
Can/Should I name a Java project with an ampersand?

I'm creating a new Java project for a concept/construct that's usually referred to with an ampersand (e.g. PB&J). Is it ok to name the project that? Should I avoid it? Are there any symbols that are not allowed in Java project names? Are there any symbols that are generally avoided? Where do symbols come in with regard to Java project na...

Can someone give me the source code for the ScriptManager (

I know I can load the symbols for the class but i can't get it to work. I tried everything so i give up. I only need the code for this class. It's because i am using a custom script manager and i must know how the .net one works. thanks. [batenzetata] ...

C# equivalent of the Ruby symbol.

Hi, I'm developing a little C# application for the fun. I love this language but something disturb me ... Is there any way to do a #define (C mode) or a symbol (ruby mode). The ruby symbol is quite useful. It's just some name preceded by a ":" (example ":guy") every symbol is unique and can be use any where in the code. In my case i'...

Does program need additional symbols from .so shared library except those declared in header file?

In C programming, I thought that a object file can be successfully linked with a .so file as long as the .so file offers all symbols which have been declared in the header file. Suppose I have foo.c, bar.h and two libraries and The implementation of and is totally different, but I think ...

Avoiding exporting symbols from executables on Linux

I'm finding that when I link an executable against a static library (.a), the symbols from the static library end up being exported by the executable file. I would like to avoid this and export nothing. I've tried providing a version script, but it seems to make no difference. The contents of my version script are as follows: { glo...

What is the difference between "Local Linker Symbols" & "Local Program Variables"?

I want to know the difference between "Local Linker Symbols" & "Local Program Variables"? I'm reading a book which has this: What does each mean? Any examples? ...

undefined C/C++ symbol as operator

I notice that the character/symbol '`' and '@' is not used as an operator in C/C++, does anyone know the reason or historically why its so? if its really not used, is it safe to define those symbols as another operator/statement using #define? ...

Why don't more projects use Ruby Symbols instead of Strings?

When I first started reading about and learning ruby, I read something about the power of ruby symbols over strings: symbols are stored in memory only once, while strings are stored in memory once per string, even if they are the same. For instance: Rails' params Hash in the Controller has a bunch of keys as symbols: params[:id] or par...

How to create a .MAP file from a .PDB file

I would like to create a simple .MAP file listing addresses and symbol names from a PDB file. My natural inclination was to look for a tool named "pdb2map", but most of the results I get for that appear to refer to a sample program from the CD included with Debugging Applications for Microsoft .NET and Microsoft Windows, which unfortunat...

iPhone how do I programmatically substitute a degree symbol for the letter o in a string?

I know how to replace text in a string. But that's using keyboard (ASCII) characters. In Objective C, how do I indicate a degree symbol? Also, how do I get the ASCII code for a character? ...

In Clojure, how to define a variable named by a string?

Given a list of names for variables, I want to set those variables to an expression. I tried this: (doall (for [x ["a" "b" "c"]] (def (symbol x) 666))) ...but this yields the error java.lang.Exception: First argument to def must be a Symbol Can anyone show me the right way to accomplish this, please? ...

symbolicatecrash does not give me method names for my own functions

Hey all, Running into a weird issue using symbolicatecrash to debug crash logs. After I run symbolicatecrash with the .dSYM file of the build that crashed, it gives me function names for all of the Foundation classes, but not for my own app. Is there some setting in XCode that I may be missing? GENERATE DEBUG SYMBOLS is turned on to YES...

When to use or not use symbols in PHP

I'm reading a PHP book where the author says that symbols should be avoided except when it's valid to use them. Very informative stuff, if he could only elaborate or give code examples but he doesn't. Can someone from the experienced PHP bunch give me an example of what these symbols are, and when it makes sense to use them or not. I'm ...

Access Flash Symbol Via Code from an .as Class

Hi, I've got a movie clip symbol in my .fla file that I need to reference in an .as file which is in a subfolder in the project. I select the symbol in the library and edit its properties. Its name is bubble; I Export for ActionScript and Export in frame 1. I give it a class name of Bubble. Now I need to go to my .as class, called Som...

non-dynamic relocations refer to dynamic symbol

I am getting this error: non-dynamic relocations refer to dynamic symbol stderr failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value I am using a mips toolchain with fPIC p[ation. Lots of .o files and libraries are involved. How do I find the cause of the error? ...

Main Program and Shared Library initializes same static variable in __static_initialization_and_destruction_0

Does anyone know why a library initialized within dlopen() would initialize a static variable owned by the main program. Both the main program and shared library have a copy of the static variable, but for some reason the shared library re-initializes the main program's copy of the static variable and destructs it, causing a segfault wh...

How to embed Maths Symbols and Equations in Ajax Editor

I am trying to embed Maths Symbols and Equations in Ajax Editor. or provide some solution to implement maths symbols and equations in my application using rich textbox or some controls/plugins. Thank you. ...

ELF: linking: Why do I get undefined references in .so files

Hi, I'm trying to build a program against wxWidgets, and I get a linker error. I'd like to really understand what it means. The error is: /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init() const@GLIBCXX_3.4.11' What I don't understand is why the error is at I thought that .so fi...

How to detect unresolved symbol when creating a library ?

Hello everyone, Under Solaris 10, I'm creating a library that calls a function f() which is defined in library To compile the library, I declare in my code f() as extern. Unfortunately, I "forgot" to declare in A's makefile that it has to link with B. However, "make A" causes no warning, no error, and the library i...

Java: "cannot find symbol" error of a String[] defined within a while-loop

Here's the relevant code: public static String[] runTeams (String CPUcolor) { boolean z = false ; //String[] a = new String[6] ; boolean CPU = false ; while (z == false) { while (CPU==false) { String[] a = assignTeams () ; printOrder (a) ; for (int i = 1...