I've been writing PHP for years, and have used every framework under the sun, but one thing has always bugged me... and that's that the whole bloody thing has to be interpreted and executed every time someone tells my server they want the page served.
I've experimented with caching, FastCGI, the Zend Job Queue (and symfony plug-ins that...
the symfony form is,
'nation' =>new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => NationPeer::getAllNation())),
'township' =>new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => TownshipPeer::getAllTownship())),
On selecting the nation (like India) it should populate township(with the township within India). I Dont want to use Javascripts!
Hi folks !
I'm working on my first symfony project (it's great !), i am using the sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE widget for a form in the backend (to display the WYSIWYG).
It works fine, but at the frontend, instead of showing me the formated text, i have the strong,p,... tags in the text.
Same if i paste a youtube code for example.
What's the best way to make small schema updates to your symfony/doctrine application?
My issue is, I'm working on a new side-project and occasionally find myself adding a new column here, a new column there as i find the need. However, my DB already has existing data and I dont want to run a complete rebuild and drop my DB with the ch...
I am using a Select element, in form
'country' =>new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => CountryPeer::getAllCountry())),
'city' =>new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => CityPeer::getAllCity())),
i want that city element to be disabled, at the first time when the page loads. and on selection of country the city element will be en...
I am currently conducting a technical review of a web application that was developed by a third party. The used symfony framework. Are there any known issues that I should visit first? E.g. any security holes.
Thanks in advance for help.
I have an auto generated BaseBlahBlahBlahFilter.class file in my /lib/filter/base/ folder. It contain the following line for 'data' type field :
'date' => new sfWidgetFormFilterDate(array('from_date' => new sfWidgetFormDate(), 'to_date' => new sfWidgetFormDate(), 'with_empty' => true)),
When the form loads it shows me empty va...
I was wondering if anyone knew how to generate a fixture.yml from data that is already existing in the database?
As you can use the build-schema to generate a schema, is there a way to do that for data?
symfony propel:build-schema
Hi there,
I have a site where the users can view quite a large number of posts. Every time this is done I run a query similar to UPDATE table SET views=views+1 WHERE id = ?. However, there are a number of disadvantages to this approach:
There is no way of tracking when the pageviews occur - they are simply incremented.
Updating the ta...
What is the syntax for the using Swift Mailer Plugins in Symfony 1.3?
Its not:
$email = $this->getMailer()->compose();
$email->setBody($body, 'text/html');
$email->addPart($plain, 'text/plain');
$email->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin(100, 30));
How to add a custom error message in sfValidator, the form is
'name' =>new sfWidgetFormInput(),
'country' =>new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => CountriesPeer::getAllCountries())),
the validators
'name' =>new sfValidatorString(array('required'=>true)),
I am using Symfony 1.2 with the sfDoctrinePlugin.
I couldn't find any command to call the down method on a migration, neither the documentation suggests any related arguments to the existing doctrine migrate command.
What would be a way to rollback the migration I just ran successfully? Creating a new migration to undo is an option, but...
I've seen some posts and questions regarding this: how can I use Symfony's sfForm as a standalone library?
Just for managing a simple "hand-made" form but without the bulk of the framework.
Is there a table widget for Symfony? I know there are people who planned to build this, but don't know whether it got incorporated into Symfony or not.
It would be tremendously useful if table widget is available and all we have to do is to bind the array to it and it will show.
I have an issue that is quite annoying with symfony 1.2 and propel.
I have a model where I have implemented inheritance using the single-table strategy. So, here is an excerpt of my model:
Ad (id, posted_date, description)
then RealEstateAd(location, price, transaction_type) and JobAd(position, requirements, company) which inherit bo...
I am running Symfony (1.2.9) with PHP Version 5.2.11 on Windows XP.
I have APC installed (Version 3.0.19)
I can run PHP script to prove that apc is working correctly (works). However, when I try to use APC calls in a symfony action, I get this error (in the apache error.log file):
[apc-error] Cannot redeclare class sfconfig
Which pro...
Hi everybody.
I can not manage to have both i18n and tinyMCE widgets on internationalised fields.
If i put both, i will have internationalised fields for all my objects' fields, but no tinyMCE for them. I will have as much tinyMCE fields as i declared, but thew will not correspond to any language, they will be at the beginning or at the...
In my project I have 2 databases. propel-build-model is already set up to work for 2 databases - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/733224/multiple-databases-support-in-symfony
If I make changes to either of the databases, I need the propel-build-schema command to rebuild the schemas for both.
I know I can do this manually by amending ...
I am looking to distribute a symfony web app, but don't want to reveal its source code.
I know it is tough to obfuscate PHP, but I was wondering if there are any closed or open source solutions to obfuscate and/or encode the backend code so that someone receiving the app can run it but wouldn't be able to view the source code?
How can I properly switch the newly installed Symfony 1.4 framework from Doctrine (that it is configured for by default) to Propel?