
SVN update command to target a single externals subfolder ?

I have a bunch of externals directories in a plugins folder. ~> svn propedit svn:externals . akismet stats html-purified Some times I will update a single externals reference to update the ...

How to do internal svn:externals

I'm trying to set up a sort of symbolic link in our subversion repository with svn:externals, but it's not really working all that well. What I want to do is link a folder in one part of the same repository to another, like so: src/somewhere_else/schema This works fine for truly externa...

Nant: Building projects using svn-externals

Using subversion and Nant for building. I have a main project that depends on several sub-projects. The sub-projects exist as separate projects inside subversion. My question is: Should the nant build script in the main project build all the referenced sub projects and itself? Or do the subprojects know how to build themselves and I ...

SVN externals broken after relocation

So we recently moved our SVN server from being a root path (svn://sever/) to being a subfolder (svn://server/sub/) to allow multiple repositories on the same server. We have a number of working copies already checked out that we'd like to just keep as-is. Using Tortoise SVN, we ran the Relocate command, and everything seemed to work gr...

Point SVN Externals at a CVS Repository

Is it possible to point an SVN Externals directive at a CVS repository? ...

Version control for interdepedent modules

How do I track and manage the dependencies of software modules under version control? I am building several websites, each of which uses a particular Apache configuration, particular Django code, a shared Python library, and some shared Javascript. For each site these pieces are interdependent -- if the server code changes, the Javas...

Changing svn repository url in externals property

I'm moving my repository to a new location, but I have folders with the (same) repository URL hard-coded in the externals properties. e.g: old URL: https://OldLocation.Domain/svn/ new URL: https://NewLocation.Domain/svn/ How can I change the old repository URL to the new one? simply editing the property doesn't work. ...

Can I add a subversion external as an inline folder that I am adding it to?

I have two folders laid out as below: svn/BaseLibrary/trunk (which contains) svn/BaseLibrary/trunk/Core svn/BaseLibrary/trunk/Controls I would like to include BaseLibrary as an external on another project so that the Core and Controls libraries sit inline with the rest of my project. So with my other project below: svn/Project/trunk/...

How do I checkin to local copy AND svn:externals subdirectories in one commit?

We have an svn project that also has several plugins in vendor/plugins - all pulled in via svn:externals. I have a commit that spans both the main project and several of these plugins all at once. When I do an svn st it lists all my changed files across all the correct sub directories, but when I try to do an svn ci it only shows files...

Replicating svn:externals into a git repository (Referencing git from Subversion)

We have a Subversion repository that is not going to move to git in the short to medium term, but I would like to use a DVCS for controlling and versioning 3rd party libraries. Is there a way of using something like svn:externals to fetch/link a revision from git, driven by the Subversion checkout? ...

SVN Development and Release Process - Sanity Check

I am creating a process for working with version control and my web based application. This is what I have so far: I am doing main development under branches/development and keep that in sync with my development server for testing. I use svn:externals to bring the Zend Framework into my project. I use the revision number from the tag...

svn:externals a sub-folder of a git project

Hi, is there a way to get only a part (ex: a sub-folder called /library) of a project and use it in svn:externals? What I'm doing now is $svn pe svn:externals . SomeLibrary But I don't want everything from the project... I need something like: $svn pe svn:externals . SomeLi...

Why are git submodules incompatible with svn externals?

There are lots of webpages out there suggesting hackish ways to make svn externals look like git submodules. I have read some accounts of what the difference is, but this doesn't seem very fundamental: Git submodules link to a particular commit in another project's repository, while svn:externals always fetch the latest revision. W...

What's the benefits of "svn:externals"?

I would not get to know svn:externals if I haven't run into the this page. So, I setup my working folder. Then mkdir lib/vendor svn add --parents lib/vendor svn ps svn:externals 'symfony' lib/vendor/ svn ci -m "add externals" svn update The "svn update" enlists the whole symfony folder and...

Zend Framework and svn:externals

I have been using svn:externals to bring the Zend Framework files into my project. This is what my svn:externals looks like: -r 22731 Zend -r 22731 ZendX I have it tied to revision 22731 which is th...

Using Mercurial hgsubversion extension with SVN Externals

I'm using mercurial to talk to a SVN repository, and the repository is currently using SVN externals to pull in another repository. hgsubversion works really well for communicating with the repository, but it doesn't seem to work with SVN Externals. Is there a way to configure it to work with this? EDIT: Partial Solution SVN External...

Getting started with git-svn with multiple users

In our project we have to commit all changes to the clients svn repository. I want to move our team to git. So I'm thinking I'll need a central git repository that uses git-svn to push to the svn server. My questions: Is there a way I can get the central git repository to automatically push to the svn repository, or would a simple cr...

SVN externals - is there something between floating and pinned externals?

I know that people recommend that externals should always point to tags or be pinned to specific revisions (or both for the belts-and-braces brigade!). I'm comfortable with this approach when the external points to a unchanging or slowly changing dependency. However, sometimes I need to take an external on a rapidly changing dependency a...

Other options besides svn:externals and shared repository checkouts?

I want to share my code libraries between multiple PHP projects. I am using SVN (unfortunately). What other options are there to share code besides using 1) svn:externals or 2) a shared repository checkout + paths in config files? My objections to svn:externals are: 1) Mercurial does not have this, and I prefer that; and 2) it is easy ...