I’m in the midst of preparing some SCM guidelines for our Subversion users and came across a point of contention with the team. Is there ever a valid use case for someone to make consecutive commits with identical messages?
If you take the approach that a commit message should describe the “what” and “why” of code changes it’s difficult...
I have a folder with a group of 3rd dlls that I want to show up in Visual Studio. The reason being that I am using VisualSvn and I want to be able to see when these have been updated from within visual studio.
My bash scripting is weak. I want to create a script that filters and add files to the svn.
So far i have this
ls | egrep -v "(\.tab\.|\.yy\.|\.o$|\.exe$|~$)"
I tried to output it using exec but couldnt figure out how. Before that I checked if svn add uses regex. I am not sure if it does and i couldnt figure out how to reverse the ab...
Flashbake is introduced by Cory Doctorow and discussed here and its project page is here. It hides most of the complexity of git and allows simple configuration. I'm looking for something for Perforce since I have 10s of GB growing to 100+ GB in the next year of a few MB files (pictures mainly) which might not be ideal for git. I also...
I appear to be missing revisions. I wrote
> svn commit -m "blah. go back"
Sending report/report2.pl
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 6.
> svn info
Path: .
URL: file:///home/MYNAME/svn_repository
Repository Root: file:///home/MYNAME/svn_repository
Repository UUID: 05a62b19-7276-0410-ba54-59ad643a30b7
Revision: 3
Node K...
Can I take multiple revisions in Subversion and combine them into one?
I'd like to be able to take a few commits that include some interim blind alleys that I no longer care about and produce a single revision. For no reason other than to tidy up the svn history of a bug fix a litle bit.
How do you maintain two (or more) versions of a project in SVN? different trunks, inside the main trunk? branches? Totally separate folders?
I currently have, assuming I am about to make v2 of ProjecA, but I still need to fix bugs in v1:
Which would be the best way to do t...
Using Subversion, is there a way to merge the changes from one specific revision into the trunk? Basically I have a lot of revisions that have been made, but I need to update my working copy with only the latest revision, and not all of the others in between.
Would I do some sort of merge?
Say I have repository structure like:
/Department A
I'd like to have a page on my Trac wiki which looks like:
Projects under Source Control for Department A:
- MyProj1
- MyProj2
- MyProj3
Is there an existing plugin, macro, or other neat Trac trick to allow this? I tri...
This is for general websites development (LAMP Stack), not necessarily web applications though.
I'm just trying to setup some version control for client websites im building. Just trying to figure out the best way -- well how to do this...
I don't know how to setup SVN on my server. Do I have to do an additional step to push what's in ...
I use TortoiseSVN for version control. In a working cooy I have been working with for weeks, I suddenly see a number of "changed" files showing up in the "SVN commit.." dialog that I have definitely not touched and which do not contain any real differences:
I have not changed these files' encodings not performed any other operation on...
I'm pretty sure the following error is related to the fact that I'm sharing code via SVN with a colleague that is using a Windows system.
Myself, I use Python on Mac, editing with TextMate.
import os
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
When running that code, I get a...
As we work in team today, and we use different OSes, is it possible to manage a Eclipse project through different plateforms (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux), and with different SVN clients ?
If we put all files of the (Java) project, the bin subdirectory and metadata files comes in conflict, teamworkers can't import project localy, e...
Dear All,
It must be a pretty common requirement. I have an svn repository having around 1GB data size.
To backup I first do a hotcopy into a directory at 12:00AM and then at 1:00 AM, a remote machines pulls this backup using rsync.The source machine on which the svn is installed has rsyncd and is a windows machine.
So, everything is wo...
Apache on a windows machine running as SYSTEM.
What user and password should be used for a post-commit.bat?
I am trying to copy content to a directory for testing on a developer version on the webserver and don't seem to have it working.
I'm maintaining a homebrew web-based CRM that I version-control with Subversion. What I want is to have the revision number written into a file after I do an export to the production server so that I can display it in the CRM's status page for debugging reasons.
Is there any way to do this with command-line tools?
Is it possible to automatically transfer/ftp files to a server, every time I commit a change to a repository??
If yes, please help me know how to set it up.
Is there any way of easily deciphering (i.e. at a glance) whether or not a branch has already previously been merged with the another branch or the trunk? The nearest I've been able to figure out is by looking at the commit notes and displaying the merged commit notes. The disadvantage with this seems to be that unless you know which b...
I just started using Google code hosting and am a beginner at working with Subversion. I was wondering if there is a way to enforce a rule that no commits can be made without comments. I was researching into it, and I did find a way to do this on subversion - it involves creating a pre-commit hook. But I don't think I can do this in Goog...
I'm using TortoiseSVN and Visual Studio 2008.
Is there any way to update my project's assemblyinfo.cs with svn's version in every build?
For example, 1.0.0.[svn's version] ->