking for an open-source survey system for our department. PHP or Java are both OK. I checked LimeSurvey, but I don't like it. Which open-source survey system is the best now? ...

List of large projects built using Perl

Can you please name some large (maintained, with active communities) projects written using Perl? I'd like to be able to provide a list of mature, production-ready projects so that Perl can be seen as an alternative to other popular languages used today. ...

Survey Data Model

I'm developing a simple survey module for an ASP application I'm working on and I'd like to get some suggestions on the data model. Questions can be one of three types - multiple choice, multiple answer; multiple choice, single answer, and free response. I'm thinking of the following tables: Question - with a question type discrimi...

What do regular people think of programming?

Let me clarify the title first. Most of the people around me are just normal computer users who never heard of C++, Pascal and other programming languages. I've noticed that these people tend to think that programming is just "creating something on the computer", they never bother thinking about what it is really about. I see it as a ki...