
Where are the java swing String for me to translate?

The JFileChooser don't provide support for my language, I'd translate strings defined in the file http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/JavaUIDefaults.txt with the UIManager.put(), but I'm not finding the popup strings ("view", "refresh" and "new folder" options when you right-click). Does anyone know where can I find them to translate? -...

scala Slider throws casting exception

hello, I create an Slider object: val slider = new Slider{ min = 0 max = 30 labels = Map(0 -> new Label("Nula"),15-> new Label("Pul"),30-> new Label("Max")) paintLabels = true } when I run this, an exception is thrown: scala.swing.Label cannot be cast to java.awt.Component but why? When i browse...

OnExit Event For a Swing Application?

I'm developing a simple application to manage the operational part of a business using Swing, but I need that when the application exits, it performs this: updateZonas(); db.close(); But how can I do this? ...

JLabel animation in JPanel

After scratching around I found that it's best to implement a custom image component by extending a JLabel. So far that has worked great as I can add multiple "images" (jlabels without the layout breaking. I just have a question that I hope someone can answer for me. I noticed that in order to animate JLabels across the screen I need t...

Need help understanding the affect of two java gui-related system properties

Hello, I had a problem envolving a mixing of lightweight and heavyweight components in java. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2463108/weird-swing-heavyweight-lightweight-mixing-problem/2468519#2468519 A solution that was suggested to me (outside stackoverflow) was to set the system properties sun.awt.noerasebackground and sun.java2d...

image upload-showing image on a form

I am using netbeans6.7.1 and phpmyadmin for my db to develop a java application to manage students records i want to upload students photos through browsing by clicking a browse buton which i have included in my interface I mean when i click on that button a JFilechooser pops up which filter only images(i have acomplished this) what...

Java mouse motion anywhere on screen

I'm sure this is possible but all my searching is coming up blank. In Java is it possible to register for a mouse motion event outside of a Java app? So if the mouse pointer moves anywhere on the screen I get a call back. An approximation is possible with polling MouseInfo.getPointerInfo but there must be a better way. Thanks To expla...

java/swing: Shape questions: serializing and combining

I have two questions about java.awt.Shape. Suppose I have two Shapes, shape1 and shape2. How can I serialize them in some way so I can save the information to a file and later recreate it on another computer? (Shape is not Serializable but it does have the getPathIterator() method which seems like you could get the information out but ...

Which is better: JNP or Corba?

Hello. I've try with EJB 3.0 and swing client and i've tried with glassfish and jboss as application server when i did use glassfish, the comunication is via corba. when i did use jboss, the comunication is via JNP. in my tests the JNP was faster than corba who has some like this?, and who could tell me which is better: JNP or Corba?...

'SImple' 2 class Java calculator doesn't accept inputs or do calculations

Hi, I'm trying to get a two class java calculator working (new to java) but so far i'm having no success. the two classes are outlined below, calcFrame is for the interface and calEngine should do the actual calculations but i can't get them to talk to one another. I'd really appreciate any assistance on same. Thanks. CalcFrame Code:...

Disable JPanel with visual effect

I'm looking for a good way to disable a JPanel. I'm using a MVC design for a Java Swing GUI. I want the JPanel to be disabled while the model is processing stuff. I've tried setEnabled(false). That disables user input on the JPanel, but I'd like it to be grayed out to add a more visual effect. Thanks in advance! ...

Difference between SwingWorker and SwingUtilities.invokeLater

I need to run some method in Swing application in separate thread. What is the difference between using SwingWorker and SwingUtilities.invokeLater. Which one should I use to run a thread in Swing application? I couldn't find exact info in the tutorial at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/concurrency/index.html ...

Add 'expand' button to JTree node that has no children?

I'd like to add the 'expand' button to my JTree's nodes to indicate that they are expandable. The catch is that they have no children until the user clicks on them (due to processing that happens in the background). Is there any way I can set a node as a parent or having children without it actually having children? Thanks ...

In Swing, what is the best listener to use in a textarea

I am trying to change the font of the text in a textarea in Swing. Which listener should I use on textarea to trigger an action that lets the program initiate the font code. All the examples have all the swing in the same class which lets you access the textarea directly, but I have multiple classes; I know I can pass the textarea in an...

actionlistener not responding in java calculator

hi, please see calculator interface code below, from my beginners point of view the "1" should display when it's pressed but evidently i'm doing something wrong. any suggestiosn please? import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event...

Having difficulty add a custom icon to a JFrame

Hi, I have been trying to change the icon in the frame. I have virtually tried everything: The icon is 16x16 which is the right size ....doesn't work I've trying PNG,GIF and JPG formats none of them work. Tried different way of setting the icon....doesn't work. I've tried relative (local paths) e.g. "icon.gif" and absolute paths e.g. "...

how can i show progress bar while sending an email in java

hii every one I want to show progress bar while my program sends email how can i do it? ...

MigLayout JTextArea is not shrinking when used with linewrap=true

Hi. If I use a JTextArea with MigLayout like this: MigLayout thisLayout = new MigLayout("", "[][grow]", "[]20[]"); this.setLayout(thisLayout); { jLabel1 = new JLabel(); this.add(jLabel1, "cell 0 0"); jLabel1.setText("jLabel1"); } { jTextArea1 = new JTextArea(); this.add(jTextArea1, "cell 0 1 2 1,growx"); jTextArea1.setText("j...

Who interrupts my thread?

I understand what an InterruptedException does and why it is thrown. However in my application I get it when waiting for SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait() on a thread that is only known by my application, and my application never calls Thread.interrupt() on any thread, also it never passes the reference of the thread on to anyone. So my q...

Stack operations using swing

*strong text*I want to do the project in java titled " Stack operations using swing" ,it should be animated kind of showing detailed operations. ...