
Find Sybase stored procedure in db given a text string that appears in the proc

How do I find a stored procedure in a Sybase database given a text string that appears somewhere in the proc? I want to see if any other proc in the db has similar logic to the one I'm looking at, and I think I have a pretty unique search string (literal) Edit: I'm using Sybase version 11.2 ...

Report on individual password expiration intervals in Sybase ASE 12.5

I want to run a report to make sure the password of every user is set to expire every 30 days, but the expiration interval doesn't seem to be stored in syslogins? ...

unable to compile stored procedure in sybase ase11

Hi i have a two stored procedure a and b, b called by a, in a one temp tables created and in the sp b trying to access temp table of sp a, at compile time getting error for missing object. ...

How Can I Populate 2TB data for sybase database?

Hi.. For a kind of testing I need to create a sybase database and needs to populate the Database also.what are the best way to populate the database with some junk data? Also for me the create database is hanging or nearly 3 days?after disk init of 2.1TB,i given: $ isql -Usa -P"" -SSERVER1 1> create database teradb on tbfile = "2.1T" ...

Configuring SQL Anywhere to read from an ASE server

I have a Sybase ASE server that I'm able to connect to with ASE iSql totally fine. The database definition in my sql.ini file looks like: [<NAME>] master=TCP,<servername>,<port> to connect with iSql, I can make the following command-line call and it works: isql -U <username> -P <password> -S <NAME> My ultimate goal is to use SQL An...

How to do a full outer join without having full outer join available.

Last week I was surprised to find out that sybase 12 doesn't support full outer joins. But it occurred to me that a full outer join should be the same as a left outer join unioned with a right outer join of the same sql. Can anybody think of a reason this would not hold true? ...


When you want to insert default values into a table, some databases allow this syntax: INSERT INTO table DEFAULT VALUES; ASE does not support this. Using: INSERT INTO table (col2, col3) VALUES (DEFAULT, DEFAULT) and skipping the identity column works for columns with constant default values, but not for computed columns including ti...

Introspecting DEFAULT values and computed columns in Sybase ASE

For a Perl library that dumps Sybase schemas for DBIx::Class (::Schema::Loader), I need to be able to introspect DEFAULTs and computed columns. Suppose we have: create table bar ( id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, foo VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'foo', adt AS getdate(), ts timestamp ) Here's as far as I got: select substring(,1...

sybase - can not migrate database

hi, I am working on load database dumps to new ase server. but when I try to load 15gb and 32gb dumps to database, I get below error. When I load 2gb dump to db, everything fine. I search on net and they advice to get db dump with sp_flushstats in single user more but I have no chance to get new dumps. isql 1> load database db1 2> ...

Linq 2 Sybase ASE database? What are the options?

I have a need to query an existing Sybase ASE database and would like to use Linq syntax for my data retrival. I don't need write access, nor do I need the full set of Linq operators, just Select(), SelectMany(), Where(), and GroupJoin() What are options are available? In particular, I'm wondering about nHibernate and building a ne...

problem sybase autogenerated ids

Hi , I have a table in which the PK column Id of type bigint and it is populated automatically increasing order of 1,2, on i notice that some times all of a sudden the ids that are generated are having very big value . for example the ids are like 1,2,3,4,5,500000000000001,500000000000002 there is a huge jump after 5...ids 6 , 7 w...

sybase - fails to use index unless string is hard-coded

I'm using Sybase 12.5.3 (ASE); I'm new to Sybase though I've worked with MSSQL pretty extensively. I'm running into a scenario where a stored procedure is really very slow. I've traced the issue to a single SELECT stmt for a relatively large table. Modifying that statement dramatically improves the performance of the procedure (and rever...

Query on Vertical partitioning in Sybase

hi, Am working with sybase.In that i have a table A of some 2 million records containing some columns which i want to move out and make it as a separate table B. I have some questions in this process... 1. I have decided to use vertical partitioning.Is that ok? 2.Or what other technique can i go about using in this process? Please prov...

Advantages of Sybase's AseClient for ADO.Net 2 over the ODBC driver

We have an ETL process that reads data from a Sybase DB via the ODBC "Adaptive Server Enterprise" driver v12.05 I'm wondering if there any any performance advantages specifically to migrating to the .Net 2 Sybase.AdoNet2.AseClient.dll ? ...

Driver Problem in Sybase

Hi, I am working on XP m\c and right now I don't have sybase install. But My server has the sybase 12.5 (that much I only know). I am using web service to talk to that server. How can I call the data from that server, For this I am using a webservice which has some web methods that are using specific connection string. Right now I am...

Finding server password encryption properties

1> how can i find whether server is accepting encrypted password or not from C program using sybase library(encryption set by sp_configure "net password enryption reqd",1), to make sure whether i should call function ct_con_props (CS_SEC_EXTENDED_ENCRYPTION) or not ...

SYBASE "net password encryption reqd" avalaibility

Hi i am using sybase developer edition, i am being unable to set {sp_configure "net password encryption reqd",1}. Do i need any license for this. I get error message "Sybase :: How to start server created using sp_addserver" I am using sybase 15.0.3. ...

Access sql that triggered the trigger from within trigger (Sybase)

Is there a way to access the sql that triggered a trigger from within the trigger? I've managed to get it by joining to the master..monProcessSQLText MDA table but this only works for users with the mon_role and I don't want to give that to everyone. Is there a global variable I've missed? I'm trying to log all the updates run against...

Update on row for each group with max value in other column

I have to update a column in a very, very large table. So performance is a big issue. The question is the similar to this one, but only for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE 12.5.4) plus I need to do an update on the retrieved rows. Is there a way to do it without a self join like in the top voted answer for Oracle? This was the f...

Sybase Ase 15 error on multiple recordsets and active transaction

Hi all, we have very old VB6 applications connection to a Sybase database. Today they are running fine using the Open Client 12 drivers via ODBC connecting to a Syabse Ase 15 servers. There is a plan on upgrading to the OpenClient 15 drivers and with that version I'm getting this error: Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)' Transactio...