
Swing UIManager.getColor() keys

is there a list somewhere of the UIManager.getColor() keys for Swing? I can't seem to find it online, just occasional references to strings like "Panel.background" and "Table.selectionBackground". ...

List of Java Swing UI properties?

There seem to be a ton of UI properties that can be set with UIManager.put("key", value); Is there a list somewhere of all keys that can be set? ...

Java Swing: A list of all UIDefaults properties

Question: Where can I get a list of all UIDefaults properties that exist in Swing? I know of the possibility to write a small snippet of code that just extracts and displays them but I would like to know whether the list I get that way is really complete. When I do so, I get 636 properties for the Metal L&F, 613 for Windows L&F and 550 ...

Where are the java swing String for me to translate?

The JFileChooser don't provide support for my language, I'd translate strings defined in the file http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/JavaUIDefaults.txt with the UIManager.put(), but I'm not finding the popup strings ("view", "refresh" and "new folder" options when you right-click). Does anyone know where can I find them to translate? -...

Swing UI does not have native OS look

I am building an application in java swing and I am using the following code to give the UI a native OS look try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel( UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } On a OS X, the look is fine, but on windows (XP and 7) the buttons look like this. I have...

Video does not play in Flash Site. (Error 1120: Access of undefined property PLAYER)

Hello! I am trying to create a mini video portfolio on my flash website, but when importing the first video, I get 13 errors...all of which have something to do with either UIManager.as or VideoPlayer.as. I am assuming that the ActionScript is automatically generated, but I am unfamiliar with this idea. Here are the errors I keep gettin...

PyGTk pictures not showing in menu

Recently I've started to learn pygtk . As an exercise, I am planing to build a small feed reader. Currently I have the following (working) code: #!/usr/bin/env python import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk class FeedbarWindow(): prop_file = 'feedbar.prop' #Properties File menu_bar_ui = """ <ui> ...

What are the UIManager keys for JFileChooser and FileDialog?

I want to use the UIManager.get method in order to get and save the system look and feel for JFileChooser and FileDialog and then I want to change the look and feel. The problem is that I don't know what are the keys for Swing components that UIManager.get method uses. Is there any reference or any convention for that? Thanks ...