
Getting started with SLIME and SWANK: Lisp connection closed unexpectedly: connection broken by remote peer

Hello people. I was trying to use the slime-connect function to get access to a remote server with sbcl. I followed all the steps from the slime.mov movie from Marco Baringer, but I got stuck when creating the ssh connection for slime. This is after already starting the swank server on the remote machine. I did it like this: ssh -L 4005...

Java input in Clojure with (read-line) not reading properly in EMACS

Has anyone encountered a problem with emacs on windows and java input ? (read-line) in the REPL does not recognise the delimiter (well thats my guess). Using a vanilla clojure in the box, same issue. Further clarification. Using (read-line) or the scanner class within the REPL in EMACS the reader will not respond to return (As in it...

Clojure emacs slime + swank directory question

I'm using emacs with clojure-swank and slime and trying to set my development environment. And I ran into a problem. When I start a repl I'm stuck in an unknown directory preventing me to load my namespace. Because the clojure repl can't find the right file. Does anyone know how to change the current directory? PS: I've just started us...

Other editors that can use slime/swank?

I have been quite happy with Emacs/slime+swank for a long time, and was just wondering if there are any other editors/IDEs that can connect to a swank instance? ...

Can I connect two emacs/slimes to the same swank instance?

when I start swank through leiningen it accepts the next slime connection and off I go. I would really like to have several emacs instances connect to the same swank instance. Can I do this? can I do this through leiningen? ...

Can I use swank-clojure with the clojure 1.2 master branch?

I'm happily using swank-clojure, installed via elpa. But I'd like to do some work with deftype, defprotocol, etc., which aren't aren't available in clojure 1.1. To use my own class paths, I'm using the excellent suggestion by Rick Moynihan in the stackoverflow question about setting custom classpaths, which was to set up a script like:...

Embedding swank-clojure in java program

Based on the Embedding section of http://github.com/technomancy/swank-clojure, I'm using the following to test it out. Is there a better way to do this that doesn't use Compiler? Is there a way to programmatically stop swank? It seems start-repl takes control of the thread. What would be a good way to spawn off another thread for...

How to reconnect to slime/swank-clojure session?

It seems that whenever I disconnect from clojure slime session, I cannot reconnect again. I am using leiningen to start the swank session (with lein-swank plugin). So, every time I quit emacs (I know I shouldn't) or reboot/logout I have to restart both slime and swank. Is there a way to re-connect to a slime/clojure-swank session? ...

Using slime's C-x C-e (Eval the form under the point) with swank-clojure in emacs

Hi, I'm using swank-clojure in emacs on OSX. I'm able to run a slime session. When I use C-x C-e on a simple form in a .clj file like (+ 7 7) I get an sldb buffer with Unable to resolve symbol: + in this context [Thrown class java.lang.Exception] I'm able to evaluate that form in the slime session directly. I was hoping the fo...

Good workflow with emacs+swank+slime+clojure?

I just wanted opinion on good workflow using the emacs environment with clojure+swank+slime. I often find myself doing very repetitive keycommands and wonder if there is an obvious better way. I include swank with lein and start my project using lein swank from shell. Then I connect with emacs and do the correct use commands so that I ...

Can an embedded swank-clojure repl access the program it is embedded in?

I'm trying to embed a swank-clojure repl into my application for the purpose of connecting while the app is running to muck around with things. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to access the enclosing environment after starting the repl. Embedding the swank-clojure REPL is easy enough: (ns mytest (:use [swank.swank :exclu...

Running 'lein swank' (calling clojure server) with elisp

As is asked and answered here. I could use 'lein swank' to run clojure on Aquamacs. I need to automate running 'lein swank', before running slime/clojure. Q : Is there a way to this automatically? I mean how can I run the command 'lein swank' automatically when slime/clojure (M-x slime-connect) is called. Q : If I have to come up wit...

Equivalent of 'lein swank' to other Lisp/Scheme implementations with emacs/slime.

I've been using emacs/slime for coding lisp, but with Clojure I found 'lein swank'. I must say that it's pretty useful, as I can connect to a server that runs clojure. How about the other Lisp implementations? What Lisp implementations provide the equivalent of 'lein swank' in Clojure? I mean, is there any other Lisp implementations th...

What does the 'swank-clojure' do exactly, and do we have 'swank-SOMETHING_ELSE'?

My superficial understanding is that 'swank-clojure' makes 'M-x slime-connect' possible. I mean, it gives a connection to a clojure server something like 'lein swank'. Is my understanding correct? If not, what's the purpose of swank? Then, is there any 'swank-SOMETHING_ELSE' for other lisp like implementations? For example, swank-clisp?...

Is there a simple method for writing traces from multiple sbcl threads to standard output through MCLIDE/swank?

Using SBCL, I'm writing a small server and I would like to trace the server thread, but when I use mclide/swank, I do not see any output from the server thread. ? (require 'sb-posix) NIL ? (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (format t "hi from the thread"))) ? When I try the same thing from sbcl directly, I see what I expect: (requi...

clojure swank server opens public port?

(This question has been downvoted, which I find strange. How have I offended?) Am I right to think that running a swank server usually opens port 4005 to the world, not bound to localhost-only connections? So anyone hacking in a café is not only allowing passers-by to execute arbitrary code on their computer, but is giving them a nice ...

How I can eval a buffer and/or an instruction within Emacs with Swank and SLIME?

Hy everyone, I've successfully installed clojure-mode, slime, slime-repl within Emacs. I start a swank server with "lein swank" and hang slime to it with "slime-connect". I can use the SLIME REPL to evaluating Clojure expression within the REPL. How can I eval a single s-exp or a whole file (a.k.a I want to run a Clojure file withing Ema...