
Swig: How to wrap double& (double passed by reference)?

I am using SWIG to access C++ code from Python. How do I elegantly wrap a function that returns values in variables passed by reference like void set(double&a) { a = 42.; } I could not find out how to do this. In the best case I'd be able to use the function in Python with Python floats: >>> b = 2. >>> set(b) >>> print b 42.0 At ...

SWIG ImportError: undefined symbol: _Py_RefTotal

Hello, I am really new to SWIG. I tried to compile the example given in SWIG but I get the following error: $ python Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56) [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. import example Traceback (most recent call last): ...

Modifying generated code

I'm wrapping a C++ library in PHP using SWIG and there have been some occasions where I want to modify the generated code (both generated C++ and PHP): Fix code-generation errors Add code that makes sense in PHP, but not in C++ (e.g. type checking) Add documentation tags (e.g. phpDoc) I'm currently automating these modifications with...

Resource garbage collected too early

I've created a PHP extension with SWIG and everything works fine, but I'm observing some strange garbage collection behavior when chaining method calls. For example, this works: $results = $response->results(); $row = $results->get(0)->iterator()->next(); printf('%s %s' . "\n", $row->getString(0), $row->getString(1)); But this seg fau...

C to PHP via SWIG: can’t get void** parameters to hold their value

I have a C interface that looks like this (simplified): extern bool Operation(void ** ppData); extern float GetFieldValue(void* pData); extern void Cleanup(p); which is used as follows: void * p = NULL; float theAnswer = 0.0f; if (Operation(&p)) { theAnswer = GetFieldValue(p); Cleanup(p); } You'll note that Operatio...

Signal Processing in Go

I have come up with an idea for an audio project and it looks like Go is a useful language for implementing it. However, it requires the ability to apply filters to incoming audio, and Go doesn't appear to have any sort of audio processing package. I can use cgo to call C code, but every signal processing library I find uses C++ classes ...

SWIG - running python code upon import

I have a C++ module that I'm wrapping with SWIG that uses dynamic linking. Because of the way that python deals with scope of imported functions I've had to run the command dl.open(library, dl.RLTD_NOW, dl.RTLD_GLOBAL) directly after import. This is to make sure that the C++ libraries functions are available to the other libraries that i...

swig typemap for python: input and output arrays

I have a C function I want to use in Python: extern int convertAtoB( stateStruct *myStruct, const double PointA[3], double PointB[3]); Using SWIG, I think I need to define a typemap to convert the two points (PointA the input, PointB the output) so that Python can use it. There doesn't s...

How do I use SWIG in Perl?

I am totally new to SWIG interfaces and how to use this with C and Perl. It will a great help to me, if someone explains about using Perl and C with SWIG. ...

SWIG - Problem with namespaces

I'm having trouble getting the following simple example to work with SWIG 1.3.40 (and I also tried 1.3.31). The Foo structure comes through as a Python module as long as I don't wrap it in a namespace, but as soon as I do I get a compilation error in the generated test_wrap.c. test.h: #ifndef __TEST_H__ #define __TEST_H__ #define USE...

Access C++ shared library from Java: JNI, JNA, CNI, or SWIG?

Which of the following (or other) method would you recommend for accessing a C++ shared library from Java and why? JNI: I hear this has a number of pitfalls and is quite the undertaking? SWIG: Apparently this makes using JNI easier, but I've heard it has some problems too? JNA: I could write a C interface and then use JNA with it i...

extending scripting integration to an existing lib

I found swig can generate script wrapper for various scripting languages. I've a 3rd party static library, a header file and a lib. How can I use swig so that I can call functions from that library from a scripting language, say python? Thanks ...

SWIG: How to wrap std::string& (std::string passed by reference)

I am using SWIG to access C++ code from Java. What is the easiest way to expose a std::string parameter passed by non-const reference? I have primitives passed by reference exposed as Java arrays, thanks to typemaps.i, and const std::string&s exposed as java.lang.String, thanks to std_string.i. But a non-const std::string& is exposed a...

How to wrap a c++ vector of vector with SWIG.

Hi, I'm using SWIG to wrap C++ code to Python code. I'm trying to wrap a vector of vectors. The method is: std::vector<std::vector<MyClass*>*> GetMyClassVectorOfVectors(); I'm able to wrap the first vector without adding lines to the file "MyAplication.i": The method is std::vector<MyClass*> GetMyClassVector(); And this is working...

Wrap std::vector of std::vectors, C++ SWIG Python

I want to wrap a C++ vector of vectors to Python code by using SWIG. Is it possible to wrap this type of vector of vectors? std::vector<std::vector<MyClass*>>; In the interface file MyApplication.i I added these lines: %include "std_vector.i" %{ #include <vector> %} namespace std { %template(VectorOfStructVector) vector<vecto...

Struct containing std::string being passed to lua

I have working C++ code using swig which creates a struct, passes it to lua (essentially by reference), and allows manipulation of the struct such that the changes made in the lua code remain once I've returned to the C++ function. This all works fine until I add a std::string to the struct, as shown here: struct stuff { int x; ...

SWIG-PHP error: Invalid library

Hello, I'm new to SWIG and I'm trying to make a PHP5 wrapper around this library https://sourceforge.net/projects/zinnia/ The project includes the interface file zinnia.i Following www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Php.html I run swig -php -c++ zinnia.i gcc `php-config --includes` -fpic -c zinnia_wrap.cpp gcc -shared -L/usr/local/lib/ -lzinnia -o ...

How to handle exceptions from C++ via SWIG to Java

We are implementing a wrapper on C++ code for exposure to Java clients. I have seen the SWIG documents about exception handling but what does this translate to in coding terms in the three layers (C++/SWIG/Java)? If anybody has working example(s) or advice, I would be grateful. ...

How can i use Scons to build SWIG lua example?

I am trying to write an SCons script to build lua/embed3 example distributed with swig. Build instructions by makefile as follows: swig -c++ -lua -external-runtime swigluarun.h swig -c++ -lua -module example -o example_wrap.cpp example.i g++ -o embed3 embed3.cpp example_wrap.cpp example.cpp \ -llua5.1 -I/usr/include/lua5.1 In Scon...

How do I marshall (in ideally in SWIG) a C# string[] to a C++ string*?

I am new in C# programming and trying to call wrap functions that is in C++. In C++ I have a function of the following prototype string* swap(string* ptr1, string*ptr2){ //swap the array of string return ptr2; } How do I wrap this function into C# (ideally using SWIG, but not necessary)? ...