
problem on setting symfony:sf_sandbox installation failed

hi :) new with symfony....plshelp me how to open the symfony system.. Now i already install symphony version 1.0.0 using the tutorial.. 1)When i check at cmd..xampp\php> php –v and symphony –V all is ok.. But when i check for xampp\htdocs\sf_sandbox> symphony –V(i got this msg...) C:\xampp\htdocs\sf_sandbox>symfony -V 'php.exe' i...

sfDoctrineGuardPlugin : signin form, error 'csrf token : required'

Hello, I have just installed sfGuardPlugin to manage my user. But since I have try to customize the signin page, I have an error "csrf token : required". And I don't find where the error come from, I think I didn't change other thing that the template. My signin form : <?php use_helper('I18N') ?> <span id='message'>Vous devez vous co...

How to modify/add post parameters in symfony?

Hi, How do I add more parameters to sfRequest object, on server side, before the request is processed? I tried below code but it does not work. $request->setParameter('formname[id]'); Many thanks in advance. ...

multi field widget - format in symfony backend

How to format fields of multifield widget (widget with many inputs) in backed module? I have widget based on sfWidgetFormSchema and in backend all fields of this widget are displayed in one line (in the same div). How to display them properly? It is possible in generator.yml? ...

symfony 1.4 how to get POST parameters?

I can get a parameter('id' for example) by $request->getParameter('id'); but if I use a form to POST the id, how could I get its value? $request->getParameter('id'); doesn't work. ...

Symfony : Need custom action in generator.yml poiting to different module

How can I add custom action in generator.yml that point to an action in different module than current. In other words, I am expecting something like below. // snippet from apps/backend/modules/users/config/generator.yml edit: title: User details display: [city, state, country, zip, phone, sms, email] action...

What are the possible issues in installing Symfony on shared hosting

I have developed an application in symfony which will have to be made live in few days. On a shared hosting service provider like GoDaddy I will have to keep the whole framework in the public_html. Certainly there are security issues but cant they be fixed in some way or other? ...

How to 'validate' a Symfony form in steps - instead of calling $form->isValid()

I am using Symfony 1.3.6 on Ubuntu. I have a form with a lot of fields on it - rather than showing all the fields in one go (which may intimidate the user), I want to break up the form into stages, so that a user can fill in only the fields displayed, at each step/stage (kinda like a wizard). In order to do that, I need to write custom...

Apostrophe CMS: Hosting questions + feasible to get into without Symfony experience?

I am looking for a clean, well-built CMS. I want to migrate a number of sites away from a self-built CMS which I will not be developing further. I've come across Apostrophe and instantly fell in love with the great, integrated user interface. It is based on the Symfony framework, which I have practically no experience with. My ques...

Symfony 1.4.6 loading factories.yml configuration from task

I have the following configuration set in my factories.yml file... all: mailer: param: transport: class: Swift_SendmailTransport param: command: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t overcome the 'double dot' issue as described here. When I run the following code... $mailer = $this->getMailer(); $mess...

Symfony 1.4: doctine i18n problem

Hi Volks, I have a weird problem with my i18n doctrine schema and i.a. the admin generator. (Please look at the edit part below first) The schema looks like: CargoSize: connection: doctrine actAs: Timestampable: ~ I18n: fields: [name, linkname, seoname, description] tableName: com_cargo_size...

Open source projects using Doctrine ORM

Following I'd like to ask: Do you know any open source projects using Doctrine ORM, good for reference purposes? What I recall: ZFPlanet Sympal (Symfony based CMS) ...

Symfony error handling for both website and REST API of website

I have a symfony project. There is a website and a rest API that projects all the actions that can be done on the website. I would like to manage the data handling (get, update, delete) for both website and API on the same code. I realized that I need to put all the code in the MODEL so that it will be accessible via the API module an...

php symfony exception handling/error handling

Working on a symfony application that uses nusoap (is this the best method for integrating soap work with php/symfony?) for taking credit card payments. I've simplified an example of my code below. What I'm struggling with is the best way to handle exceptions. The example below only has 1 custom exception (where should my custom except...

What are your best practices when developing symfony 1.4 forms/widgets/validators?

I am currently working on some symfony form customisation which includes writing widgets or better still extending existing ones. However this proves to be much more complicated as I thought it would as the functionality for validating, form elements, object saving, dynamic javascripts and so forth seem to be scattered all over the plac...

symfony pagination with join

How do you paginate a query that has a join in symfony? I am trying this code but it times out: $query=Doctrine_Query::create() ->select(',') ->from('company c, companyDetails d') ->where('c.companyId=d.companyId'); $pager = new sfDoctrinePager('company',10); $pager->setQuery($query); $pager->setPage(1); $pager->init(); $...

How to use Symfony framework with Mercurial?

I'm starting to use the Symfony php framework. Where can I find information about the use of Mercurial in my symfony projects? ...

[Symfony] Update all i18n fields from an action

What I'm trying to do is relatively simple but I can't find documentation. Let's say I have a model Thing with a field label. The label field is internationalized. How can I update all label fields from a model or an action? (I'm using Doctrine) ...

symfony 1.4: trying to replace the default 'Required' message

Hi, im trying to replace the default 'Required' message in this validator: $this->setValidator('email', new sfValidatorAnd(array( new sfValidatorEmail(array('required' => true, 'trim' => true)), new sfValidatorString(array('required' => true, 'max_length' => 80)), new sfValidatorDoctrineUnique(array( 'model' => 'sfGuardU...

Php framework to slowly refactor an inherited site

Hi, I've recently inherited a medium-sized php site which is horribly coded. It violates every best-practices methodology, from MVC to DRY, is vulnerable to SQL-injection and everything in between. I've visited the other questions and already put everything on a VCS and am considering the framework alternatives. However I'd like your ...